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Pixieplumb Flanagan

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Everything posted by Pixieplumb Flanagan

  1. 1. When you say simply keep wearing my own shape and don't replace it, do you mean don't use the mesh body? No. In SL we all have to wear four things which can ONLY be replaced, NEVER removed. They are a shape, a skin, an eyebrow shaper (sometimes called a bald cap or system hair but they are the all the same thing) and eyes. Your shape is what defines your SL face and body. It will affect a mesh body when that is worn. You will need to wear an alpha to blank out the default SL body. Your Lara body comes with an assortment of alphas i believe, and there will be one which leaves the SL head showing. 2. I do demo all my clothes before I buy them and they all fit for my classic avi (the one I chose when I signed up) but they don't fit when I try to put them on my mesh body No, because these are probably in standard sizes which rarely work on any of the mesh bodies. Some will still work, so it will be trial and error, with some underlying SL shape tweaking needed. Your best course of action is to try new clothes that have been made for the Lara body. Most mainstream clothing stores include a Lara size in their newer clothes. Always try the demo, and be prepared to use the HUD that came with your Lara body to hide any clipping. It's up to you how much use you make of this, or if you decide to only buy from the Maitreya store itself, where the clothes will fit perfectly. 4. I'm not sure what you mean by skins.... You will be wearing a skin already, and when your wear your Lara body you'll notice that there is a difference between that and your face. You need to use a skin applier made by the same people who made your skin. Your Lara body includes a number of preset skins, which match the skins offered by Glam Affair, so you might want to check them out and change your face skin to match the Lara body skins. Otherwise you will need to buy Maitreya compatible skin allpiers for your Lara body. These appear as a HUD on your screen and you just click them. Applier clothing works in the same way, and can be the best option for some lingerie, stockings and close fitting clothes like tank tops or leggings. They also help achieve a layered look.
  2. OK, I'm going to assume you bought something on the marketplace and it hasn't been delivered? You should send a polite IM and a notecard to the seller, including the transaction history, NOT the invoice or order number. You should also contact LL as they are responsible for marketplace delivery fails, not the merchant. It makes sense to let the merchant know, because if the item is copiable, as most marketplace items are, they can simply manually send you a replacement and it quicker than having LL deal with it. What is useless is posting the information you have here; Lindens rarely come to these forums. If you update your question please do not name the merchant as that is prohibited in these forums. Good luck in getting whatever you bought.
  3. I have 5 KittyCats and have never had any problems with them. They are permapetted, and loads of fun. A great product, excellent support and a lively in world presence with lots of friendly activity. OP seems to have an unhappy time in sl, always feeling wronged when people don't agree with him. People will have their own opinions, and that's SO annoying I can't help but be sorry when people feel their own inadequacies so sharply that trying to tear other, more successful people down is their only recourse. What must it be like to have to live that way? Just awful, I imagine. Of course, he might just be a troll, so let's see if he can indeed stay away from this rather necro'd thread!
  4. Lol, yeah, I have one of those atm. I think it's mainly because people don't read the description/user manual and are then angry with themselves for their own stupidity, so they redirect it at the unfortunate merchant! Of course you do also get the trolls who are jealous of a successful store owner because they can't do it themselves, and the sad deranged ones who are just spiteful and lash out. And of course the competitors who don't make the same effort so fail to get sales. All we can do is correct the lies, flag the reviews/comments and move on. The people doing this can never move on, because they are trapped in their own pointless spiral of self loathing, failure and spite.
  5. There's also the 'what is she wearing' HUD, which is free on marketplace. It works on chaps as well. You can't stop people checking out your attachments, but texture layers are still safe and private. So that's a thought. You could go 2008 retro and no one would have a clue what you had on, nor any desire to copy you. Problem solved.
  6. You should file an abuse report with full details of the threats. Aside from muting them and any known alts, the AR is all you can do. If you are no longer using a child avi then you have the option to visit new places where they are less likely to see you and cause you any problems.
  7. LiquidLogicXX, we're not unsympathetic to your situation here; it sucks to feel that you have been treated unfairly or duped. However, as much as you'd like things to be different, this is how SL always has been and always will be. As Innula has explained, the time it would take to try to arbitrate every dispute of this kind makes it utterly impractical for LL to do, unless they implemented huge fees to use SL. If you look through the forums you will see that this issue has been brought up many many times, and it's always the same. All you can do is either accept things as they are or leave. sorry we can't be more optimistic.
  8. It's been this way since SL began in 2002; probably thousands of people have asked questions similar to yours, and throughout that time the answer has remained the same. LL will NEVER intervene in resident to resident disputes unless they contravene the TOS, and this situation doesn't, however much you might think it should. Landowners can eject anyone they like, at any time, and don't expect that to change or affect LL's bottom line.
  9. Hi Amelia, this is in the wrong forum; you need to post this in Commerce: Wanted
  10. You do have the option to NOT make appliers for that particular body, and to explain why you have chosen to take that decision. But in general I doubt many people would want to do more than add a very slight grey/colour tint, as anything more would cause increasing loss of detail. A few might go for the white option and colour away, and I agree, that would be very 2008 Most people won't want to bother at all. But aside from refusing to make appliers for that body, I don't think there's anything you can do.
  11. By the looks of it, you accepted and wore/rezzed a fraudulent gift card and granted it debit permissions. It has subsequently drained your account, and in all likelihood transferred the lindens away via other alt accounts. While it's remotely possibly LL would be able to retrieve your money, it's by no means certain, since you must have granted the debit permission. There is absolutely no other way for this to happen. You need to detach and delete the object you were sent and file an abuse report as soon as possible. Also, be aware that the other frequently used scam to remove lindens in by directing residents to fake marketplace/other sites, which then log your password. If this had happened to you however, your entire balance would have been withdrawn in one go, and you'd be more likely to notice that someone had logged into your account. Good luck anyway, and for the future you'll need to be more vigilant. edit: eventgiftsl Resident - this account has already been deleted by LL.
  12. Please don't duplicate post here; it prevents other questions from being seen. Amethyst and Lindal have both answered you, so you should refer to your original post for the answer to your question.
  13. The Amacci hair fair gift is now a group gift in their store. The group is free to join The style is Zip Duo and is a very cute up do with little buns. I picked up almost all of the hair fair gifts, and found that although a few were not my style, all were well made and most included generous HUDs to change the colours and accessories. It's a mistake that very few stores now make, to put out gifts of lower quality than full price items. We know that freebies are one of the best marketing tools in SL, and whilst there will always be people who pick up the gifts and never shop, we still have to showcase our products to the best of our ability. I would NEVER put out a gift that wasn't good enough to sell, and no more would any merchants I know.
  14. In addition to the suggestions given, you can also create a banner for the bottom of your posts as Pam and I have done here. Many merchants/business owners do this, and the more you are active and helpful/amusing in the forums the wider your name will spread. Obviously you cannot openly advertise your place of business in the content of your posts. There may also be in world groups you could join which allow the sending of regular notices. There are many ways to promote your business in SL. good luck
  15. I assume you have a Linden starter home. These have an allowance of 117 prims and the prim allowance cannot be increased. Linden homes offer better prim benefits than owning a tier free 512 plot, because the prims of the house do not count against your allowance. A 512 plot also has 117 prims allocated, but without a house. If you want more prims you will have to buy or rent a larger plot.
  16. Hi Pauline, you're a busy bee and no mistake! I hope you hired a good baby sitter for while you're out prostituting. I should probably let you know that there are a few child protection RPers in sl, so you be careful now!
  17. You receive the L$1,000 after your account has been active for 45 days. The weekly stipend, currently L$300 for new sign ups, is paid on Tuesdays.
  18. If you purchaes templates without the dae files, or if you prefer not to upload the mesh yourself, you can attach a small invisible (fully transparent) prim to the mesh. Make sure the prim created by you is the root prim (last linked). Set this prim to 100% transparency. This is a particularly important step if you are going to use a third party texture/colour HUD, as most require the root prim, that the scripts go into, to be created by you. Also, please when you have finished texturing your items and taken them into your inventory, prior to boxing up or putting into a folder, attach them one at a time to a body part other than right hand! It's a small thing, but it does make a difference not to have the default attachment point overloaded
  19. Oh pull the other one, Can, it's got bells on! He quite clearly said he would HAVE to rp having a miscarriage if he couldn't find someone to play at doctors with him. He doubled down claiming people wanted to 'see his baby suffer and die'. This 'baby' is an attached script. This is either a determined troll, albeit one of very low intelligence, or someone in dire need of an intervention before they are lost to reality entirely. Claims of 'doing rp right' are just a ridiculous grasp, although an unsurprising one from someone who claims that they were thwarted by meaniehead parents in their easily attainable dreams of practising medicine, modelling and acting! Far from being capable of attaining any of these goals I'd be surprised if he can walk and chew gum at the same time. From the very beginning he has vomited out his drunken, misspelled, grammar free, offensive, entitled ramblings. He's a sick puppy, and your defence of him is making you look like a numpty. Clearly you have a need to be seen as a defender of the weak. I hope your subsequent projects are somewhat deserving. This one is not.
  20. So very tempting. Pauline is just too easy to mock, poor bloke. I wonder if the nursing staff in his secure unit know he's been sneaking onto SL!
  21. Open the classifieds tab in your profile and delete your ad.
  22. I had this happen to me today. I contactd live chat who said: send an AR and then send the money to Governor Linden. You should absolutely contact live chat as soon as you possibly can and send an AR withh all the details including transaction history. Also mute and ban the account that did this.
  23. Short answer, you can't. LL only keeps 32 days history available. You can either download your transacions regularly, or if you are a merchant use a vendor system that records marketplace sales, eg: Caspervend. Obviously that won't keep non sales transactions of course. If you haven't downloaded your past 32 day history it's now gone.
  24. LMAO, how did I miss the comedy gold in that thread before now?! Also, did 'someone' call 'someone else' a 'retard' (yeah, I know; there were quite a few other insults to people aside from that one) and then post the community guidelines specifically 'Please ensure your future posts on this forum adhere to these guidelines, and keep it civil and inpersonal'? Well, that's just not civil, now is it?
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