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Pixieplumb Flanagan

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Everything posted by Pixieplumb Flanagan

  1. I'm not sure, but it's possible that leaving your review on an older version might contravene LL's terms of service and the seller could successfully flag your review. It's pretty infuriating I agree, but personally I would write it off as a lesson learned and privately advise my friends against using that merchant unless there are full demos available. I am sorry this has happened to you.
  2. Yeah, as Ze says, flexi is a property possible with traditional 'built in world' prims, and can only be applied to some shapes, (cubes and cylinders). Mesh can never be flexi as things currently are in sl. However, some mesh hairs do have added flexi prims, I think Argrace have a few. Can't say how recently though.
  3. I have this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BM-Heidi-Dress/12497228
  4. Or maybe a time travel shop called Come Back Yesterday?
  5. I looked at the demo for these on marketplace here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CREATIVE-SCANDAL-264-SOCKS-DEMO/25648598 and it's not possible to detach the foot part. However, you could rework the textures in PS or Gimp by adding an alpha channel to render the foot part invisible. It's a lot of work and expense though, so BOM socks are likely the easier way to go.
  6. I remember a Lessbeef Morpork. Nice chap. And Immy (Imnotgoing Sideways) of course; she was lovely.
  7. Well, of course I have no idea who this shopkeeper might be but (removes tongue from cheek) they sound marvellous! (I am lovely in real life too)
  8. Hello fellow forum users Free account here, because, really I don't need the group spaces, land allowances, slightly (let's be honest) dubious 'special' gifts, rinky dink houses - so cute, but I just don't need one, or stipend - bless!! LL make a nice little packet out of me, in marketplace sales commissions and cash out fees. Because even though this has been my actual full time job for (checks notes, blanches, swallows) 15 years, like any business I don't spend money I don't have to. I rent my inworld store from a lovely landowner who gives me no grief whatsoever, and whom I sincerely hope is also cashing out with pocket jangling regularity. Despite being very reasonably priced xxx Soo, no, we don't need a special rich kids of SL enclave. If you're so loaded you don't know what to do with it all, why not have a hot shower and rip up fivers. peace out.
  9. My informant was Dollen McMillan, so this would possibly be the first person to contact. Thank you xxx
  10. I was sad to hear today that Palomma Casanova of the Free Dove has passed. I'm very sad, but she is beyond suffering now, which is a blessing, as was counting her a friend throughout my time here. Her hard work and generosity were remarkable, and SL will be the poorer without her.
  11. I'd love to visit your store, if you would drop me a landmark in world? thanks
  12. It couldn't, although mesh with different faces could selectively hide by face, but typically a pant leg will have just one face. There is also a limit to how many faces each mesh can have. And yes, you're right, it still wouldn't fix all clipping. I guess it's all part of the fun of shopping in world! Of course, if you buy a complete outfit in world it absolutely should all work together in all combinations.
  13. There would need to be separate textures for each colour of each item with graduated alpha'd areas. Each variant would be a separate texture upload. It's just not practical currently as mesh is. There's a whole other issue of alpha channels on mesh items that causes issues as well. With the alpha cuts on mesh bodies it's a much simpler process with an on/off for each cut. Even so, at times you can have awkward situations when the cuts don't perfectly match the clothes worn.
  14. That would vastly exceed LL's desired remit. They 'could', but in reality they won't. They really don't police the grid much at all, and truly would not care about something like this. This would require all creators to come together, to make many many multiples of every item, say a pair of flared jeans would need a 'tucked in' version to work with boots that go over, and possibly an extra wide version for boots that go under. Mesh just doesn't 'suck in' or stretch over other mesh - it's not dynamic like that. Whilst it would be lovely if this were a thing, it's not. Perhaps one day it will be. Even then, it's a huge ask for every single item to work with everything else. Also, how is a mesh sweater supposed to know whether it should tuck in or go over a pair of jeans?! I think there used to be, back in the early years, something of the sort. How to open boxes and carry stuff, etc. If LL could see a benefit from this, they would do it. I guess some new sign ups decided it was too much of a drag, so they skipped. SL is for most people a game, an escape. They don't want to be hassled about stuff, and rude people could complete the course, bugger off and be rude anyway!
  15. I surely do hope you're not accusing me of ever griefing you, because that would be a lie and you know it would. I've had precisely zero in world interactions with you, and I'm happy to keep to that schedule.
  16. LOL, no. You have school shootings because of a desperately stupid misinterpretation of your 2nd amendment and insufficient politicians to challenge it. The pro-gun lobby are rich, and money matters more than lives.
  17. Well that is something LL absolutely do not allow, so I'd advise you against it!
  18. Ok, hands up I didn't read through the entire 150 + pages of the previous thread, but surely LL are having to comply with USA law in the gacha removal? If there is ire to direct it would be better aimed at the people who make US law. Necessary disclaimers: It doesn't affect me; I didn't use gachas to sell stuff and I didn't play them either. I don't care if they are here or not, and I have no beef with US law as I don't live there, but there's no point being mad at LL. They're a US based company and they have to comply with the law, move jurisdictions or cease trading. That's all. Have a super day, m'chums on the f'rums xxxxxxx
  19. we see what you did there; and we applaud you for it xxxxxxx
  20. So, I haven't read the whole thread, but mainly what I'm getting is no one is all that bothered. So, excellent, that's all cool.
  21. It's possible (not sure at all) that this is a morphed picture, in which case that shirt/cardigan doesn't exist in sl at all.
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