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Pixieplumb Flanagan

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Everything posted by Pixieplumb Flanagan

  1. I must assume that you are unfamiliar with the work of the British humorist Miranda Hart? You should look her up, she's brilliantly funny. Prok is mistaken, I am not a 'concern troll'. I'm not any sort of troll. I have been in sl for 10 years, not quite as long as Prok, but a fair time. I have an established business and I can use the JIRA if I wish to. I came into this thread with genuine suggestions, like almost all the other contributors, and I reiterated that I was NOT in a previous thread, saying 'if you don't like it leave', which was how Prok misinterpreted what I did say, which you could go back and find, if you had a genuine interest or curiosity. I'll save you the effort, I asked why, since she didn't seem to like SL or LL, and since she is repeatedly attacked by griefers, what her reasons for staying might be. So, in summary, I can see a troll here. Pro-tip: it is not I.
  2. It isn't, I wasn't, and if you'd read the whole thread you'd know better. Prok is irrelevant to me and 'my' sl. I offered sympathy and was called a troll. Prok volunteered the information that she and her alts are banned from the JIRA. I just asked why. I have no expectation that she will answer. I have no reason to want to 'discredit her' - I don't rent land, not do any of my sl friends, so we're certainly not in competition. And revenge? Bless. Prok has done me no harm beyond some childish name calling, which I brushed off, because yanno, sticks and stones and all that The intention (or goal, if you wish) of my posts is to comment, give my opinion, make a few jokes, you know, the whole purpose of the forum. In another place you were made unwelcome, and I post there too, occasionally. I did not agree with you there or then, and you're still wrong. Good day to you, sir, I say, good day!!
  3. Um, how kind, /s off. Done until you're back with a rinse & repeat, I expect. My sympathies are now entirely with the dwindling pool of your residents. Also, WHY are you and your alts banned from the Jira? Asking for a friend
  4. Are there any shopping groups for the products you sell? If so, you could offer a small gift to members of those groups, by putting a vendor configured to that group only in your store. Then put a group joiner for your own group and another gift vendor for that close by. If your group has a join fee you can justify it by promising a regular gift, monthly or every other month, whatever suits your work flow. Some vendor systems also have a facility for you to offer discounts by group, with either a lower price option or automatic refunds. So you could offer limited time discounts on some items. Perhaps also consider offering a percentage of total spend as store credit. Also, to build group membership, consider offering a special gift to members when the group has grown to a certain size. I do or have done all of these, and they do work
  5. Also, I just found this store: <Advertising Link Removed> thanks to that blog;some really nice resources here, ta Prok
  6. LOL, smh. Ok, no, I don't actually think this is a fetish, certainly not in a sexual sense. But you are obsessed with this, and because you always rise to the teasing and bullying and griefing you are rewarding the people who do it. I expect that you are quite fully aware of this now. Part of the reason you are targeted is that you link your rl identity to your sl one, and your views are known to be considered extreme. To be blunt, you're viewed as an obsessed nutter guaranteed to go off with the slightest provocation. You get outraged when people are rude to you, but you are terribly rude as well. We call this hypocrisy. It isn't 'absence of character' to disagree with someone. Bless your heart, perhaps you can't help it; as Phil points out, the rl picures aren't of a happy person. Sure, block/ban me; I'm not your problem. I don't grief you, I don't care about you or your business or your tenants, and block/banning me won't make the slightest bit of difference to your abusers or your pitiable situation. I did care a bit about how unhappy you were, but now that we've established that you just love to whinge and won't make any attempt to change, well, foxtrot oscar, basically.
  7. Yanno Phil, I am slightly beginning to wonder if maybe this is a fetish thing for Prok? I mean it's a bit left of centre, and YKINMKBYKIOK, and left is not a natural place to put Prok, but it could be? We should not judge. (solemn face emoji)
  8. Uh huh, well, I'm still not a 'concern troll', adorable as that sounds I can't say for sure, but it certainly appears to be the case that you either get griefed a lot more than anyone else, or that it bothers you more than anyone else, or that other people who are griefed simply use the tools available and the problem stops/diminishes/becomes bearable. Whichever it is, I'm absolutely sure that until you change something that you do this isn't going away. And you won't change what you do, because you don't have to, and you're not breaking the TOS and the Lindens should fix it. This will run and run - I have popcorn. And whilst I am not a 'concern troll' (are they the ones with the crazy hair and bodies that look, but do NOT taste like caramel?) I am a wee bit less moved by Prok's situation than I was last week. More entertained, though, so lucky me!
  9. When I asked you for your reasons for staying you misinterpreted my words to mean the above. That was neither what I said nor what I meant. It was rather a genuine and serious question, and you haven't answered it, although of course you don't have to. But when many people have made repeated suggestions to you to mitigate the bullying you suffer, and it IS bullying, and I DO sympathise, you turn those suggestions away, wilfully misunderstand them and refuse to help yourself. OF COURSE you and your tenants should not be griefed, but what actually happens both in rl and here is NOT ideal and bad people do mean stuff, because they can and because they know it teases (thanks Mr Dodgson). I think all you've done is conclusively prove that griefers can grief and LL will not always or effectively stop it. I hope your week gets better.
  10. If the horse you are sitting on is a worn attachment (vis the new wearable bento horses available with the new starter avatars) then you are not actually sitting; you just look like you are. Real sitting, whether on the ground or on a (non worn) chair/rock/whatever always works against pushing. This has been a constant is sl for many years, and is not going to have changed lately
  11. Maybe the world just hates you, maybe you delete stuff in your sleep, maybe LL employees do it to troll you. It sure is a mystery, but I bet LL will be on it something fierce to make sure it never happens again. Unless they don't. You shouldn't worry about it though; that can be bad for you <concern trolling or real concern - hard to tell...or is it?> I'm here all week; try the fish.
  12. This is known as 'not really leaving when you said you would.' Keep sputtering, you old softy
  13. You don't have to. It was suggested as a way of making your life easier. That's all.
  14. Well, you could trawl through my previous posts (there seem to be 300 of them) but just to save you time, no, I don't advocate that at all. Sometimes, for some people, leaving is the best option. But at no time do I suggest it. I simply asked why you stay when you don't seem to like it. Really, it's rather odd that anyone stays in a situation that makes them unhappy/annoyed unless they have to.
  15. But lots of people have an alt to sell off gacha duplicates. That's not your brand; it's selling second hand stuff from someone else.
  16. I'm guessing the part where I said 'I'm not suggesting you SHOULD leave, if you still enjoy it and want to continue.' didn't register? I'm all for people working to improve things, and so long as you want to be in SL, more power to you I'm not the slightest bit bothered by criticism or conflict; it's all part of life's rich tapestry. As I was at pains to point out, I was just curious about YOUR motivation.
  17. Prok, serious question. You seem, (and I'll be happy to be corrected) to think that LL dislike you or consider you some sort of irritation, and you seem to rather dislike them too. If this is so, why do you stay on SL? Isn't it possibly going to cause you more perturbation and annoyance? I have no personal axe to grind here, as I'm neither a Linden nor one of your customers, just curious. I'm not suggesting you SHOULD leave, if you still enjoy it and want to continue. As I said, I'm just curious. Anyway, I do wish you a happy weekend.
  18. Thanks for fixing my mistake there, Chase xxxxxx
  19. There's a large monthly event called The Arcade and several other smaller events. Many (most?) charity events/fairs also have a gacha section.
  20. Do you recall if it was sung by a man or a woman? It might be Hazard by Richard Marx
  21. I think the tone of your second notecard was rather rude. It is possible that the merchant didn't even see the first one, and who are you to tell someone what they have time for?; they might have been absent from sl for all sorts of reasons. You don't have any automatic right to updated products unless that is a specific store policy. Naturally if an update is due to a problem with the original that's another matter, but otherwise no. To then deliberately purchase demos simply to leave nasty reviews is utterly petty, and it was entirely right for LL to remove them. You were attempting to bully and blackmail the merchant, and that kind of behaviour is never going to succeed. I'm not at all surprised that you were muted after such mean spirited and entitled behaviour.
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