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Pixieplumb Flanagan

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Everything posted by Pixieplumb Flanagan

  1. You don't like Mr Obama, do you? I bet he's all upset about that.
  2. you were - you had scouts that night, and then your mum said you were washing your hair.
  3. Also, sheesh, i pop out to buy a few bare essentials of life (speaking of which, it seems sainsbury no longer stock the light varieties of Belvoir fruit squash. shocking.) and when i come back there's argy bargy and shenanigans. tish and pish, next time you jolly well wait for me. meanies. (Not Phil - he's m'chum.)
  4. Who abolished shalvery? and why????? I loved it, oh the nights my friends and I would shalve together and sing songs and pop corn - <sigh> such good times.
  5. I would guess yes. Golly, states rights, eh? Isn't that usually a synonym for proud to be backward?
  6. golly prok, no need for personal abuse; isn't that a bit rude? chuh.
  7. I think we (there is a we here, but you're not in it) can see what exactly is all over the place. And it's not what you think
  8. Yes, my husband is a proper Cockney and whenever we go to London to visit our daughter (we live in Cornwall) his accent becomes more 'eastenders' with every passing mile. He says I do a similar thing when we go to Amersham (a small country town in Buckinghamshire) where I'm from; apparently my vowels become so strangled I sound like the queen. I don't know cute we might sound, but we give each other hours of laughter!
  9. Well, better table manners and a proper appreciation of the English language, for a start, but otherwise, no, not much.
  10. Firstly that doesn't actually scare many Europeans, given that it was written a long time ago and doesn't sound too bad in any event, and secondly, if you think that's how successful socialist countries in Europe actually function then I guess you're about as well travelled and educated as most Americans.
  11. Crime? Oh dear, you have got your knickers in a twist. Do you think I hate you? Surely not. You're not of any consequence to me to qualify for that. You really are just a bit of a sad case, and it's a shame you get teased and wound up like you do, but you'll continue to bring it on yourself because you can't help it. I'm just teasing you because you rise to it without fail. It's the same reason you get griefed in world. You're just too easy. Also, anyone who would choose trump over Jeremy Corbyn, who I have met, and who is a man of utter decency and integrity, well, you're beyond parody, frankly. You just openly supported a paedophile, a rapist, a traitor to your own country. Wow. Amazing. No hatred, prokky, but a fair measure of sickened disgust, which I wager is shared quite widely. What a sad little woman you are.
  12. Nah, prok's in the USA, but she gets into quite the tizzy.
  13. Very much indeed - surely this is the essence of decency? That we all work to the best of our ability and get all that we need, regardless of the wealth or status of our parents. Is a child of rich people genuinely entitled to a better life than a child of poor people? Anyone who would say yes is beneath all human contempt, and has abandoned any pretence of humanity, Christianity, or indeed any pretence that they are other than the lowest, greediest, nastiest among us.
  14. Oh you're back; I guess we can't win them all. I'm in the UK, and the Sams, being a listening service, does have a certain amount of protected status in terms of when we have to notify the authorities. Specifically, threats or claims to have committed acts of terrorism or treason. That's it. Otherwise our service is confidential, so yes, if someone rang us, told us they had killed their spouse and were about to kill their children we cannot and do not notify the police, ambulance service or any other authority. Now, some people have a problem with that, in training, and cannot cope with this. They are either told that they are unsuitable, or decide so for themselves. I am aware that other counties have different laws - there's a shocker! - but as a UK resident and citizen I only have to concern myself with ours. I have no hatred, 'seething' or otherwise,* bless your daft little cotton socks. I just see you the same way as 99% of other sl residents do. As a rather silly obsessed old bird with a reds under the beds complex and a loyal band of dedicated griefers to tease you. *I'll make an exception for your president - I hope he burns, and soon. He's simply dreadful in every conceivable way.
  15. Actually, prokster, I'm a Samaritan, and whilst our mission statement is still that fewer people die by suicide, if someone calls us, and has decided on that course, and doesn't change their mind, then it is our duty and responsibility to stay on the phone with them while they die. I'm fortunate; I haven't had to do that yet, but some of my colleagues have. You should just straight up admit that you hate socialism because you hate, fear and envy fairness, equality and all that is kind and decent in other humans. Your bitterness is evident in every post you make. I don't require anyone else's estimation of my moral worth. You, on the other hand, desperately strive to be regarded more highly that you ever are, and long for validation and support. You could give that some thought.
  16. Well at least it's their choice. You're still more likely to be shot in the US than to top yourself in Finland. As to the rest of your dribble, well, it's dribble, it's what you do best. You're good at hate and not much else. You poor old thing.
  17. pfft, it works in Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland. All of which are better countries by far than the US for, oh shucks, just about everything. Happiness, life expectancy, child care, education, healthcare, maternity care, people not getting shot by the police, people not getting shot by their neighbours, people just generally not getting shot really, better social care, better mental health support. Those countries are cleaner, you know, just face it. Socialism works. The US, on the other hand, is being run into the ground by a nazi sh1t gibbon and his pals. Sucks to be you.
  18. Jenny, this is your third thread with the exact same question, photo and answer. You've clearly seen the replies already, so just either buy some feet or stop wearing shoes like that. kthnx
  19. Hectic, eh? Is this one of those 'telling calm people to calm down so that they get flustered (or hectic, if you prefer) thereby justifying the calm down injunction in the first place' things? oh honey
  20. Brutal? oh honey. But anyway, you have a great day too xxxx
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