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Pixieplumb Flanagan

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Everything posted by Pixieplumb Flanagan

  1. Chic I love you!! So annoying that they can't let us know stuff like this. anyway, done now. sheesh.
  2. Caspervend, which is used by more merchants than not, requires that all items be boxed. I know, it's the end of the world. s/off
  3. Did the page for additional information take 3 hours and still not load? This is no way to run a business!!
  4. This really sucks; would there be any point opening a ticket referencing this forum thread and requesting that the items be restored? Good luck anyway.
  5. Perhaps there will be more stores in world, and maybe that will be nice. A majority of my sales are via the marketplace, and I'll be adjusting pricing there to accommodate the increased fees, since people can easily come and shop in world instead if they'd like to save a few lindens That's the case for pretty well all of us who maintain our full product range on the marketplace (the sales proportion, not necessarily the price adjustments). Really I'm happy to still be making a good living at this malarkey after 12 years in business (whew!).
  6. Granted; but now all your loved ones are getting itchy wool socks, and for Christmas lunch you're having Brussels sprouts surprise. I wish the rain (in Cornwall) would stop.
  7. Bit rude, bit supercilious, bit of an undeserved superiority complex showing <sighs> still, the main thing is the Lindens will totally read all this, will totally change how they do stuff (doing stuff is, I imagine, pretty much their entire job description) and then everything will be peachy keen. Or not. Probably not. How long ago was this outage anyway?
  8. Your best bet is always contacting the gacha vendor and asking them.
  9. snippety snip That would be moi, actually, and I didn't notice. Perhaps it was night time here and I was asleep, or maybe I was out buying the prosecco, vim and marmite that fuels my meat body (lolz). Still, all better now, right? ps. kidding about the marmite, obviously. Oh, vim is a scouring powder, very good on burnt on stuff and lavatories (I'm told).
  10. Microtransactions absolutely everywhere! Yes, yes there are. And you know why? Because I need prosecco, vim and pasta. chuh.
  11. It sounds a bit like Club Baby Seals, which truly was a place back in 2008 ish I think. It had a membership and entrance fee and aimed at being an elite place. I never saw the point as back then I used to go dancing at The Boathouse, which was lively, small, fun and friendly.
  12. It means whacky, attractively crazy, very lively in colouration (for objects); the behaviour of manic pixie dream girl characters in films is often described as zany, the sort of person who dances on tables and does funny voices, unconventional, a bit eccentric.
  13. That's odd - I have Neve and have just had the latest update delivered. It has Omega pre-installed and as with all the LAQ heads you can use their skin and make up appliers for a wider variety of looks. Going by the group chat, quite a lot of people have posted various looks they've done with this head. Of course, Mallory makes a lot of heads, and people have their favourites. I have Leia, Neve, Maxine (pre-Bento) and Noelle and wear them all. What sort of support do you find is lacking? Have you contacted the store with an issue and not heard back? It's usually worth sending a notecard and IMs, just in case a message is missed.
  14. A lot of people do use applier clothing; to layer under closely fitting mesh, to make a quick to load outfit for shopping at fairs and events and for other reasons too. I get asked for more applier items all the time.
  15. Just a thought, have you copied the lower texture into the socks line on the Maitreya texture loader notecard? I forgot to copy the upper part into the gloves line and had shorter sleeves than I should have had on a sweater for a while until I realised!!
  16. I just checked and hilariously an old dress of mine was unlisted. I tried relisting it. Banned word in description. Oookay, could word be cocktail? Nope, erm, neoprene? Nope. Could word actually be name of dress? Dress called Tiffany. Name taken out of description. Item still automatically unlisted. Banned word in name field. Name is problem word. Name was not problem word in June this year when dress last sold on marketplace (is VERY old dress). Dress deleted from marketplace, because name change not possible and very old dress after all. Curiosity winning, do quick search for word 'Tiffany' on marketplace. Find 4183 matching results, in many categories, some from store called Tiffany. Tiffany is girl's name, so not surprising, also no disrespect to store on marketplace called Tiffany - is nice name, hence why chose it for dress. Also many dresses and outfits etc. also called Tiffany from other stores. Am confuse. Will have coffee. Am glad is only old dress. LL, why though? Because Tiffany is famous shop? John Lewis also famous shop, so nothing called John or Lewis now?
  17. Probably, sadly, yes. Some items might be worth keeping if you love the style and you don't have to make too many concessions to your shape and HUD alpha usage, but by and large you might as well chuck it all out. If you still have texture clothes you love you can still use those with a BOM (bakes on mesh) compatible viewer.
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