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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. Every year, for us, it's the same thing. For about two weeks during the summer we tell each other "We should get an air conditioner or two." We have a lot of casement style windows and we have a hard time finding the right sized, right priced available units to put in our windows. Before we know it, things cool off again and we forget about it.
  2. They're available on the sign-up page as well. I don't know why any part of these should be no-mod. Surely by now LL understands the freedom and value of individual creativity. Uniformity, whether forced or accidental puts a bit of a damper on this offering.
  3. Yay! It's thursday! I don't work tomorrow or Saturday or Sunday or Monday! \O/
  4. I actually like this question. Iva is more adventurous than I am, going to places of such content and character that I would fear who I might meet in such a real place. She will often wear heels, which is something I rarely do. For the first few years, Iva was almost always shoeless, running around, bailando descalzo. I just didn't really care about SL shoes. But OMG how they have improved! Iva will often go braless, whereas I don't, excepting when at the end of the day I can finally take mine off with relief. I don't wear much makeup, maybe some eye shadow and a tinted lip balm, but Iva can have makeup on and will last for weeks on end, her lips red as a cherry no matter how much tea or coffee she drinks, no matter how toast she munches. The answer to this question also varies according to what avatar I'm using, or rather, what mode I am in. Iva is sometimes a demoness avatar who smokes black cigarettes. I smoked for a couple of years once, long ago. But it isn't part of who I am anymore. I've remarked elsewhere around here how I've overcome a fair bit of shyness and introversion in SL. As a mermaid, swimming through the SL seas, Iva the sparkling green scaled mermaid is very shy, swimming away from many land dwellers and/or sailors. I feel exactly what you mean though. Iva is me, in many respects. But over the years it has become clear to me that she is her own person. Someone who is very close to me. I know her. She knows me. She is my friend above all others.
  5. I would try it if my schedule can allow it and jibe with those of enough others. I'll make a note of the slurl.
  6. I'm sorry. It was a cheeky attempt at humor. I like your post. SL paint ball actually sounds like it might be fun.
  7. Are there any two ton paint balls? Where's Madelaine?
  8. That happens to me too. Sometimes I'll get halfway through the changing clothes part. Then I end up sitting around naked and eating popcorn or trying to catch particle cherry blossoms.
  9. I like that guy. I shall call him Sociable Sam, or maybe Friendly Felix........ Gregarious Gordon?
  10. Years? I seriously doubt it's anything to do with your computer. And a weird problem like this shouldn't stick around through a bunch of viewer updates, assuming you update. And maybe you've even used different viewers. I would try doing a character test to Ruth yourself, or maybe get a few demo shapes from a vendor or two and try them on to see what your eyes do.
  11. When you're getting dressed, picking through your underwear drawer, and find one of your favorites has faded and gotten holes in it, and you think "I wish I had made copies of this."
  12. This is as difficult for me to understand or accept as the concept of a physical infinity. I guess the idea is, at first, there was nothing.... a lot of it. Then suddenly there was something, but something filling only an infinitesimal part of that nothing? Beyond the edge of that suddenly exigent something, is still a lot of nothing? I experience a certain, exquisite, low level fascination, confusion, and dread when I think of it, ponder it, try to imagine an endless Out There, cold and heartless, a journey in one direction that, at any velocity, would far surpass the lifetimes, added end to end, of everyone who has ever lived and will ever live. Abstractly, I can, albeit blithely, accept it. Invariably, my intellect steps in and says "No. I can't accept this. How can there be no end? Why would there not be a point where the stage ends, the curtains close, and the props all fall down, beyond which no one could possibly ever go, thus obviating the need to continue the illusion?" It is thus that I am limited.
  13. So you're saying you're mysterious. Mysterious is good.
  14. In the textures tab of the build tool,for a texture with an alpha channel (32 bit), you can set alpha channel to none or something like that, as opposed to blend, mask, or emissive. It won't look transparent, but it might still cause alpha sorting problems under the right (wrong) circumstances. Oh, Chin already mentioned this.
  15. All of it happens in our brains. Poses help. It's nice to have fun visuals. But that can lead to focusing too much on all those little details, which can never be made perfect. I personally wouldn't ascribe this to inner perversity (I do not like the word pervert), but to the heart of a poet, the mind of an artist, the hands of someone who knows what's important.
  16. It was one of those happenstance things, where there's talking and laughing, and then suddenly several things occur at the same time. And then there's a bunch of blinking and breathing afterward.
  17. I may be able to tell you. But it's kind of a sensitive subject.
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