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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. One of my endeavors throughout my life has been to understand myself. I would say that my experiences in SL have greatly enhanced that process. A lot of them have been things.... activities that I couldn't have in real life because of various factors i.e. affordability, difficulty, lack of courage, lack of opportunity, or just simple impossibility. Those surrogate experiences I have had here, while certainly muted or moderated simply by being virtual, have led me to a greater understanding of myself, my wants, my needs, my foci, and my relationships with the people in my real life. And I don't think I'm done yet. I would say it has enhanced and, in some cases, created interests in my real life.
  2. Again I am reminded of a cute SL parody machinima I saw probably eight years ago, of a couple getting ready for a night out on the town. If memory serves, the woman was trying on different hairs and clothes at her mirror while her date was urging her to finish getting ready so they could go. She gave him an admonishment against using lots of particles on the dance floor, to which he chuckled. He then said something like "Please no wings tonight." in a shuddering voice. "It feels so weird when they go through my body." I wish I could find that video somewhere.
  3. Try it with 10 or 15 pixel margins and see what you get.
  4. Perhaps, when (if) you are baking textures in whatever program you use to make models, you are not making the UV margins big enough.
  5. And of course with the acquisition of my first dress(es), was my short lived question "What the heck are glitch pants?"
  6. "My t-shirt has great COVFEFE!!" Surely there is a FP mesh t-shirt. This could be a cartel thing.
  7. You can hang out anywhere. Though hanging out at some places might not be age appropriate.
  8. This wasn't at the very beginning of my SL. But It was one of the first dresses I ever had, and I hadn't changed much by this point. This was however my very first real project in SL, and one I never really completed to my satisfaction.
  9. Skydiving, sailing, and mermaiding. Theses are three among several things I found in SL that turned into loves of mine, and gave me some of the best laughs. Doing the skydiving from moderate heights is fun when I'm by myself. Starting from greater heights is more fun when you do it with friends. That way you can IM or chat during the fall and try to maneuver around each other. This is all before deploying the parachute of course. One of the friends I used skydive with liked to wait until the last second to open her chute. She was pretty hard core about it too, having an animation/pose and an attachment that produced all the appropriate results if she didn't open her chute in time.
  10. I usually get up to get ready for work around 04:30. But it's Saturday. I slept in, on purpose.... like.. way in. It's fun reading about what all you are doing. Now I'm having oatmeal and coffee and a smile. I think I'll put some music on.
  11. The two possible causes I've read about now are mismatched LOD material names and mismatched number of materials between LOD models. You have said you deleted all materials and let the client generate LOD levels. It's possible the uploader is getting confused and creating problems it's not equipped to accurately report. Further things you can try: 1. Explicitly assign one or more materials to the various faces of your models. 2. Explicitly create your own LOD models, keeping material names among them consistent. 3. Try uploading your model with (a) different client(s).
  12. Unless Blender is putting some kind of default material in there when you export it, something mystical is happening. I think a guru is needed here, but they might all be asleep.
  13. I should think a model has to have at least one material assigned to it. Otherwise, how would you apply any textures to it, even if you managed to upload it? If all your other successfully uploaded models can have a texture applied to a face, then they all have at least one material.
  14. I spend more on fashion than I do on houses. I have always felt the need to have a home, somewhere, in SL, so I have purchased a few houses, but I have also made a few of my own. I feel however that if I did not make any houses, I would still spend more on fashion.
  15. I've made furniture using either AO or lighted baking, depending on the configuration of the furniture and where it would (most likely) be placed. In-world shadows using advanced lighting will work if the furniture is outdoors and/or if projected lighting sources are used. I think a good feature is baked shadows you can turn off if you want the AL shadows only.
  16. The hud now reports that it can't find the server. It still brings up the map location. But it's outdated and puts you up the hill a little ways... near a bullpen... with a bull in it.
  17. I look fondly back to a time when a couple friends of mine, who don't log in anymore, would skydive on their island. We'd get pretty competitive seeing who could land closest to the target. We'd always have a few laughs, and I miss them.
  18. She does sound like a kick to hang out with.
  19. I've just added some tier to the hangout. I've been popping in there from time to time recently. The bartender and horse are both terrible at conversation. And the cat is in its own world..... and probably up to no good. I'd be up to a get-together. These things don't always have to be scheduled on the same days or same times. The group, I am sure, is very diverse in location and occupation.
  20. Initially I found weird. But then all the weird left.
  21. There actually is already such a novel, similar in theme. It's called Replay. I quite liked it. [EDIT] Here it is
  22. I also have several alts, whose activities, in addition to being quite limited, also only occur in-world. One of them is a tree as well. I use the others for testing, for extensive avatar shape and skin trials, and for falling from great heights. I also made them all premium. They give me their tier and stipends because they are helpless before my beguiling will.
  23. It used to be beauty sleep. Now it's keep-myself-alive sleep. Sometimes I say to myself "I'd like to go back to being 25 years old, knowing everything I know now." But then, this hard won wisdom kicks in and I realize I'd have a hard time fitting in with people my own age.
  24. Also, at least in my case, the ability to stay up really late, having fun.
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