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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. I let a whole bunch of people get in front of me on freeway traffic today.
  2. I actually have found myself wondering why some of the creators make the things they do. Maybe it's stuff they want to see people wearing. Though I don't exactly have my finger on the pulse of SL fashion, maybe it's what the market wants. If so.... why does the market want this? The easy answer is that many people do like wearing very revealing clothing in SL, something they don't for various reasons, do in real space. I do so myself occasionally. But I prefer that it fit the situation/location/genre. I can understand the reason for a preponderance of short skirts. My lay-understanding is that making long skirts well weighted for body X, playing nice with animations, is very difficult. In fact, having, in general, less body covered by an outfit might make an that outfit or article easier to weight for Body X. So, I think, some of it is fashion , some of it is personal style, and some of it is the technical aspects of creating. In the end, my opinion is that none of it is bad. Each of us will buy what appeals to us, and won't buy what doesn't. For me, this means that I'm going to have to start making my own makeup.
  3. I'm making paper faux raven feathers for a cosplay thing. I have that feeling right now you get when you just want to proceed with a project, but you keep finding ways to make it better. I can't ignore that little voice in my head.. whispering to me... "Make it better...."
  4. Just in time! I hear ice cream is in season again.
  5. There’s a lot of keming going on out there in the big wide world.
  6. That feeling when you're dancing at a club and you're unfamiliar with the dance ball. You try out different dances, with names that mean nothing to you. "Nope, not my style. Nope not that. Nope, too slow for this tune. Nope too fast. NOPE, omg definitely not my style. Nope nope... oh! here we go....." *song changes*
  7. I have a bowl of macadamias. Would you please open them for me?
  8. I live and work/drive in wine country. Often on gravel roads. Apparently, dust isn't good for grapevines. Some vineyards, realizing that asking drivers to "raise no dust" doesn't really work, opt instead to have their roads coated. They grow stuff that is meant to be, ultimately, consumed, so I can hardly blame them for seeking eco-friendly road treatments. But still, I can only describe the result of having to drive over roads that are coated with what smells like barbecue sauce as "Gross".
  9. Writing a good door or drawbridge script should probably include a function to reset the script and redefine the position and rotation parameters whenever it is moved. Since position is not an integer returned by the changed event, a timer, periodically checking the current position against the last known position might be needed.
  10. I love it when I'm shopping, planning baked, stuffed potatoes for dinner. I look over the Russets and find a perfect one, then spend ten minutes looking for three more that are just as nice.
  11. I hugged my cat this morning while getting ready for work. She looked at me like "What do you think you are doing? I was asleep."
  12. If I'm meeting someone, face to face, for the first time, I don't usually read profiles immediately. I'll engage in a little conversation first, sort of get to know someone just through the words they'll share with me. After a while, if I remember to, I'll look over their profile. I have found that I can enjoy whatever humor may be there a little more if I have chatted with them beforehand. I think I do this because I like comparing the first, live look with what's in the history. If I find racism, I do what I do when I find one of my loaves of bread has gone moldy; throw it away, with perhaps a quick "Well..... that was fast.", and forget about it. Misogyny and other, overt forms of persecution will pretty much bring about the same result.
  13. If I had a bird in a birdcage I could line the bottom of it with offers of credit and internet service provider “deals”.
  14. "User RandomPerson1234 has offered to teleport you to their location." In these instances, the absence of any preamble whatsoever makes it somehow worse.
  15. financing used flamethrower auction purchases.
  16. Hey @Hippie Bowman, I sent your wallet back to you Eventual Express. I put a frozen yogurt coupon in it. It's really good yogurt, so... you know... you're welcome.
  17. Doesn't llSetTimerEvent() require a float?
  18. Breakfast was fun this morning. I stole Hippie's wallet. /me goes to buy stuff.....
  19. Amusement park equipment manufacturers immediately
  20. I have a number of objects and some people in my block list. Objects far outnumber people. There are entries in mine that are so old, I'm certain I will never again encounter some of them. It's likely many of them no longer exist. I can't imagine ever even approaching this 1000 entry limit.
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