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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. sparkling, sequined, chastity protecting rottweilers.
  2. You'll need deep waders and a tolerance for farm smells.
  3. Oh, I'd be a terrible enemy. I am full of empathy, and I believe in live and let live. Besides, grudges get too heavy. I've never been able to carry one for long. Friends though, friends I can do. Though that's off topic, I know.
  4. Dunno isn't a real word. You didn't indent. You forgot that s on "sometimes". You..... Oh I give up. There's nothing at all wrong with your post.
  5. Hubby has a whiteboard in our home office. He works from home most of the time. At the top is a mantra: "Dress For Work."
  6. This morning I opened one of my Dove valentine chocolates. The inside of the foil said "Choose Chocolate. Choose Happiness." I love serendipity.
  7. Recently, I'd been feeling like I wanted to find more jackets. For quite a while I'd only had two that I liked, that fit well, and worked well with a lot of other separates. Today I got this one from @GoSpeed Racer for Valentines Day. I really like it. Thank you Go.
  8. And of course, I got things for you I knew you would like. There was nothing about my choices that was the least bit self-serving .
  9. I saw a premier of Every Day last night. I thought it a very good movie, and one my kids (teens) will like as well.
  10. Make my Easter eggs chocolate please.
  11. Nice photo. I don't think I have told you, I like your sig.
  12. My SL philosophy is, you show me your face and I will remember it, and respond accordingly. I will treat you as it appears to me you wish to be treated. It's actually a simple concept.
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