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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. I'm having pizza for dinner and it's all @GoSpeed Racer's fault.
  2. You didn't have time for a party. The moment came and was gone.. in an instant. The posts behind you hadn't even had time to settle. Their momentum pushed you well past the confetti, cake and ice cream, and you blew out the candles without even noticing. That's ok though. Because you set the finish line on fire.
  3. I'm getting ready to go for a nice, safe run. What could possibly go wrong? Post run report: Nothing went wrong. I ran with scissors, straight serpentine down a highway, through a playground, on a railroad, and through fire to get to my destination. Then there was dancing under a giant refraction! Also, please ignore my expression in the photo. It must have been a flash-anticipation blink-squint.
  4. My parents had this National Lampoon record album when I was in high school. I shared it with my boyfriend. We both got a laugh out of this piece. But secretly I was jealous of how enamored he was at the ladies singing in it.
  5. If there's an upside to seasonal allergies, it's the ABS WORKOUT!! Yeah!
  6. I'm all for this, as long as all advertising goes into one subforum. Commerce > Advertising. This way, it could never be considered spam, because only people who want to see it would read it.
  7. 1862 * 0.1 = 186.2 + 1862 = 2048.2. You got the 10% bonus right away, and, something I didn't know, choosing "Owner makes contribution" automagically adds only the tier needed to satisfy the group land requirements. I think that's pretty clever.
  8. Finishing school has gone to a whole new level.
  9. English is a brute, a thug, a bully who beats up other languages in dark alleys, going through their pockets for spare vocabulary.
  10. Oh my goodness. I completely forgot I put that animation in there.
  11. 1. Do you keep SL apart from RL? Are you open about RL with people in SL? Do you tell your RL friends about SL? I share certain parts of my rl self in SL with SL friends, up to a point. My husband and kids, and a few close friends know that I spend time here. Only my family really understands it... sort of. Friends just shrug and accept it with a simple "Ok." They're all cool about it, even if some of them don't really understand it. But, I don't really need any of them to understand it. I know what SL is for me. And YOU guys understand it. That's enough for me. 2. Do you act very differently in SL than in RL? I don't. I'm just as quirky, dorky, stable, sensitive, sane, and wonky in Real Space®. It never occurred to me to try to act differently. As shy as I was at first, I probably couldn't have anyway. 3. Do you spend a lot of time in SL? Do you think you can spend less time, if RL demands it? Do you think SL is addictive? I believe SL is addictive. I used to spend A LOT of time online. I'd send my kids off to school, take a 30 minute walk, feed the cat, and it was off to the races. But then I got a job. Stupid money. grumble grumble There's a part of a song which pretty much sums it up, in my head at least: I used to be consumed for hours Without consequence Burning at both ends With blasphemous indifference 4. Do you think SL affected or changed your RL self? In a good or in a bad way? SL definitely changed me, in a good way. I'm an introvert (INFP) . SL brought me further out of my shell than I would have thought possible. I'm more confident. I talk to random people now more than ever in the past. I can actually make conversation, letting out the words that used to remain stuck inside my head, bouncing around. I will still sometimes stand awkwardly at parties, unsure of what to do or say. I just feel less weird about myself for it. I'm ok with me. 5. Do you think SL only relationship can be considered as an RL adultery? Can you manage both relationship without getting in trouble? In any relationship, If anyone feels they have something to hide, they need to reconsider what they're doing, and why. Even in an honest, open, hybrid virtual/non-virtual polyamory.... thing, there is inherent risk. Emotions are unpredictable. The answer to "can you stay out of trouble" will depend on the individual(s). 6. What is the most important thing there is about SL for you? The People. I came to SL, to this virtual world, for its promise. I stayed for the people. I come back again and again, for the people. 7. Do you think a lot about things that happened in SL when you are offline? I think about the things that have happened, the things that will happen, and things that could happen, things I hope might happen. I stay awake at night sometimes thinking about what I have in SL. Sometimes, it's enough. Sometimes it's not.
  12. When I was little a spider monkey pulled my hair at the zoo. Suffice it to say that I was nonplussed at the time. I wouldn't won't don't want a monkey.
  13. visually anatomically convincing, homunculus morphology
  14. /me raises her hand high. "Ooooh, oohh me, me! Pick me!"
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