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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. I'm reading a book... expanding my mind and stuff.
  2. Some automobiles, unfortunately, experience a delay in that expression. They start turning and only then realize they are turning, they signal, completely missing the point of even bothering. "Oh! I better signal." It is a token gesture, like how someone will kind of return a smile, even though they don't actually like you. Of course, others simply suffer from botox syndrome.
  3. Darling, I got to tell you something And I don't say this to everybody You look marvelous Absolutely marvelous
  4. Your husband ran sweatshops when I fed him balut with bacon.
  5. I've liked you from the moment Rhonda told me to.
  6. I didn't pay attention to how long it took. All I care about is that after a clean install of the latest version, my frame rate is overall much better. And I think I got rid of an annoying periodic pause that I had just started getting used to.
  7. They've been mentioned already, but ISON and Neve are mod. There may be others. Inquire locally.
  8. Your mother resembled Yoda so I beseeched her and she started singing. ( Bite me spellcheck. )
  9. /me hands you a balaclava. I'll need to watch carefully this afternoon if there is more wind. Some of the roads I drive on can easily become corrals.
  10. We're supposed to get high winds today and tomorrow. Not so much rain though... unless you consider tree parts falling from the sky precipitation.
  11. My chihuahuas tried Spinach so I spoilt them and went to Disneyland.
  12. Forty nine surrealists were left so they temp-rezzed a pipe and smoked the fish.
  13. I had always thought Bald Eagles would sound as majestic and awesome as they looked, like with a loud and fierce "I'm gonna dine on your liver!". When I finally saw some at a sanctuary, I discovered I was wrong. It was actually kind of disappointing.
  14. You look cozy. But something is missing.... OH! A kitten!
  15. Santa Clause was Republican so he propositioned an elf and received a subpoena.
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