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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. Today has been a day of nearly overwhelming frustrations. So, when I got home from morning work, I did a bit modicum considerable amount of cleaning around the house. My watch now tells me that I have fulfilled the entire day's goals of standing, exercise and movement. Take that Klondike bar! How much do emotions weigh? I did some purging there as well.
  2. You can definitely try out demo mesh clothing while wearing a demo mesh body. The only caveat I have is unless you and your friend are also wearing the same shape, you can't be sure what fits on you will fit the same way on your friend.
  3. "Already seen again" translates to déjà vu à nouveau. Which is ironic because this doesn't feel new.
  4. Heard while dancing this evening: "You know, if you put on midnight, you can see how well my light works."
  5. You're so shiny, a raven's going to pick you up and take you home.
  6. I'm some kind of weird outlier then. I love cilantro but I can't stand stink bug smell. I avoid them like the plague (I've never actively and knowingly avoided the plague, but I imagine I'd be fairly vigorous in such an endeavor). We get fairly high numbers of stink bugs around the end of summer and if I have to get some out of the house I try to do so in such a way as to disturb the noxious things as little as possible. I definitely wouldn't use my Dyson to clear them out, unless I had the convenience of a nearby disposal volcano.
  7. You can apply that temp or local texture to the face of a simple prim and write a script to report to you the UUID of that texture, and then use the UUID in the Omega applier.
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