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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. A mesh "object" is actually 4 (or so) models in one - a "full detail" version and then three (?) additional versions with lower levels of detail meant to be seen at greater distances. The land impact score takes into account all four of these versions. Ideally, the mesh maker will carefully take into account how much detail can be dropped at each distance and hand-adjust the models so the object will look as good as possible at all distances while keeping the detail level reasonable. However, some mesh makers just re-use the full-detail model for all distances (increasing land impact) while others dramatically drop the amount of detail for all levels other than the "full-detail" one (which will give a comparatively low land impact but will run the risk of the object being ugly or unviewable from a distance.) Many people don't notice how bad some "low-prim" meshes look from a distance because they increase the Level of Detail (LOD) factor in the viewer to a higher-than-standard level. However this means that more memory will be used to display everything and can cause performance issues.
  2. Tianna Burnstein wrote: I am going to pick one outfit that looks good on me, and wear it all the time. Or just reset to the default female avatar (Long winded post incoming, but hopefully it serves as a starting place for others with my issues) So once upon a time I went the route of wearing Lola Tangos and Phat Azz with SLink Hands and Feet. I looked pretty flawless on my viewer, and was very happy. After a while I got more clothing and became an "expert" at managing texture offsets to make everything look good. Then one day, I adjusted something, and I never got that flawless look back. Ruined to the point of going back to traditional SL shapes. Wasn't so bad. I went to my old shape, modified it a little, and it looked good. My breasts are size 60-72, butt 50-65, and I have a body fat of 7. Then I started to try to wear mesh clothing. Even with the alpha layers, I had to adjust my body as my curves, or body fat etc, poked though the material. Even when I got my shape to show no exposed skin, I had huge gaps between my outfits and my body, where you could see through me because of the Alpha. So now I started playing with other parts of my body. Love handles, hips, muscles. And to make this long story shorter, I just cannot get mesh clothing to fit me. Tonight I bought a mesh body by Maitreya. It looks great and works with my shape. So it is a vast improvement over the flaws I was having with SL Shape limitations. But it seems to function as just that, an SL shape. No regrets though, I knew what I was getting and wanted to dive into the mesh body world, and am willing to learn and make this work. Now I can buy clothing with Omega appliers, but I still have the same problem (because of my shape), I cannot get mesh to fit me. Maitreya has a HUD where I can hide parts of my body, but they are predefined sections, and to hide a part of my body that is exposed can lead to making part of me that should be exposed, see-through. What do I do? Where do I start? After reading a lot about mesh sizes, I am led to believe that one designer's "Large" does not equal another designer's. Do I have to constantly change my proportions to the designer's definition of what I should look like to fit in their clothes? Or are there tricks I just missed to use my shape, or modify other aspects of it, to be able to wear mesh clothing? I just feel like I have tried so much, and may just be on the wrong track, or doing the wrong things! I want to get away from the "painted on" clothing look, and skirts that never fit me in 6 years, and start wearing some nice mesh outfits Again, sorry for the long post. Hopefully the insightful answers here will help others in the future. Thank you for your time, looking forward to your answers! <3 Tianna ~ There are two common sizing systems in SL - the "standard sizing" system, with sizes from XXS to L, and the system mesh maker Meli Imako uses, which has sizes from XS to XL. They're fairly close at smaller sizes but differ quite a bit in the large sizes - larger standard sizes tend to add mass all around the body while Meli Imako's large sizes have larger breasts and butts but generally add very little to the midsection. From the sound of things you'll probably want to look for Meli Imako-based clothes first. Also you should check out clothes makers who have an extended size range - off the top of my head I'd suggest Lapointe & Bastchild, Happy Undead and Hucci. As far as the common SL bugaboo that goes "I'm never going to change my shape to fit into clothes" -- I work with and make clothing in real life. Clothing can and often does change the shape of your body when you're wearing it. The human body is malleable and a tight-fitting garment will rearrange things substantially. I think of changing one's shape as the SL version of this.
  3. Chuckey Jigsaw wrote: Yea, but why are pretty popular shops like Random Matter selling these then, I wonder. I bought them only half a year ago and they worked just fine. You probably turned on "Advanced Lighting" in your graphics settings between then and now. Invisiprims still work if "Advanced Lighting" is turned off.
  4. Can you see any other "system" clothing in your inventory? If you can't see them either it's a possibility that you accidentally set an inventory filter; alphas would be filtered out with the rest of the system clothing.
  5. NinaWillams wrote: i have been using three viewers MeerKat, Dolphin, and Imprudence Imprudence and Meerkat haven't been updated in years and don't support the mesh clothing you're wearing; Dolphin is falling behind but the current beta version should be usable.
  6. Denise Snowdrop wrote: I have been on and off Sl for many years now and unfortunately this mesh clothing thing is getting the best of me. So when I wear a dress with the alpha layer, is there a way that I can wear shoes with a foot alpha layer as well....usually my boobs and other bit show through first then i realize that the dress alpha layer came off when i put on the foot alpha layer....is there a way to fix that? otr can the two not be worn at the same time? thanks in advance!! Use "Add" instead of "Wear" when you're putting on additional alphas.
  7. NinaWillams wrote: Hi I been having this problem for days now something on my avatar like clothing does not load right and i not sure why it does not load i posted a photo below of what im talking about. If anyone can help me with this problem it will be very nice http://i58.tinypic.com/33w08k3.jpg Im a little new to SL so i hope im doing this right : From the textures, which look like the regular textures of mesh clothing, I don't think it's a "wearing the box" problem. It looks closer to what you would get with a very old pre-mesh viewer. What viewer are you using?
  8. LordSpyro wrote: I suggest "although it's been suggested many times I'm sure" that we have the ability to change our Username for a certain amount in Payment. And maybe have a limited amount of name changes per account. The payment would prevent "for the most part" griefers and trolls from hiding their username (due to it would be a waste of money to change your name just so you can bug others with the account for a little longer) and the limitation of name changes per account would also play into that effect. The thought of not being able to recongize someone for a name change can simply be fixed by ASKING THEM WHO THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I say an amount from $20 to $30 would be acceptable, and 1 change per account would be reasonable. You can change your account name for free any time you want - just create another account. You don't get to keep your no-transfer items but that can be considered the "cost." Meanwhile, this thread and your previous one has me wondering: Okay, what exactly did you do?
  9. Aikra wrote: That looks like some sort of accident happened with a texture from the package that was meant to only be a piece of advertising or information. It somehow got applied to either a mesh body or a skin file. It's possible that you did it accidentally. I would advise you to re-open the original package you got and copy things into a new folder. If you have the same problem contact the maker; they may have made a mistake on their end.
  10. himedere wrote: Yeah okay I've seen it posted a bunch of times and I've honestly looked at a bunch of different things to try to fix this problem. I even contacted support but they're useless without a premium account for this issue. Made this account like a year ago and on day 1 with any viewer it was a cloud. I did the whole ... Rebake... Set draw distance etc etc etc... I've tried a lot from Google but nothing is working so I'm just trying to understand how to fix this. I would have thought in 11 months it would have fixed itself heh... <\3 So if anyone can help, that'd be great I know this question is asked endlessly. Genuinely, thank you for reading and hopefully helping! Xoxox Also, the game runs fine with other accounts. I don't think its my specs or computer? 1) Go to your inventory and open the "Current Outfit" folder. See what's in it. That's what the viewer/server thinks you should be wearing. See if anything looks odd or if there's something like multiple skins, etc. listed. 2) Go to the "Develop" menu and select "Consoles" > "Debug Console." A whole bunch of lines of text will scroll down. For reading ease you probably want to do this in a quiet area. You should start seeing lines saying something like "Self is clouded due to..." Report back with what those lines say. 3) In Firestorm, go to "Graphics", select the "Rendering" tab and select the check box that says something like "Show avatars that aren't completely loaded." This will force the viewer to draw what it can rather than using the cloud. If this works see what your avatar looks like with this setting on.
  11. Sarasvati Windstorm wrote: When I do a search of user names I find a lot of names with blank profiles that are years old. As these accounts are probably inactive or deleted by the user, why can't the names be re-released for others to use? When someone dies their Social Security number is "obsolete" but it isn't available for re-use because it represents the unique identity of a single person and re-using it could cause at best confusion and at worst fraud. The username has the same function in Second Life.
  12. Kaska Kutenai wrote: I think with the fuction of meshes being allowed i think we will be able to mimic next gen games but i am not sure what do you people think ? With a typical game the range of possible occurences is controlled by the maker so it can be optimized for those particular things - for instance, the behavior and appearance of a monster can be hard-coded into the software meaning almost no information about it has to be transmitted. With Second Life there are an extremely wide range of possibilites and they all have to be transmitted in real time making it difficult to do the sort of optimization you can get in a game.
  13. CIrce Lyvette wrote: If i would like to have a smaller parcel but want more prims, can i purchase a larger piece and keep most of the prims..divide my land and abandon it or sell it uber cheap? Im just wondering because I dont really want a parcel larger than 1024, but I really would like to have more prims than is typically allotted to that size. Is this possible? No - there is a fixed ratio of prims/square meter and a maximum of 15000 prims on a full region. There are some regions like the Bay City regions that appear to have higher prim counts per square meter but that's because a lot of "public land" was built into the system that landowners can't build on and that allowed some of the prims allocation to be diverted.
  14. Vera Mint wrote: Okay, it cannot be just me seeing the massive jump between M and L in terms of standard women's sizing. What's up with that, and are there tweaks that put the resulting shape somewhere between sizes but able to still use L-sized garments? I'm thinking belly size matters the least, except you might get unattractive gapping when it comes to pants if your midriff is bare... If you're just looking for larger breasts and a larger butt with a flatter belly try using clothing built from Meli Imako's templates - there are tons of them out there, usually from smaller/cheaper makers. You can also just buy the templates themselves. Meli Imako's sizes aren't the standard sizes. You can tell when a maker uses them because the size range will be listed as XS to XL instead of XXS to L the way "Standard Sizing" is.
  15. Try this: "Edit linked" and then set the "stone arch" to physics type "None." Set the "grating" to physics type "prim." Note that you can't set a root prim to physics type "none." That should help some. If that doesn't help enough try making the grating into three separate prims in that configuration, link them together with the arch, set the linkset to "convex hull" and individually set the arch to physics type "none." The entire linkset should have a land impact of 2 that way. The problem is that calculating physics for hollow shapes is calculation-intensive and always has been. The new land impact accounting reflects that and using any non-legacy tricks (such as masking as an alpha mode) will trigger the new accounting.
  16. mirbaz wrote: There is not Lotto in California? In the United States lotteries are run by state governments. A SL lottery would be run by a private entity - basically, it would be a "numbers game."
  17. Faye Feldragonne wrote: Does anyone know why some full perm mesh is really really expensive and other's isn't. Is it because it's a better quality mesh product? I've bought both expensive and cheaper, but my naked eye can't tell the difference. Would someone else know? I'm so curious about that. How can a FP dress be $250 by one mesh maker and $2500 for another. A low-priced template will tend to increase the number of resellers, making it become very common and familiar and which in turn "breeds contempt." Clothing makers who select templates based on price probably won't have the highest skills which will mean the template may become associated with low quality work. If the same template is in many people's hands with full permissions that will increase the possibility that someone will start distributing it full-perm to their friends, etc. Also, no clothing maker will want to price creations higher than the price of the template itself because savvy prospective buyers could get basically the same product for less with more options.
  18. Callum Meriman wrote: This only affects the generic LL viewer, and I think most Linux users are smart enough to realise that TPVs are likely a better choice. This is the equivalent of saying, "It doesn't matter that the farmer isn't planting any more wheat and rye, because most people buy their bread from the baker."
  19. yukiimatasake wrote: I have been looking into mesh avatars and can't seem to find a definitive answer about whether or not they support Scripts to make them less static and rigid looking? Thanks! -Yukii If the avatar is described as "fitted mesh" and responds to most of the sliders in edit appearance it can use "jiggle" physics; if it's just called "rigged mesh" and only responds to a few sliders, it won't. Scripts don't really have anything to do with it.
  20. Most of the Mainland continents have extensive road networks. Newer continents have a section of road in each region the road runs through where you can rezz a vehicle. They're less common in Heterocetera and Sansara but there are public rezz areas on those continents too. For Sansara (the "old" continent) you can rezz at the ends of the roads in the regions Noyo and Tathlina for instance.
  21. It's quite interesting how, as a sixteen year old who's only been here for four months, you've gotten into the habit of using a maturity description that hasn't been officially used in years ("PG"), hang out in welcome areas and help areas that haven't been used as default landing areas for new avatars for well over a year and are realistically only now used as grieftroll nursing homes, and discuss people reading your profile which you've blocked from display unless you're using "legacy profiles." My, you're just old before your time, aren't you?
  22. Ceka Cianci wrote: isn't playing pretend a game? Role playing.. "Play" as a verb doesn't imply the thing that is being "played" is a game. We "play" a record "player", for instance. My RL work involves putting on "plays" and Shakespeare had one of his characters hold that "all the world's indeed a stage and we are merely players." (Or something to that effect; my exact quote is courtesy of Neil Peart of the band Rush.) My other big computer "gaming" activity is playing the Sims series - it is generally referred to as a "game" but it also doesn't have a clear win/lose dynamic and Will Wright referred to it and the other Maxis "games" he made as "software toys." Perhaps Second Life should be considered a toy instead of a game. I'd be comfortable with that...
  23. Gadget Portal wrote: So I suppose the topic for discusion here is "Why get offended when SL is called a game?" Because if you didn't call it a game those people would find something different to be offended by. Such as that statement.
  24. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Eve mesh body has their own line of mesh clothing that fits her av only. Would it be OK for me to make a copy of her av shape and make my own mesh av and compete with her clothing line? Copying the actual mesh vertex for vertex mechanically? No. Making a new mesh from scratch that copies the size, shape, weighting, etc. closely enough to match the shape of the clothing? Yes. However, attempting to make a copy that close would be far more work than it would be worth; it would also run the risk of infringing on the Eve brand name, which, unlike the general shape, may be protectable. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Its called proprietary. Slink shoes are designed to fit Slink feet. Why do you think N-Core feet don't fit Slink shoes, or Slink feet don't fit N-core shoes? Slink is primarily in the business of selling body parts. N-Core is primarily in the business of selling shoes and already has a following. Slink has managed to commodify the shape of their feet; if N-Core made shoes to fit them they'd be in competition with many other shoe makers and they couldn't justify charging prices that would gag a goat maintain their current business model. So, they feel it's in their best interest to try to lock their following into a different size foot. In the United States at least, copyright does not extend to the shape of a useful (as opposed to decorative) object with the sole exception of boat hulls - a specific law was written about them because it's much less work to mold a copy of someone else's boat than it is to come up with a boat hull shape by drafting it out. If you have radically new technology you can patent it and be protected for a while, but you can't prevent a competitor from using the only logical shape of a common item just because you brought yours to the market earlier. If you're going to make a mesh foot it's going to look more or less like a real-life foot; there's a good chance that you'd come up with something very near the size and shape of a Slink foot no matter what you did. It would be perfectly possible to work backwards from the shoes without seeing the actual Slink meshes at all. From the description the Sim-I-Lar feet are quite different structurally from Slink feet and are actually more sophisticated in some ways (for instance, they combine all sizes and foot angles in one object that's controlled by HUD.)
  25. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: I don't know what the Lindens are trying to fix, it's a very standard message when they announce scheduled maintenance, and doesn't really tell you anything useful. But there are times it does feel like the CDN system still isn't working right. Or is it the SSA system? When was the last time they tested how the service worked from anywhere other than San Francisco? Have they ever used hardware to simulate a less than perfect connection? Oh, they do tests from Phoenix, do they? They're straining my seasonal goodwill to all men. Whirly Fizzle was heavily involved in the initial testing of the CDN/mesh pipelining and she's from Britain and was using a civilian (i.e. non-LL) connection. I believe Oz Linden is actually based out of Boston; at least he was.
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