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KT Kingsley

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Everything posted by KT Kingsley

  1. If you want to stop your head turning while you're trying to take a photograph you can right click and edit an attachment. In Firestorm there are settings for the amount your avatar's head follows your mouse and for random eye movement in Preferences/Firestorm/Avatar. You could also try editing the attentions.xml file if the character sub-folder of your viewer's folder. I've set the focus mode to a high priority and to never timeout so when I Alt+Click on anything (Alt+Clicking on my own avatar keeps my head in its "natural" state, as defined by the animation that's playing) the mode doesn't revert to idle, which is where the mouse following happens.
  2. From a quick glance at your examples, the formula you want is mirror_x = 360.0 - base_x.
  3. If the avatar whose camera you want to control is sat on an object you can use llSetCameraAtOffset and llSetCameraEyeOffset to set that object's camera settings. The At offset is the difference between the position of the screen you want them to look at and the position of the object they are sat on. The Eye offset is the difference between the position where you want to place their camera and the position of the object they are sat on. The settings will be applied to the avatar's default camera when they sit on the object. If the avatar is camming away from their default camera, using Alt+Click with their mouse, for example, the settings will not be applied until they use Esc to reset their camera to the default settings. Note that these settings are persistent object settings – they still work even if the script that set them is removed from the object – and that they must be set before an avatar sits on the object, and that any changes to them will not take effect until the avatar stands and sits back down on the object. If you use llSetCameraParams, you should use the CAMERA_FOCUS_LOCKED, TRUE and CAMERA_POSITION_LOCKED, TRUE rules to lock the camera to the coordinates you specify using CAMERA_FOCUS and CAMERA_POSITION. The same condition regarding the default camera position apply here, too. You may want to investigate the RLV command @camunlock=n to prevent the avatar camming away from their default camera view, though I haven't ever used this myself, so I don't know it it overrides any scripted camera settings, in which case it probably wouldn't be any help.
  4. Hmm. Yeah, I guess dismissing Copybot as a silly toy isn't compatible with promoting the integrity of other SL-related software.
  5. So this is a bit odd: my Linden Homes parcel was restarted twice on Tuesday, while my Mainland parcel (both on the Second Life Server channel) wasn't restarted at all and is now 15 days since its last restart. This is according to the CHANGED_REGION_START events and llGetEnv ("region_start_time") returns I've logged.
  6. I can see two reasons why Innula's method is preferable to mine. Firstly, my method would leave a double space at the place in the string where the word was removed, and secondly, my method won't distinguish between the word alone and another longer word that includes the word in question.
  7. The function is llDeleteSubString: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlDeleteSubString. llSubStringIndex will return the location of your word in the string: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSubStringIndex. llStringLength could be used to determine the length of your word (unless you prefer to hard code it): http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlStringLength. So, integer index = llSubStringIndex (original_string, my_word); integer my_word_length = llStringLength (my_word); modifed_string = llDeleteSubString (original_string, index, index + my_word_length); Note: not tested inworld. And you may want to consider the possibility that your word isn't part of the original string: llSubStringIndex will return -1 in this case, and that should be caught before it's fed into llDeleteSubString, where it has a special meaning.
  8. Used to be 14 days, didn't it? A typo? ETA: oh, silly me. It makes sense as it stands.
  9. Firestorm has a "Favorite Wearables" feature. A floater associated with a special inventory folder, and a toolbar button and a menu item that opens the floater. You can drag system clothing items and wearable objects into the floater and then put them on or take them off with a double-click. https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_wearable_favorites
  10. First guess is that the HUD gets attached in a different orientation to the one you've been looking at when you built it. If you rotate it you might see its components move into the alignment you want.
  11. <pedantry> Slight redundancy here? The changed event will only fire when integer changed is non-zero? Also, double opening parentheses in the third and last llOwnerSay. </pedantry>
  12. Search for "set home" inworld. There's a lot of places that allow group members to set their home location there, and the group membership is usually free.
  13. A couple of times (in about ten years) I've seen degraded performance in a region I've been visiting so I've raised a ticket or got on to live chat to report it, with the result that there's been a restart within minutes. Sometimes restarts happen because a random user reports a problem that LL reckon should be fixed by a restart.
  14. If I remember correctly, the downside of a RAM drive was the extra time it takes to save it on shutdown and restore it on startup. This was a while ago, though, and it did go to an HDD when the computer was off: maybe saving to an SSD would be less of a pain. Also, if you only reboot once a week or so, it'll be something you can live with.
  15. That counts me out then.
  16. Yes, they do for now. However, grid-wide scope for all is supposed to be coming "soon", so the access should become available anywhere except on land where a particular experience has been blocked. (At least that's my guess. I suppose it's not inconceivable that LL might allow landowners to block all experiences except those specifically allowed. Which, given the fear and loathing of experiences I've seen expressed in these forums, would be a feature that could be taken up widely, in the same way that many places disable pathfinding.)
  17. I think you've changed the UI (user interface) size. In the LL viewer it's a slider on Preferences (Ctrl+P)/Advanced/UI Size, and in the Firestorm viewer on Preferences/User Interface/2D Overlay/UI Scaling. You should set that to 1.0 until you know you need something different.
  18. Specifically, look at the Scripts Run % in Statistics. When this drops to below around 10% or so the delay between a click and a response is really noticeable. But what's being described seems to go way beyond this.
  19. So it's your lost bits that've messing up my scripts all this time!
  20. Is this statement helpful: when you do arithmetic using binary approximations of decimal fractions bits fall off the end. But when you reverse the arithmetic the bits you lost stay lost?
  21. I'd guess rounding errors and the fact that a float converted to a string has a precision of six digits white the internal float has a precision of something like seven and a bit digits. Or something like that.
  22. No, you don't need a dedicated sim. You do need to be a premium member to create an experience, and you do need to have the parcels where you use it allow it specifically (at least until grid-wide scope becomes a thing).
  23. An experience key value pair will do this on land where that experience is enabled. Hopefully, sometime soon, when grid-wide experiences come along, it'll work anywhere unless that experience is specifically disabled. Most of the objects I'm using this for are static and on one of my own parcels. My HUD goes with me, so if it loses touch (crashes or gets reset) I have to TP to one of those parcels to read the URL and reestablish the connection. No big deal, but I am really looking forward to grid-wide experiences, and hoping that access to key value pairs anywhere will be part of the deal.
  24. If the lift accommodates more than one person turning the light off in the collision_end event risks leaving additional passengers in the dark. (I think you get a collision_end for each individual collider. I could be wrong, though.)
  25. Firestorm has a sound explorer feature which might help. You'll have to go through the list of sounds and play them locally to identify the culprit, and then use the look at button to home in on the object.
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