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KT Kingsley

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Everything posted by KT Kingsley

  1. I agree. Discovering how to create non-repetitive random selections from a list using an incremental counter and the modulo operator has been a revelation. I've previously taken a random selection from all but the last item in the list and then moved that selection to the end of the list.
  2. Try this: default { touch_start(integer total_number) { integer random = (integer) llFrand (3); if (random < 1) llPlaySound ("UUID_0", 0.2); else if (random < 2) llPlaySound ("UUID_1", 0.2); else llPlaySound ("UUID_2", 0.2); } } (*Other methods are also available.)
  3. I'd suggest it's the problems that should be blamed for the unscheduled maintenance, rather than the unscheduled maintenance take the blame for the problems.
  4. See the thread above. Some people are reporting that editing your shape fixes the problem.
  5. From my HUD: llOwnerSay ("@setrot:" + (string) (rotate_to * DEG_TO_RAD) + "=force"); It works fine for me. The RLV API wiki page does say that it's not very precise and won't work at all on small angles, but my own experience is that it's precise enough for my needs. I've not checked how small the smallest angles I've thrown at it are, but I've had no trouble there, either. Presumably you're getting the "executed ok" message with RLV debug turned on?
  6. Intriguingly, Christopher Eccleston's reading has the last line of the first verse as "Disappointed shells that dropped behind", while the text in the OP reads "Of gas-shells dropping softly behind", and a quick google turned up yet another version: "Of tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind". Any ideas as to why the variance?
  7. My own self-written RLV relay doesn't do anything to indicate how permissive I'm feeling. It does incorporate black/grey/whilelists in conjunction with a "sounds like" filter ("*", "?") — with which I am well pleased — for various commands. In my case, and perhaps in many other cases, you might want to use a timer to gauge whether a response from a relay suggests a command been manually or automatically approved.
  8. I'd thought maybe you could use a low morning sun elevation with the East Angle set so the sun is due south as a Windlight key frame for your midday day cycle setting and let the interpolations do their stuff. But like I say, I never got around to trying it out, and now I guess it's pretty much a moot point anyway. (Apologies to those residents who prefer a southern hemispheric frame of reference.)
  9. There's an East Angle setting for the sun/moon in the current Windlight. It rotates the sun/moon plane around the vertical axis (so you can set the sun to rise at any point of the compass). I'm not sure how, or even if, it might be used to simulate a more northern or southern "Land of the Midnight Sun" type of day cycle — that's something I never got around to playing with and which I'll now leave until EEP comes online.
  10. Assuming the message the receiving script hears will always be of the form "string [space] UUID", and the length of the string might vary, you could find the space character in the message and then grab everything after it: uuid = llGetSubString (message, llSubStringIndex (message, " ") + 1, -1); Doh! You want to have several textures in the message. Wulfie got it right first time.
  11. It used to be that changing group would prompt a refresh for your avatar (or something like that), and was a useful nudge when things got stuck. Presumably it still is, though I've not had a bake failure for a long time and haven't had to try it. But does changing the group role, and thus the tag, without changing the group have the same effect?
  12. There's Floating Window Opacity/Active in Preferences/Colors/Miscellaneous.
  13. You'll find a scripter willing to take the job on far more easily if you make the blades using an animated texture on a face that's on the part that oscillates.
  14. I think you may have turned your RLV relay off, but still have RLV enabled in your viewer. The attachment that does the Windlight changes won't need to use the relay because it can llOwnerSay the RLV commands to you directly. You're wearing it, so you're the owner, even if it is only a temporary attachment that doesn't show in your inventory and detaches itself automatically. I did turn RLV off at my viewer level, and looked in again. All I got was a screenfull of RLV llOwnerSay that didn't have any effect.
  15. Just tried that. It's temporarily attaching an RLV scripted object (using the experience permissions) which does the Windlight changes and which then detaches itself.
  16. Yet another piece of script functionality I seem to have missed out on. I'd love to know how it's done.
  17. I thought as much. As seamless as experience teleports might be, they're really not so seamless that the join isn't glaringly (pun not intended, but left in anyway) obvious. RLV can change Windlight settings. Any script can play with local lights, which might be mistaken for changing Windlight settings.
  18. Any scripters reading this that can tell me what the function that does this is? This is a feature I've been looking out for, and I seem to have missed it.
  19. May be a logarithmic, exponential or square function? This might give you an idea: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Dora_Gustafson/moderated_world_wind.
  20. YouTube has been having issues: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/oct/17/youtube-down-video-service-reports-problems.
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