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Everything posted by StarlanderGoods

  1. The idea does not adress the function of demos, wich is to testt how the object fits our particular needs, be it body brand/sliders or how it matches with our outfit (in the case of clothes). It would be NICE to see the object in 3D instead of a photograph, yes, it would not replace demos.
  2. This is wrong, games are a medium, and it is mostly used for entretainment, overwhelmingly so. There are instances where the medium is used to create art, so, some games are art is correct. All games? No, some, considering how prevalent games as purely entretainment are, Id say that a very small fraction of all games made are art.
  3. My not suped up, regular duper, newly built (with some old parts included) built by me gaming computer runs 2 ALM enabled viewers in ultra, at 60 fps. Maybe you just have a hot rig. My previous video card was super hot, constantly firing up the fans like it was about to take off, but it turned out that that´s how that video card worked.
  4. Do other people also see the same thing you do? Could all the scriipted animals be the culprit of the laggy behaviour?
  5. No one is asking the important questions here. Was the quoted conversation fun?
  6. Are we really entretaining the idea that people get banned left and right for using system avis? Couldnt it be because this people also happen to have a terrible attitude and probably reacted very bad to any criticism?
  7. That method never worked right with me, but lets go in order. 1- I mean the literal seams, where the MD stitches are, but if you retopod the thing then it shouldnt matter. MD always makes a mess of those seams. Retopoing usually kills the MD UV map, and you would need the original MD UV map for the redding method, there is no definite "right" way of doing, you will find what suits you as you keep making stuff. 2- The weight smoothing, yes, its a manual process, you can do it easily with a mouse, there is a smoothing tool and it requires no artistic knowledge, think of it as sanding the rough edges. https://gyazo.com/68852516326cf6f034bee256a62a79ea 3- Always export flat, unwleded, you can weld it in Blender later on, and if you want it thick you can put a solidify modifier in Blender. (always apply modifiers before exporting) 4- Regarding the clipping in the belly, you dont need to enlarge the whole garment, just select that part that clips, go to edit mode, click the proportional editing button, and just separate that clipping part a bit from the body https://gyazo.com/276a62e6ee3fad50f0f02bed2e662cef
  8. Skybox and sky dome creators will have to figure out how to recreate light inside their builds, or find different means for privacy other than a huge simwide sphere that blocks all the light.
  9. Everything Extrude Ragu said is right, so I will just add. Marvelous designer is AWFUL on the seams, even with the retopology option on, it will have a bunch of unnecesary vertices and edges that while they wont really look bad in the mesh, they can be a PITA for rigging. The issue you show under the arm is a rigging issue, smooth the weights and remove unnecesary weights, like from the arms or shoulders that could be affecting that area. Try to keep the borders of the clothes as simple an even (in weights) as possible to prevent that zig-zagging. Also, having a clean topology that resembles the body doesnt hurt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The clipping issue, it could be a number of things, maybe your devkit is not exactly like the in-world body. Maybe it has stronger or lighter weights, so when you rig it in a neutral state, it looks fine, but in-world when you move the sliders to make the avatar thicker or lighter, the clothes will either get thicker than the body (if the weight is stronger) or wont get thick enough (if the weight is not strong enough). The easy solution is, after rigging, edit the model and separate it a little bit from the body, to give you some margin of error, then export that. You will notice a TON of male clothing that relies on hiding most of the mesh body, so you are not alone in the struggle.
  10. Just a heads up, "Anthro" is usually short hand for "anthropomorphic", wich are human/animal avatars, or animal avatars with human features. Also, there is a machinima section in the forum, you should ask there too.
  11. I was kinda banned from a club once in RL, over a disagreement about the music they were playing. In hindsight, I should have kept my mouth shut. There was also a threat of severe bodily harm, particularly over the head area. I took it as a ban.
  12. To be fair, most "shadows" on SL objects are just ambient occlusion, the only time I see long shadows baked is in some houses that have the light from the windows baked into the floor. If an object has relly strong directional shadows baked in, I usually skip it, for the reasons you mentioned.
  13. I just realized that halloween and Dia de los Muertos overlap. I personally dont celebrate either since they are not a thing where I live, but if I had to choose, Id rather celebrate Dia de los muertos.
  14. I still disable ALS sometimes to do some stuff, like boat racing, bot other than that its pretty much always on. If the proposed changes come with a better materials system, then I totally welcome them. And the slider thing mentioned upthread seems to show that older systems wont take that much of a hit, since they can customize the light sources. This is a good direction, in my opinion, and a new one, instead of trying to keep anacrhonistic systems coexisting.
  15. the only way to get more resolution, is by using a mesh attachment, just have to keep looking for ones that will blend, or ones that are mod so you can texture them yourself and fix the blending issue.
  16. Break the building into parts to reduce Li, think of the physics cost not only in terms of detail, but in terms of volume, you dont want your model to consider all the empty space inside, Li that you save optimizing your physics are Li you can use to up the LOD Also, if your build uses X ammount of faces (textures), be sure to keep the same number and order in all levels of detail, the uploader doesnt like it when you dont.
  17. Yes, this is cool and it´s how I view them. HOWEVER! There are already publications using AI generated images instead of hiring an illustrator or paying a licence to use an image, art sites are already being flooded with AI images, drowning human artists. And lets not forget this ML has stolen the works of millions in order to output the results it does. There was this news also, about a guy that won an art competition (digital manipulation cathegory) with an AI generated image that he then photoshopped, and made $300 from the prize. It doesnt sound bad, because its the right cathegory and he did retouch the image afterwards, but when pressed for comment, his answer was “This isn't going to stop. Art is dead, dude. It's over. A.I. won. Humans lost.” Is the technology cool ? absolutely, it´s a great toy. But the negative effects in it´s current state far outweight the positives.
  18. I think that the prompts used in an ML are more like comissioning a work, not so much directing, since you have no reliable way to affect the outcome, other than through entering new prompts and selecting wich output to use. I guess we define art in a different way, since for me it´s about expression, wich the AI is incapable of, by nature of being a very rudimentary program, Ive heard them called weak AI, to diferentiate from what a true AI would be if it is ever created. Now, I belive that computer generated images CAN become art, the same way a urinal can become art, or a canvas painted in two tones can become art, through the intervention of the artist, giving them a context and a message. But I wouldnt consider the output of the AI/ML itself to be art, I think the word Illustration describes it better.
  19. There is also the "other" conversation, about what even is art. And some people hate that, and claim that everything is art, but I belive that art, or fine arts are a specific subsection of visual content, like not every graphic, picture, painting is art, there are a lot of classifications for manual/digital crafts, for different purposes. Artisans, illustrators, masters of their craft dont necesarily deal in art and it has nothing to do with the skill, but the purpose. Having said that, I dont think there can be "art" without the human element, because art is a human expression, I mean, fine arts, people use the word art to describe any visual media and that sometimes muddies the conversation when something new like this image generators pop up. They excel at ilustrating concepts (midjourney at least), but lack the purpose of the human composition. This arent just pretty images, this are parts of the artists experience, they tell a story of the time and place where the artist lived, this are events real or imagined (real in this cases) as seen through the eyes of an artist of its time, picked with a purpose, composed for a reason, lit with intent.
  20. the uploader will make auto LOD models if you dont make all the models manually, and it will oftentime butcher the shape of the object, if you dont give it enough room (tris) to work with.
  21. No, AI art is definitely going to impact art and artists in a negative way. Nott only it needs to be "taught" by using millions or billions of images that were created by humans, the current models have used those images without the consent of the artists, AND included the metadata ABOUT the artists. So you can use the artists name in the prompts, to imitate their style, denying the artists what could have been a comission, and denying the artist the choice of participating in this venture or not. Prompts like "trending in artstation" have been used, wich means this models hace scraped huge ammounts of images indiscrimintaly. Basically, the current models are tainted, they might be a nice toy, but it is unethical to use them, id like to compare them to blood diamonds, or shoes made by child labor.
  22. So, why do you have a club? What did you envision when you created it ?
  23. Can you give us more information? Like, is it a comission, are you thinking of making the item as a partnership? How complex is the item, textures, materials, scripts?
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