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Everything posted by StarlanderGoods

  1. When are the elections, and what are the safeguards to ensure fair elections? Are you part of a party, do you have a possible cabinet selected? Is anyone running against you? Asuming all my previous questions are answered in a positive manner, what kind of leverage would you have to negotiate with LL ? Considering that in the BEST case scenario, you would still be actually powerless to deliver in any of the things you promote in your platform as a government, since the system doesnt support a political system, and asuming that you are truthful in your intentions to represent SL users..... shouldnt you organize a Union instead?
  2. It happens to everyone at some point, it´s nothing to be ashamed off. Sometimes you are nervous, or the expectations have been built too much, and your community becomes unavailable. Just relax, think of something else and try again later.
  3. Unless the gay sim has a swim team, then they will go out looking just as they arrived
  4. They have very different sizes in that picture, like in the inner arch on the right, compared to the "column" ones.
  5. Im in a good mood, so I will settle this once and for all, the right answers are: -Android -Xbox -Star Wars -Original (even if it was in black and white) -My sports team (I dont have one, but it would be the right answer if I did) No one out of highschool should care about what other people wear, unless that is literally your job, like a fashion critic or work in wardrobe in a movie set, etc. Regarding Maitreya, I dont think it´s going anywhere, and my conspiracy theory senses are tingling at all the sudden new mentions of it. Someone on this or other similar thread said that Maitreya was so ubiquitous, that it´s the standard that people use to deviate from. It´s the Disney of mesh bodies.
  6. I am going to guess that those arent real skulls, and that the props department just made them in bulk, so they are all similar size.
  7. I was wondering about that type of avatar too, I dont think that most of the examples are nailing the eyes, particularly the eyelids of the south american aborigin (Tons of different tribes, Im assuming the OP is looking more at Quechuas, around the former Inca empire, and not as north as the aztecs nor south as the Tehuelches) Its odd, because its such a strong identifier (the eye shape), that I would start with an asian head, instead of an african inspired one
  8. There is this tutorials page, for rigging, something about a ginko leaf. Im pretty sure they have reverse engineered dev-kits in there, for educational purposes, if you are trying to learn how to work with specific bodies.
  9. Its to signal that theres the edge of the sim, X=cross, Region Crossing
  10. I saw someone using crutches in-world a couple of days ago, the animation for it looked pretty good. So maybe search for "crutches" and check what other stuff those creators are doing. If that doesnt work, try looking for old people walking animations, Ive seen limping walks there too.
  11. the eBODY Reborn looks nice, it reminds me of the Kahlene butt shape, and the Freya breasts. It looks a lot more natural than Kupra. Clothes coverage is still not awesome, there is a lot of volume but not many "styles" of clothes for it, and more expensive than, for example Maitreya, like you could get $L 50 shorts for the Maitreya, but outside events, that will be $L 250 for a similar thing for Reborn. But I guess prices just need some time to go down. Shape wise, it´s definitely curvy, particularly in the lower half, the torso CAN get pretty skinny, but without deformers I dont think the butt can. I give it a 1 thumbs up out of 1 thumbs up.
  12. Literally a handfull of unelected men, dictating the lives of all people. And where is the oposition? Publicly saying that they are against packing the courts... wich they wouldnt be able to do even if they wanted. Its one of those moments where things look bad, and I cant see how they can be fixed.
  13. You know what? I logged into the forums to look for some scripting help, and I got sucked into the vortex as well.
  14. This isnt a "both sides" issue, a partisan court is favoring a religious doctrine over the will of the people. If you are going to both_sides this, you have to tell me how is the "other side" materially stripping people of rights in a similar magnitude.
  15. Hey, if its to improve the "service", its welcome.
  16. Isnt it like a bad moment to try and peddle crypto? From what I heard their whole scamm is crumbling and people are jumping ship so they are not left holding the bag.
  17. Your Honor, if I may aproach the bench. Im trying to prove that the issue is not of a practical nature, being inconvienced by the Orbs, but it is of an ideological nature, he belives 0 second Orbs should not exist on mainland. And that the statement about his recent interest in the thread being because of an uptick in 0 second Orb events to be a misdirection, a fallacy.
  18. YES! Not only IN second life, but at the forums as well. I tend to type and answer whatever comes to mind with very few filters, and very often it comes out as rude. But I am aware of this, so I re-read most of what I type, and I end up deleting.... like 75% of what type, with the reasoning of "I dont need to engage with this and they dont need to read this either.", and I replace the thing with a smiley face or a forum reaction.
  19. Are you claiming that you havent participated in any of the previous threads about Orbs and Banlines? Because I find that hard to belive.
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