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Everything posted by StarlanderGoods

  1. Yes, they one I have has all that, and you can set zones, and all that, but it has that weird time limit
  2. Where are people getting all this 1 second, 0 seconds Orbs?The ones Ive used have a hard limit of 15 seconds. I tried to set them to 1 second, but it reverts back to 15, and I dont really have that many unwanted visitors to warran a new Orb. Some time ago, I was renging a nice plot on mainland, but someone plopped a newbie sex motel nextdoor, a really tall one, and I kept getting strays coming into my home, a 0 seconds Orb would have been great to have.
  3. I rented from Excalibut Estates too for a while, and had no problems. In fact Ive never had an issue with a landlord.
  4. People get punched a lot in soccer related violence, but not that many deaths. Now imagine if every hooligan was carrying a gun, and had an automatic rifle waiting for him at home or in his car, it would be a massacre. In this case, sucking at soccer (football) is actually a blessing for the U.S.
  5. The face reminds me of a Star Wars era Natalie Portman
  6. That is a terrible idea, you dont want all your information across a bunch of plataforms in one single basket, and linked to your RL identity.
  7. Holy crap! That list of partners, I bet they meet in an underground lair. I wish the Dormant Volcano where they have their lair becomes active during one of these meetings.
  8. still looking underage, I think the ears are playing a major role tilting the face from young adult to underage teen, I mean, aside from all the other face features wich are designed to represent an underage girl. Ayashes examples dont look underage, are those from the same head that the OP is using?
  9. OP looks underage, Ceka looks young, like early/mid 20s
  10. If you have a mouse, disable the pad and use the mouse, see if that works, so you can narrow down the issue to input. I say this because that is the kind of behavior I get when I try to move the camera using a wacom pen instead of the mouse.
  11. (In Arnies voice): To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
  12. They cant give it the same freedom that Valve gave TF and HL2, because they operate in different systems of monetization, once you bought the basic game from Valve, that was it, that is all they asked of you. If you mod the game and keep people interested, it´s just more people playing and more chances of more people buying the game. Fortnite works on a different system, you most likely wont be able to create all kinds of content like in TF, because that would be a huge loss for Fortnite, in terms of monetization, I dont think they will risk giving froobs ilimited content under the table, decreasing the incentives to buy stuff from their store.
  13. Thats cool, I didnt get the email, so thanks for sharing, Ill go check it up when it opens.
  14. Its not the first time that Fortnite tries to become a content platform, or metaverse, but they restricted those options to companies that dealt directly with their management, it was a one way relation. I could go on for a while about Fortnite, but Dan is just better at it.
  15. I delete the doors in my houses, unless they are big wide double doors that stay open and dont auto close. The other thing I edit, is full bright stuff, always turn full bright off. (unless its something with text that I need to read in-world)
  16. I was about to say this, I did read a lot of books as a kid, but honestly, most of them were garbage. Its not like something becomes GOOD just because it was printed, and the good books I read were mostly for school and didnt get to apreciate them properly until I was an adult. Also, I love the blonde kids playing in a pristine creek, being photographed by the adult that was watching over them, as if any considerable number of the population grew up with all those advantages. I had to make my own mud to get dirty when I was a kid.
  17. I understand people who dont like to buy No Mod stuff, and I understand some cases where a creator might want to sell No Mod stuff, sometimes it´s not something as pedantic as "ruining their artistic vision". For example, I bake all textures, and without the AO and UV maps its pretty hard to replace a texture from a mesh item. And if you separate an item, because the textures are baked, you will have pure black spots where two parts of the item met. They are simply not made for the user to edit them. I run a bit of an experiment, and decided to make some mesh item, with modding in mind, and it is a LOT of extra work, first of all, I can no longer divide the mesh in arbitrary pieces that are comfortable for me, I have to separate the mesh in pieces that will make sense to the used, like removing sleeves or details. Then I have to fix the edges of the mesh, because mesh is transparent on one side, if you cut the mesh without having some fold in the border it just looks bad, and making the whole thing double layered adds a lot of unnecesary polygons. Also, I have to make easy to read UV and AO maps, and distribute them with the item, wich also means there is no incentive for me to make multiple colours and textures for it. So if I want to make a product that is not just Mod, but that supports being modified, it IS a lot more work than making an object with a predetermined number of uses, like NoMod with a textures HUD. (Im talking about rigged mesh clothing, if the object in question is made with prims, then modding is a lot easier to support)
  18. I think it´s because the full price items are MOD, and the sale items are NO MOD, so the logic follows, NO MOD -> Lower quality -> Lower class shopper. From my point of view everyone is wrong, the merchant should have stated clearly that it´s not a sale, it´s a different line of products, cheaper and NO MOD. A sale is something different, it´s the same objects, but at a reduced price, for whatever reason. And the buyer is in the wrong for thinking that selling NO MOD is somehow disrespectful to the buyer. And everyone else in the thread is also wrong, for having this same conversation for the millionth time. Im in the wrong too for participating in it.
  19. All I want, is the third season of "For All Mankind", I will strop trashing Elon when he steps in and funds ilimited seasons of the series.
  20. Absolutely not, first of all, I wouldnt call them "Musk´s" accomplishments, if I pay someone to do something for me, I wont go around taking credit for doing the thing. But what I complain about, the thing that bothers me, are the blind fanboys, ready to kiss the ground Elon steps on, and that they dont understand that he is not a rocket scientists, not an engineer, he is just a money guy.
  21. Apparently mars is a lot less red than we were led to belive.
  22. Maybe my memory is failing... but the US did win the space race by putting a man on the moon, while Musk hasnt put a man on mars yet. (or delivered on any of the other promises, like fully automated vehicles, a working undeground mass transit system, a humanoid robot, etc.)
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