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Everything posted by StarlanderGoods

  1. We have to get together some time and I can teach you, the most difficult part is find a time that works
  2. I only check advanced if I know there are a bunch of materials I MUST see, otherwise is not worth the performance hit. Also, I didnt notice any changes, but I rezzed in the most bare plataform 3000mts up, no materials, barely any textures, etc.
  3. "Trying to use the multi-quote function"
  4. It depends, if I tell you that the sun is an orb afixed to the firmament of our flat earth, in a very authoritative way, correcting you on your position of the earh being a globe and orbiting the sun. And you tell me that I might not know as much as I think I do, are you attacking me? You see, the big error in those examples, is that you picked them without context, they are personal in the sense that they are direct replies to another poster, The first one reads as a joke, it was the answer to a jokey meme. The second one was a rebuttal to a really toxic pseud-scientific belief, bordering on eugenics about some people being genetically superior to others, scorn is earned, I think the rebuttal was tame. Your third example is from me, after repeated times asking the other poster to please read the source of the terms he was usingm if you know what the Dunning-Kruger effect is, this was a textbook definition of it. The fourth one, I really dont know the full context, full disclosure, Im too lazy to re-read all the huge posts, sometimes people take the REALLY long way around to make a point and get lost in the weeds, Ill grant you that it could be phrased better. This are all definitely examples of conflict and wether you consider them personal attcks depends a lot on your interpretation and your own values. If you belive that civil discourse is more important than content, and that even the intolerant must be tolerated, then you will probably consider those four examples as personal attacks. From my point of view, MAYBE the fourth example is a bit too personal, again, I do not remember the full context on that one. The rest of them look A-OK to me.
  5. There is also the "Im technically not touching you" posters, that reply very personal, very offensive things, with the thinnest layer of obfuscation that everyone can see through. And hide behind that technicality as if it wasnt clearly transparent.
  6. It´s totally a thing, everytime I hear about it I am reminded of the hit comedy podcast Episode 1, where they often make jokes about one of the members wanting to be turned into a turkey and eaten by Taylor Swift. And then they made a whole episode about it, and it´s great.
  7. At what IQ number do people learn how to write?
  8. They have demos in-world. The clothes looks fine, but I have a big issue with the rigging. With certain bodies you have to hide big chunks of your body, if not the whole body for some outfits not to bleed. And they dont fit ALL body systems, each item will have a list of compatible bodies.
  9. Ive never seen that message, for me it just locks up and disconects me after a bit. And it seems to be based on mood, sometimes it happens every other TP, sometimes I can teleport 20 times in a row without an issue. I cant figure out what the problem is or if there is anything I can do from my side to make it happen less often.
  10. FInal LOL count per paragraph: 4 Results: Not to be taken seriously.
  11. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, because not everyone is extremely online. The white lives matter, was designed by white nationalists, you know, the people that think that the country they live in should only be for white people. Some people simply parrot the phrase without knowing it´s origin, but it is, without the shadow of a doubt, extremely racist. You cant ignore why the phrase exists, there is a context to it, just like black lives matter has a context to it too, you should look this things up. The second point I find very distateful from your post, is the veiled asumption that LGBTQ+ are pedophiles, the rules for content, adult content and age restrictions would be the same as in any other part of the forum. This are all talking points Ive heard before, from people who are openly racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. Im not saying that you are, but you should question yourself, why your views align with theirs, or where did you pick up this biases.
  12. Working on the DnD setup before I have to go.
  13. God damnit! This is brilliant! Im saving it.
  14. That is a fair ask, I have to asume that you have no problem using the pronouns that people tell you they identify with. Otherwise you would be a huge hypocrite.
  15. Sorry, I wasnt clear enough, what I meant is, why all the fighting, what is it that you oppose and why.
  16. You have to show the ID card, where it proves that you have succesfully completed a tour in the reeducation camps. Is that what you wanted to hear? Because the real answer is so much simpler, it would just be a place where moderation keeps LGBTQ+ topics from derailing into culture war stuff, simple as that.
  17. This thread itself is an example of why an LGBTQ+ subforum is needed. Not as a place to isolate LGBTQ+ people, but to have a place where the threads are not going to be raided by the anti-LGBTQ+ brigade. (and the white pride brigade too it seems)
  18. I am inmortalized in the blackboard 😄
  19. But it might make it true, if, as you claim, so many people end up blocking you. It MUST have crossed your mind at some point, that maybe the problem is not everyone else. That even if your ideals, to you, are absolute and unquestionable (already not a good sign), then there might be something in the way you express yourself that alienates people. And I am making a HUGE assumption here, that you are indeed not a troll, and you arent arguing with the sole purpose of making people upset. edit: Not trying to do a gotcha, I ask sincerely, because in another forum, where my political views are not shared, I am usually the one coming off as needlessly confrontational and abrassive, and I have figured ways to express my ideals, but at the same time being mindful of the community I am in, to make communication easier, instead of a constant fight.
  20. That is terrible, but it´s a lot of money upfront. Lindal Kid´s advice is good, another thing I would add is, if the mesher is not well known, start with something small, see how they handle deadlines, communication, what the end product looks like, do they provide any help after delivery, etc. And then go for something a bit bigger, and so on. Anyway, I hope you can resolve this, and if you cant get your money back, at least they deliver a mesh.
  21. It´s not an identity, think of it as a horoscope, you were born in august, you are a Leo, you were born in whatever year you are a goat, you were born between 1946-64, you are boomer.
  22. Just a reminder, the OP is about mesh bodies, not objects in general. There really is a lot less wiggle room with bodies, from a technical point of view. If you want to retexture it, you can regarless of it being no-mod (at least all the ones I checked), you cant really edit the mesh itself, at most you can add or remove things, wich you can do even if it´s no-mod, by hiding parts and attaching mods. I asked for specific situations, and I was answered, two people had issues with heads texturing effects (heads count as bodies I would asume).
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