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Everything posted by missyrideout

  1. I mostly use the default. I live in Horizons which has it's own uniquely flattering day cycle of golden light, and pink sunsets. I wonder what will happen there with EEP. Not ready for change.
  2. I am sure this peeve has been entered in the records already but it bears repeating. If someone in a group asks for shopping suggestions, "Look on MP" IS NOT AN ANSWER!!! God. People ask because they want firsthand opinions as to what is actually good. Ok, I feel better.
  3. Today's peeve: People who think they discovered fire. Like, you may find it hard to believe but we were ALL at that event / blog / shop / sale.
  4. Google "filter bubble". Is wisegeek a site you frequent? Never heard of it myself. My first page results look pretty good. Official site, wikipedia, panel of youtube videos (First three: official, official, one by Yorkie from 2019). Then Vice and Verge with "Is second life still a thing" type pieces that aren't all that bad for what they are. My two cents.
  5. Kaithleen's MUSE x Moon Elixir Mutresse and I love them (and many of the aforementioned brands) for it!
  6. What is sleep time? What does it mean when it is almost equal to script time for a region? It's not mentioned in the knowledge base article about the statistics bar. I've been dealing with a neighbor who has a ton of breedables, and while I know there is probably nothing I can do, and the question of what constitutes an AR'able "disturbance of the peace" is a separate topic.... I am still curious what this mysterious stat represents in terms of degraded performance . I've had other places on mainland regions where sleep time crept up and scripts run % went down over time until a reset. Any insights or information welcome!
  7. While we're musing and posing hypotheticals, I'll offer my unqualified opinion! Tilia could position themselves to service all the adult content PayPal won't touch. For those who don't know: PayPal has a rather puritanical approach to adult content. Look up what happened with them and PornHub performers. One of many examples. From what I can guess, Second Life skirts this because they are merely a platform that happens to contain adult content. Free from those constraints, SL could vigorously promote the adult side of SL in a way they can't / won't / are afraid to because of the advertising implications. Personally I would be thrilled.
  8. An onionskin to me implies the entire head is wrapped in the layer. HD layers aren't that. Are the Maitreya nipples an "onionskin"?
  9. Genus always had one onionskin "tattoo" layer. They declined adding upper/lower Catwa-style layers in favour of waiting for BOM. They also have an HD lipstick layer and soon will have an HD eyeshadow layer. Lelutka Evolution has no onionskin layers. It's intended to be used as BOM+ two HD makeup layers: eyes and lips. You'll have to check the triangle counts in world to get an idea of which is the worst offender. Totally pure BOM heads are highly unlikely to take off, imho of course. HD makeup is here to stay. There are currently 9 (nine) Genus heads: Baby Face 01 , Baby Face 02, Classic 01, Classic 02, Strange Face 01, Strange Face 02, Strong Face 01, Strong Face 02, Strong Face Gift 01. Each is a different head with a different mesh. 4 "families" with two heads in each plus one gift. The degree to which they are different is up for discussion. To me they are samey in the same way all Catwa heads are the same, all Lelutka heads are the same. They are, and they aren't.
  10. Not sure how to interpret this because it is written as if the Genus head just came out. They already had 3 head models (Classic, Baby, Strong) last spring, as of Skin Fair 2019. With the release of the free head and the settling of the DMCA they now have I think 8-9 options. And a lot of buzz because of the gift head, the news of a male head coming soon, and the fact that many people were not able to get newly released models after Skin Fair 2020 because of DMCA issues. But regardless of the timeline, you're right that Genus had an unprecedented and meteoric rise. Why? First and foremost, the shape of the mesh itself. The shapability of the mesh. The HD lips. More commonplace now, but at the time of the release nothing came close to the quality of Genus HD lipsticks. Months of events where every new must-have skin was made for Genus. Creators as much as anyone else fell in love with the heads. The of the shape of the mesh and the wide variety of possible looks.
  11. Check the HUD under shape, there are two fits for arms and legs: one for Belleza and one for Slink hands/feet
  12. Related to the above, my only negative comment is: couldn't Maitreya have partnered with a few more brands to make a splash ON the release day? You'd think the by FAR most popular body on the grid could call in a few favors. Bit of a bummer to have so many people asking about clothes in the Lara Friends channel only to be told use that one bra (doubles as a bikini!) or painted on BOM, or wait. Wasn't Maitreya once known for making high quality clothes themselves? I saw one prominent creator of lingerie state today on flickr they wouldn't be doing Petite because they "already rig for Perky." A body which btw somehow got *100* designers to release clothes the same weekend. Maybe I will be accused of concern trolling again but if Maitreya wants to make it a going concern maybe they need to pursue creators more aggressively. The upstarts certainly are.
  13. The limitations of Maitreya breasts have always been at both ends of the slider. If you make them too big OR too small there are (imo of course) issues with shape. Nice to have this option. I do wish they had partnered with a few more brands though for the rollout. Will be curious to see how fast this is adopted and developed for compared to other offerings. I am liking the flexibility being shown by Maitreya though with their BOM implementation, this new petite chest, and for me particularly the changes to the feet. The idea of resizeable feet was shot down over and over because it would break older shoes and yet they found a way.
  14. I'd like to see more solid, family names--something you'd see on a driver's license. Gimmicky, punny names have been a mainstay since forever though and it's fun to see them.
  15. Belzebubble is popular for their "alpha panties" in various styles, with fine grained alpha control to make any part invisible through the hud. If I gave an honest review of them I'm afraid I might receive a warning for advertising so.. they're OK.
  16. Seraphim body survey results reflect the current mesh body situation pretty accurately, imho
  17. It is mainly Maitreya, Legacy, Freya and Slink Hourglass you can find clothes for now. In that order. Although its a tossup on Freya vs Legacy for availability. Hit up any current shopping event to confirm.
  18. Grain of salt and all that but according to inworld CSR, a fix is in the works for the alpha gaps. When Maitreya 5 was released, it had a small gap at high altitude which was fixed in a matter of days. Goes to show it's at least possible to address these.
  19. 1. Honestly, yes. Started playing and performing as a teenager. Been in bands, fronted the kind of bands you might see at the local on a Friday night, ie just for kicks. Recently with the whole quarantine thing I discovered a bunch of my neighbors also play a little so I started hosting some social distancing jams in the yard. It's a big yard. It just feels GOOD to sing. 2. I love to play country, bluegrass, folk, traditonal, old time, etc. My favorite singer though, If I had to pick one, is probably Otis Redding.
  20. If all of SL were proportional it would be so simple to make a proportional shape wouldn't it! I like the idea of a "pleasing shape" as applied to SL -- it's something that, to me, depends on the clubs I visit, my furniture, my home and partner. So, OP, sounds like you're on the right track. It's a very personal thing and there is a LOT of debate over what's right. Experts will probably disagree with this as, yes, ideal human proportions are rather well established. And the available tools are useful. Know the fundamentals and why you do or don't want to follow them exactly. I remember, for example, a dust-up over Strawberry Singh's shapes having what someone callously referred to as "gorilla arms" when in fact they were following perfect proportions. And in a world where everyone's (but not your) arms are too short, the correct length perhaps looks too long. This and many other similar conundrums are what make shape making in SL a frustrating art. Again, if SL were truly proportional it would be that easy. Check out the shape making tools, they are an invaluable guide, but also trust your eyes and what looks pleasing to you. Know the rules to break them and all that.
  21. Indeed. On the internet and elsewhere, young women have been each other "dude" for years now, so all bets are off. Pet peeve: don't call me dude! Some forum wag: "OK dude" .... yeah yeah
  22. I'm sure. My bad--I should have thrown in some other examples like BF, ML, LG, LP, SH HG etc.
  23. Today's peeve is the ever-shortening abbreviations people use to denote which body something is rigged for. Hmm, am I looking for the M, L or S version? Use the whole word!
  24. Now that I think about it, it WOULD be funny to see someone try to live their Second Life with universal love and compassion. Good luck!
  25. Since I was the one who made the post I will clarify. First off, I didn't realize how hot tempers are running on the forums or I wouldn't have bothered. Second, and more importantly, to me a peeve is simply something I find mildly annoying, not a moral judgment from on high. Saying "Hey" or other contentless greetings in busy (usually support or brand) groups, to me, is like saying "AFK" when nobody will notice or care that you are coming and going. I can't be the only one who has witnessed these stirring conversations in groups with tens of thousands of members hey hey wyd not much cool merely a PEEVE. a trifle. carry on
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