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Everything posted by missyrideout

  1. I've seen it suggested that the complexity numbers were a big success and numbers went down because it encouraged us to stop wearing super complex flexi outfits and old hair and jewelry. Nahhh. New better LOOKING stuff took over that happened to show the right numbers above our heads. And off we went in the world satisfied we had done something good, most of us not having the technical inclination beyond low = GOOD. If new and better looking tech develops that happens to actually address complexity, it'll take over too. BOM is a perfect example. People adopt it because it's fun! Because it's flexible and enhances our creativity. Because it addresses issues that prevented us from achieving the LOOKS we wanted. What's the ballpark percentage of the marketplace who care about being a good citizen? 🙃 Of course in reality most implementations of BOM have done little to alleviate the current situation. I'm not speaking against being a good citizen mind you! I'm just suggesting that if we want to trick people into doing something for the good of the grid, make it sexy.
  2. Many thousands of residents have changed their names. Don’t believe me? Pull up the legacy search and start with counting Novas. Also, the idea that the new names are somehow more gimmicky is simply confirmation bias. Names like Takeda, Atheria, Leeder, Hexem, Timmerman, Rowley, Kiyori, Ravenhurst, Ichibara, Dallas, Aurelia and others .... I don’t particularly like any of the names myself but I see zero material difference between the names on offer and typical legacy names. And silly puns on last names have been a mainstay since time immemorial.
  3. I'm not sure, I take it as the lure of something new and shiny, nothing more complicated than that ! Don't get me wrong, Freya is still the third most common rigging at events if we consider Legacy and its variants one, and Lara's another. But for connoisseurs of thick shapes the biggest difference between Freya and HG are the legs. If you max out the fat on Freya she has thick legs all the way to the ankle, on Hourglass you get giant thighs tapering to supermodel skinny calves. Bodies like Kupra, built from the ground up to be thick, usually handle this better.
  4. I think so. Legacy Maitreya Freya has typically been a common set of riggings at events. With petite and perky, I see more creators thinning down to Legacy+Perky and Lara+Petite. I think the next test will be how fast / if Belleza can update to the new standard neck join that is proliferating across the grid. Right now with a Lelutka Evo head. for example. Belleza are the only "major" body with a neckline.
  5. I think a lot of people pushing Freya to the limit are interested in a shiny new toy to play with. Hopefully nobody accuses me of "concern trolling" again but when your body feels abandoned (BOM out a year ago and no updates man!) a bit of buzz is an exciting thing.
  6. HD brows are great! Look forward to seeing what third party creators do with them. The new HUD lipsticks are much more usable out of the box. If you want to do the boundless, try going from the new included default shape. I mean, obvious advice that people always give, but over the years I have come to assume default shapes will be awful. They have done a great job with default shapes as a starting point. I was inclined to stick with my old shape but after a couple days of fiddling I see the benefit of the new rigging, especially in profile.
  7. Birth has a number of animation HUDs for breasts and butts that go beyond what physics can accomplish. I'm sure a body could be made from the ground up with robust animation options. A lot of potential there.
  8. Stores that don't add things from events in a timely fashion. Not that I'm pounding on the doors the day after an event closes. A reasonable, timely fashion! You don't want my money? grumbles
  9. Things that are stored server side like block lists and profile notes remain. Chat logs require manual intervention. Other residents have to rename your log file to tie chat history to the new name. Privacy wise it’s trivial to find someone’s new name if you know their old, but not the opposite. So if you copy your own logs over, and they go way back, you’ll still know you exchanged a few words with some random person years ago and they may have no idea who you are.
  10. Yes! I don't get the knee jerk reaction. Emoji are part of language at this point. Next you'll be trying to tell me irregardless isn't a word!
  11. It seems so, yes. Even now if your font has good unicode coverage the viewer will display a decent amount of emoji but they are black and white, grainy and hard to decipher. So why not just embrace modern times and make them look better!
  12. It has come up here on the forums multiple times and at at least one TPV user meeting in the past. Thanks to @Inara Pey 's tireless efforts it was super easy to dig up what I only vaguely recollected. It was discussed at a third party viewer meeting, May 2019. Summarized here: https://modemworld.me/2019/05/18/2019-sl-user-groups-20-3-tpv-developer-meeting/ ... (Note for forum curmudgeons who don't click through, it was specifically stated that emoji in display names was NOT on the table.) There was also a thread in which Catznip developer @Kitty Barnett discussed efforts to develop this feature. See below. I still hope it will happen somehow!
  13. Also, for better or worse (yes yes, clearly for worse, I get it, you're old and so am I) discord lets people communicate in the language of the modern internet: gif reactions, image macros, and emoji.
  14. The average fashionista doesn't care about triangles. So if someone can best current offerings with lower poly counts, all the better.
  15. I hope so. The rise of Genus and Legacy both show it's still possible to come out of nowhere and seize a significant chunk of the market. Imagine what someone could do with a beautifully realized mesh AND a fully functioning HUD.
  16. Life goal: to love doing something, anything, as much as EVH loved playing the guitar. His music is not even my taste but I loved watching the sheer joy of it. He never seemed like a pompous rock god type despite his total mastery. Inspired an entire generation to pick up the guitar. RIP.
  17. If you're going to get Belleza and you like to shop, get Freya. If you are the type of person who will buy a handful of outfits and be happy with that, get whichever Belleza body you want. But Freya is the only one with any meaningful amount of *current* support from creators.
  18. I shop in world when I can. If prices are the same, I'm happy knowing the creator gets a bit more on the sale.
  19. Another con for marketplace redeliveries: the amount of time it takes to search my purchase history on the site. Multiple timeouts later... Good lord. I'm aware the functionality now exists to get a redelivery from an individual product page but that's not always what I need. Searching my own inventory is instantaneous.
  20. I prefer unpackers, which I save and categorize as a matter of course . For decor it lets me easily preserve an original, unmodified copy of an item without resorting to redelivery or creating an even more byzantine system of backup folders of backup folders.. It's much simpler for me to organize when there is an obvious distinction between boxed and unboxed. If a store sends a bare item, ie folder no nothing, I will pack it up myself. Recently many people were unable to get redelivery of their head because it was temporarily removed from the grid. I was glad to have the unpacker. Ditto when someone stopped supporting my body of choice and retroactively removed all support from their product. It happened to be an item I often needed redelivered for convenience, and so I was once again glad to have the unpacker.
  21. Also I didn't mean to imply that there's anything wrong with silly names, pun names, fantasy names or whatever people want to call themselves. I enjoy seeing them! In my casual headcounts I noticed even the least popular names had their fans. And in the case of names already removed from the new list they'll get to be one of only a few who share them. I think that appeals to some people. We know from years of discussion that names have great significance for some.
  22. Selective vision. While I wish there were more name-names of the kind you might see on a drivers license, there are plenty of solid names. Takeda, Atheria, Rowley, Timmerman, Dallas and others. Not to mention names not far off from, say, Oxygen: Cloud, Nova, Amethyst. LL didn’t implement the feature for people not to use it. Many thousands of avatars have changed names.
  23. They have had modest sales, 50% off the first montly payment was one type. A similar promotion now might serve as a small discount on a name change for a non-premium member. Not a bad idea.
  24. I mostly use the default. I live in Horizons which has it's own uniquely flattering day cycle of golden light, and pink sunsets. I wonder what will happen there with EEP. Not ready for change.
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