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Everything posted by missyrideout

  1. I gave up on collecting gifts and it was honestly liberating. I don't want them, many creators don't seem to want to make them. No regrets! No more piles of boxed unsorted objects taunting me when I open my inventory. OK, that's not true😛 I've seen people call certain creators greedy for never putting out gifts and honestly, I just don't care. I suppose in a perfect world creators would not feel obligated to crank out dozens of gifts and the ones they gave would be freely given and of the highest quality. But for now, they can just make something I want at a fair price and I'll happily buy it.
  2. I hate this is my peeve but man, the amount of stuff I have to put on to feel like I am dressed to the nines at a club these days. Don't get me wrong, I love the creative looks people come up with but lately I feel like my outfit reads as unfinished if I haven't picked the right 2 rings for each finger, rolled myself in baby oil and glitter, attached neon tubing that flashes more than my GPU, fashioned a floating crown or glowing orb using some kind of wizardry, incremented my head pat counter, tamed the right animesh companion... Damn. I'm getting old.
  3. Sierra Madre would make a great name though. We don't need no stinking badges!
  4. When the emperor shops for new clothes it's gotta be lag free.. So, 20% improvement in scripts--can the rest of us benefit from this breakthrough?
  5. @Nalates Urriah It only applies to the web profile though. So I imagine there are people not up on the tortuous history of viewer versions who think their picks are private when they aren't really at all.
  6. The web profile has the following privacy options. Of course, It has no effect on legacy style profiles. Man, the profile system is an arcane mess that should be overhauled completely. (Again...) Don't get me started on aspect ratios.
  7. It's recreational. Without disagreement and button pushing there would be almost no reason to post. I wonder if anyone has ever been convinced of anything in these endless back and forths. "Wow, you're right, I see the error of my ways!" said no-one on any forum ever.
  8. Mitsumi-Town in Tokyo https://secondlife.com/destination/mitsumi-town-in-tokyo
  9. Perfect name for a wifi connected bidet that comes with its own app. This podcast is brought to you by PLOOS.
  10. It's a bug related to name changes. I'd like to link the JIRA but all I could find was this, which was closed as a duplicate of another issue not visible to me. Hopefully someone else has more information. It happens to me too.
  11. I wonder how the article ended up using that image. The uncropped version posted on Reddit had a disclaimer that it was unofficial fan art. Whatever. It's Austin, baby!
  12. Except its clear that they are selling 100 units at $40, so I don't expect the price to change.
  13. My peeve of the night is Discord / broken group chat. With certain groups no longer active in world, I miss the buzz and the chatter around big events. I have Discord, I know it has its plusses but it still feels like something has been lost in-world. Super active groups used to be such a great place to socialize and share information.
  14. Currently on the ground. If I'm going to buy or rent mainland I try to find places that look decent on the ground and make my little contribution to the area.
  15. Vaporware . I'm sure it'll come along right after the big Genus update.
  16. St. Augustine is my role model. Lord, make me chaste ... but not yet.
  17. Having something like 50% of the head market when they brought out Evo X didn't hurt. At this point, after updating all Evo heads to Evo X and releasing another free head during the holidays it's probably closer to 75%. (That was roughly the result of Seraphim's Dec 2021 survey but they have retooled their site and that particular link is dead and not archived.) Anyway, safe to say Slink doesn't have that kind of juice at the moment.
  18. @Theron GiordanoThanks for the heads up on redelivery. There was an item I thought I missed my chance to purchase. Turns out I bought it ages ago and was able to get a backup.
  19. They should hide them though. I would love it so much. But then what would oldbies even talk about?
  20. A message in the profile that your collar is open means something. Simply having it open, not so much. I could see someone saying that if they spend a lot of time in a particular venue where roles are strongly defined and adhered to. They do exist. But it's not a general thing.
  21. Ayo, take some advice from your own profile and stop trying to force your small boobed, realistic hairstyle lifestyle on us. We will NOT comply!
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