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Candy Tangerine

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  1. Wow, awesome, you rock. Thank you so very much Rowan ;). Much appreciated.
  2. Hi, so I bought this brand new 34" curved monitor and was so excited to get to see SL on it. The problem is I am running it at the new recommended resolution but it ,makes the whole Firestorm page get way to small for my eyes to see the text. I do not want to change the monitor resolution. I want to make the Firestorm UI bigger so that the text is bigger for me to see. Does anyone know how to do that? Thanks in advance ;).
  3. Hi, I will admit it. After 16 years of being here I have made about 5 Alts, to help with creating, building, photography, and just to sometimes get away and be alone in SL. Where do I go to see what Alt names are tied to my Main character? I am under the assumption that if I create a new Alt while I am still logged in with one, then the new Alt will be associated to the one that is already logged in. Is this true? Thanks for anyone's help in advance.
  4. LittleMe Jewell, thank you so very much for your input as well. Those two responses have just proven to me what I have been thinking all along. Hope you nd Wulfie bit have a great weekend.
  5. Perfect Wulfie, thank you for a straight answer. My reason for asking is I get IM'd by a lot of men with no payment info on file, and they say there are from another country and the method they use to buy Lindens does not reflect that properly. All the while I am fairly certain they are Alt's of another person and just making up some excuse.
  6. Hi, for some reason I just cannot seem to get a straight answer to this question. It's a simple yes or no answer. Please do not read anymore into it than what I am asking. Thank you/
  7. Ok thanks Molly. Maybe there is hope yet then. I'll give that a try, thank you for your response
  8. Hi, sorry to reopen this thread but I just now started experiencing the same issue. I also tried to rebake textures and the character test but to no avail. I was able to unpack and new purchase I made but now even the Unpacking icon stays frozen on my screen and won't let me "detach" it. Also if I try and go into Unavailable mode is just says "Loading". I even tried creating a new Avi from scratch and that did not help. And now my Outfit window is frozen and I can't even detach any clothes or worn items, or change outfits. But get this, my Alt loads just fine from the same Firestorm viewer. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance.
  9. Thank you so very much Charalyne and Nalates for those great tips as well. Much appreciated. Candy
  10. Awesome, I'll check out the Move HUD. Thank you.
  11. Hi, I know this may come across as a very trivial request but I like to go to the dance clubs a lot and I like to try and sync my dances to the music the best I can. When I place all my dances on my screen they take up a ton of real estate. Is there any way to make them smaller or perhaps buy some kind of app that would house them all for me in one small box? (See attached screenshot). Thank you in advance for your help :-).
  12. Lyssa, Thank you so very much. You are a lifesaver. YOU ROCK !!! Candy
  13. Hi, I've been away from SL for almost 8 months and when I came back today I keep seeing all these + symbols in my Firestorm viewer with avatar names attached to them. They were never there before. What could be causing that? Thank you in advance for your time in helping me with this. (See attached screenshot)
  14. Hi, I'm using the latest Firestorm viewer and just rented a new skybox. I have the Windlight settings just where I want them and don't want them to change with the day cycle. Is there a way to keep them permanently "fixed" in the setting that I like? Thanks.
  15. Oh wow, thank you both Rowan and Fauve so very much for your suggestions, it is greatly appreciated.
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