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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. i think you maybe over complicating the fix Jyrgen as Theresa says we talking about an area up to 50 meters above the terrain in a height space of 4096 metres. How much space does anyone need to fly their aircraft. Most seasoned mainland aviators have a altimeter hud. Which tells them how high above the terrain they are. So when going cross country stay 60 metres above the terrain and you won't hit a banline but then what about boats and cars. The probem with banlines from a vehicle driver's perspective is that they are not visible to the driver early enough. We don't know the banlines are there until we are almost on top of them. If we could see them sooner then it would be great what I think the immediate fix is that will be the best for everyone, is that parcel banline information be made available to the viewer as a parcel property. This way the Catznip mini map can color in the parcels same as it can for the other parcel settings. Pick a color for this. So we driving, saling, flying along and and we can see where the banline parcels are way ahead of us, and we can go around them or over them
  2. it makes sense that Guy Linden would go visible to work with you to tidy up a mess you could be right as well about the death of the main group owner. Tier donation lapses. It could even have been the realtor like you said, saw that the tier had lapsed and apprised Linden and put in a Ticket to acquire it. So all the processes were followed in this case, but could appear to be a bit edgy i have acquired land by putting in a ticket and have got it set to me pretty quickly. One time I logged in, checked the land I had put in a ticket for. Was on the same region as my parcel. I never left, just started doing stuff. Checked the parcel after a couple hours and it had been set to me to buy. I never saw any Linden. Another time i was wandering along the road exploring, with my boundaries lines on. Saw the boundary lines disappearing, checked the About Land to have a nosey. Some Linden beavering away tidying up. I couldn't see them tho, so I just carried on down the road not like in the olden days. I remember one time way back similar to what you mention about Guy Linden. Jack Linden came to my land in response to a ticket, I was like wooo! the big banana himself. I can;t help myself in these situations. After he says hello! lets see what we can do to fix the issue. I go: Hi! thanks for coming to help me. Umm! is all your staff on their lunch break ? He ignore/stoneface that one. So I just shut up and say what the issue was (soft terrain sinkholes) and he fixed it by restart the region i don't understand what was meant by "protected land" either really. I first thought that this meant that OP saw a Linden set a Governor Linden parcel for sale to a realtor. Which is normal standard practice in response to a Abandoned Land Ticket. Then OP start to mention about group owned land. So I said what I did about how Linden have powers and then OP came back and said some more about how the land was private group-owned land if it was group-owned then either the Linden was in the group somehow. Or is as you mention, the realtor got it because they put in a ticket for it. Lapsed group tier the likely reason for the parcel to be reclaimed by Linden i didn't get into it with Enchtris but I think Enchtris was more wanting to know how come they never got a chance to purchase the parcel. I don't know what the answer to that would be. It seems a bit close to the edge for a Land Linden to do this. Reclaim a parcel from a lapsed tier group and immediately set it to a realtor
  3. i have learned to use My Outfits as a fast access into my Inventory like if I want to change the texture on what I am wearing. My Outfits Wearing. Right click on the garment name and pick Show Original. Puts me into the folder in my Inventory, the garment name in bold text, the HUD in the same folder
  4. on the Linden viewer if the Preferences are not sticking then can try setting them to False in the Debug settings. menu: Advanced \ Show Debug Settings the settings are: DoubleClickAutoPilot DoubleClickTeleport toggle them off and on a few times. Relog and see what happens. If these are both set to False and is still happening on the Linden viewer then could be your mouse is sticking in some wrong way if you are using the latest Firestorm viewer and continues to happen then best to contact their support group. As another person posted about a scripted control key + mouse issue that has surfaced in the latest Firestorm. So might be something mousey happening with you also which is viewer related somehow
  5. just on this bit in itself in a participatory game, the board can show the last say 35 or 50 to reach each level. The latest achiever added to the top slot on the board, names sliding down the board and out the bottom people like that. To see their name on a achievement board, a momentary sense of satisfaction and content at the acknowledgment. Content with also knowing that their name is going to get bumped down the board by the next person to achieve, eventually aging out at the bottom
  6. is certainly possible for a Linden to belong to a resident land-owning group, and have group powers to sell that land to anyone if you actually saw a Linden avatar inworld doing this then I think they would have been doing it in their capacity as a resident, not as a Land Linden. Land Lindens in their official work capacity do their work in admin mode. We can't see them that Linden could have been an office worker or a tech worker, not a Land team member i think is discouraged these days for Linden accounts to belong to resident groups on their Linden accounts. But it used to be pretty prevalent back in the day. Linden fan clubs were a big thing back in day also It could be as you first mention that the founder of the group was also a alt of theirs. And getting rid of their personal parcel was part of them tidying up their ongoing relationship with their employer. The should not be a member of a group on your Linden account thing
  7. yes it does. The desire to be number 1 on a leaderboard, to get the cup, can lead to unruly behaviour by the players and more and it does lead to other players complaints. And trying themselves to police the behaviours of other players and so on. Which heightens the sense of frustration and feelings of unfairness. Which in turn affects the body of goodwiil that was anticipated. And the game organisers end up in a whole other territory, that they never envisaged at the outset with participatory reward games then it doesn't matter if other players cheat. What a player does has no impact on the other players. And the game orgainsers aren't put into a postion where they have to publicly assuage the grieved players. They can just silently donk the cheaters out of the game and the other players need not by any wiser about this. As geting donked or not for cheating doesn't impact on the the rewards they might get from participating
  8. yes this ^^ when the objective is to foster goodwill in a community then these kinds of events should offer participatory awards. Everybody who participates and puts in the effort gets rewarded commensurately. It shoudn't be set up like a sporting competition where some win and others don't. No matter how much effort and time the non-winners put in there is a place for sporting and leaderboard competitions, I just think that community goodwill fostering events are not that place
  9. i just say thanks to you about this Lucia if it wasn't for people like you and Whirly and Inara keeping tabs on all these kinds of things before they come out in the releases, I wouldn't know any of what is going on
  10. i am not a Linden, but I can tell you that estate managers with appropriately assigned estate powers can do anything on and with a parcel in their estate. On the mainland the Linden land staff are estate managers. The Moles also are estate managers for LDPW and Linden Homes so if you see a Linden account doing stuff on somebody's parcel then they can. Is usually returning objects that are non-compliant Linden land team can also sometimes move donut hole micro- parcels. Like there is a 16m micro-parcel in the middle of another person's parcel. Linden will cut a new same size parcel from an edge of the surrounding parcel, set ownership of that new parcel to the micro-parcel owner. And then reclaim the donut hole parcel set it to the surrounding parcel owner, so that there is now a contiguous parcel to have this done for us, as the surrounding parcel owner, we can put in a ticket. Linden won't do it in every case tho. I think, I dunno exactly, that there is some rules they go by. Is the micro parcel empty, how long since the micro parcel owner last logged in, etc. ps. another thing Linden land team will sometimes do also is terraforming on a parcel owner's property. They did this one to a parcel next to me. My parcel was on a region next to a roleplay weapons sandbox. Next to me the neigbour had tried to make a house, but at some time they had dropped the terrain down and their half made plywood house was floating way up in the air. The owner hadn't logged in for over a year. So I stuck a grass prim structure anchored on my parcel to cover up the hole in the ground sometimes the sky and land next to the sand box region would get littered with bullets and screamers, cagers and other stuffs. Parcels underneath not set to auto-return. My neighbour's parcel was set to No-Return. So when it got to bad with some of the screamers I would AR the screamers when they were particularly bad. Screamers play multiple instances of sound files, usually compressed so really loud. Linden person would come by some time later and clear them away then one day Some Linden, terraformed the neighbour's parcel. Put the land back up under the half made house and set the auto-return to 15 minutes. And returned my cover structure. I never asked them to do any of this. They just did it
  11. thanks for the info and the effort you put in to find this out would seem that Kokua does it this way to be compliant with the if you can see me I can see you rule. The other viewers go the other way seems like
  12. i don't know the internal Linden processes, all I do is to try work out why they do things after the fact. Pretty much guess really at what would make sense i think another reason for not putting land automatically to sale, was that Linden stopped doing it some shortish time after the adfarming policy was introduced. All them micro parcels over the mainland. Over the years since I noticed that the Linden land team have painstakingly rejoined these micro-parcels (on abandonment) with a neighbouring abandoned parcel where possible/practical. Which is good thing for them to have done. There are still micro-parcels on the mainland but nothing on the numbers that there were about the second. Setting a parcel back to the seller for the same sale price for a window of time I learned about this from Elanthius Flagstaff who was a mainland real estate dealer back in the day. He had the fastest land bot buyer of them all, was called Professor Silverspar. Elanthius had a buy price schedule for his bot, what he thought land was worth in any particular area of the mainland. Any land set for sale to Anyone within his schedule, the Professor would swoop. Other people's bots would swoop as well, but the Professor pretty much won the race very time. It was super fast i sold a land one time and left out a zero in the price. Bang! gone in within a few seconds of pressing the button to sell. Nuuuu!! the Professor had swooped. Contact Elanthius because his name was on the Professor's profile as the owner of the bot. Elanthius reply with a IM, and basically says in more colourful language. Bloody hell! watch what you are doing. Pay attention for goodness sake! I have set the parcel back to you for what I paid for it. You have 24 hours to buy it back. And if you ever do this again I will not give it back to you a second time. Blinking wasting my time!! so I buy my parcel back, send Elanthius a IM saying I was really sorry to have troubled him and thank you for your kindness. I never got a reply. He probably went to himself bloody hell! I am getting paid in compliments now! I can't eat them for my dinner! i noticed tho a few weeks later The Professor was doing it automatically on purchase, and I thought that Elanthius might be a big grumpy bear but has a good heart. So I had more kind thoughts about that as well
  13. yes Qie, I forgot that it only applies to our viewer we can't stop the swirl on other people's viewers. Even with Firestorm's LookAt preferences i think this has to do with the basic Linden rule. If you can see me then I can see you
  14. in the Linden viewer is menu: Build \ Options \ Show Selection Beam
  15. i appreciate the effort and thought you put into these kinds of things. But I just say that back in the day before Project Interesting, the view had become diabolical. A world of constant fuzzy we invented thought games to help us deal with it in our heads the Lucky Fuzzy Game was quite popular. Go to a shop to play the Lucky Boards. Can't see the prize textures. Can't see the letters either. So click the board and get lucky. And if get lucky because is your letter that you can't see then win a prize, which you can't see either. But! is better to win a Fuzzy than not win anything at all. So \o/ thankyou! Click the next board which you can't see and try to get lucky again and win another Fuzzy! Project Interesting broke the Lucky Fuzzy Game, which I "complained" about at the time. Blinking Lindens. Breaking my game! Whatever were they thinking! Going round breaking content as if that was a good thing! while it may not have been continued to perfection, Project Interesting viewer released in 2014, a culmination of several years work, totally changed for the better what the world had become since the prior introduction of mesh
  16. on the bright side, could look at getting ejected as part of the Halloween tradition!. Trick or Treat ! the Trick is that if you don't get the Treat in 15 seconds then the wicked widgey casts a evil spell and aahhh! you get blasted out onto the street could be made even more ebil ! Like after 15 seconds a broom gets rezzed by you and Whack !! Get off my porch !! kehehehe! 😸
  17. thanks. This is really useful information for Firestorm? users. That preference function is not in the standard Linden viewer. it for sure beats tho having to unpack/install a new copy of a product and then have to do a Replace Inventory Links
  18. these kinds of decisions most likely be decided by corporate legal department Linden Lab corporate contact details here https://www.lindenlab.com/contact
  19. this makes a lot sense. Better to reorganise yourself than have it done to you by the regulators.
  20. I am Meta! No! I am Meta. Nuuu! We all Meta some random person way down the back: I am Meta! everybody looks and sees the Facebook guy wearing a Meta facemask. And go: hmmm! Facebook guy goes ohhh! come on guys, I wanna play too! everybody goes: oh! ok then Meta facemask guy goes. thanks! and hey! umm! Don't suppose somebody can give me like 10,000 guns and ammo so I can level up! everybody goes: dang newbie!. Welcome to the metaverse bey! 😸
  21. while Linden are in that part of the code base, maybe they could also add PRIM_POINT_TEXTURE please! at the moment to change the shape of the point light we have to use multiple linked prims
  22. Sarzaza said she got a redelivery while we were at the shop. I never asked was this another redelivery. Only thing important was that she got it. We had a chat about going back to 5.2 which had been working for her should the 5.3 redelivery also not work. Then Sarzaza had to go, off she went. A few hours later I got a IM saying: Thanks! the redelivery worked
  23. Isobeast, you are quite a long way down the dev path here now but if you want to treat this as a learning experience then we can relook at your design now that we (you) have a understanding of CHANGED_LINK then we can ask ourselves if the touch_start event and the timer is necessary. And how we can not need to do this the design requirement is: Only one avatar sitting at a time and the avatar must be in the same group as the seat, yes ? on this basis then lets introduce some other functions http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetObjectPrimCount http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetNumberOfPrims http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetLinkKey walking thru these by example // global key avatar = NULL_KEY; // the key of the avatar currently sitting on the seat changed (integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { integer object_prims = llGetObjectPrimCount(); integer total_prims = llGetNumberOfPrims(); // total_prims includes avatars sitting integer number_of_avatars_sitting = total_prims - object_prims; if (number_of_avatars_sitting == 1) { if (avatar == NULL_KEY) // check that this is a first time sitter { key sitter = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); if (... same group ...) { ... request permissions only here ... ... do not set up the listener until the permissions have been obtained ... in the run_time_permissions event ... } else { ... unsit sitter } } } else if (number_of_avatars_sitting > 1) { // here we unsit any rando avatar who has tried to sit on top of our sitter // by getting the key of the last prim in the linkset (which is the key of the rando avatar) llUnSit(llGetLinkKey(total_prims)); } else // is == 0: nobody is sitting { if (avatar != NULL_KEY) // reset only when avatar has stood { ... remove the listener here ... ... reset alpha .. ... default music stream ... ... we do not have to stop animation here... ... the system will stop animation automatically when the avatar stands ... avatar = NULL_KEY; // we do this so that the checks can be done safely } } } } run_time_permissions(integer perms) { if (perms & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { avatar = llGetPermissionsKey(); // we (the script) have this avatar's permissions ... start animation ... ... set alpha ... ... set up the listener } }
  24. a couple of things Isobeast in the first code set the listener to only listen for the sitter. So naughty people can't interfere with the sitter, by changing the stream gListener = llListen(channel, "", sitter, ""); in the second code, is probably a dev typo but I put it here (string)OkToSit will whisper the key of the sitter whisper their name instead llWhisper(0, llGetDisplayName(OktoSit) + "You have 10 seconds to sit down");
  25. yes is quite a few cases where states make sense for the reasons you mention a smart house fr example that does stuff on presence of the home owner default { state_entry() { llSensorRepeat("", llGetOwner(), AGENT, 64.0, PI, 60.0); } sensor(integer num_detected) { state ownerAtHome; } } state ownerAtHome { state_entry() { // .. unlock the doors // .. turn the lights on // .. start the fireplace burning // .. put the kettle on // .. open the curtains // .. turn on the radio/tv llOwnerSay("Welcome home! " + llGetDisplayName(llGetOwner())); llSensorRepeat("", llGetOwner(), AGENT, 64.0, PI, 300.0); } no_sensor() { state default; } state_exit() { // ... lock the doors // ... turn the lights off // ... douse the fireplace // ... turn the kettle off // ... close the curtains // ... turn off the radio/tv // ... turn off the shower if is running } }
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