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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. this is probably what the baby thought when their mum invented the swaddling cloth 😺
  2. the 1024 tier allowance we get with the Premium package allows to us to own a 1120 sqm parcel when the parcel is deeded to group and our 1024 tier allowance is contributed to group 1120 is divisible by 16. 16 sqm is the smallest land block that can be obtained
  3. is not tribalism. Is sectarianism tribalism unites the tribe. Sectarianism divides the tribe against itself.
  4. was so annoying before. About half my outfits are flat feet and the other half higher. Change my outfit and don't check my feet. Walking round for about half an hour til I notice my heels floating beneath my flat feet, or my toes sticking out the bottom of my kicks. Shame !!! so went down this way, which turned out pretty ok for me. So I thought I can't be the only person wandering about with shame feet on! So I posted it on here am pretty happy that has turned out ok for you too
  5. can only suggest that you try to log in and found out
  6. i could see somebody getting that name them: hey! what you like ? me: imma like jolly them: no, i mean what do you like ? me: i do like jolly them: i am not talk to you anymore me: would you be like jolly when you don't ? them: gaahhhhhhhh !!1!!! me: kekhehehe 😸
  7. had some feedback on this. Polling 60 times is a bit overkill, given that its about length of time attached. So changed the polling to 6 times, while keeping to the 1 minute minimum time attached // Automagic Feet Changer for Maitreya Body // // mod. tidy up polling // // public domain // // follow the instructions in the Maitreya Mesh Body - Feet Auto-Select V5 kit // to put script: Maitreya Feet Auto-Select V5 // and notecard: Maitreya Feet Auto-Select V5 Confiq // into a prim, along with this script // attach the prim to yourself // // the intent of this is to be able to include this prim as an attachment // in a outfit saved in My Outfits. So that when we change our outfit // our feet change automagically to the feet style wanted // // name the prim similar to the feet setting. Like for example // Maitreya Flat Feet // Maitreya High Feet // // make one prim attachment for each feet style // // Note: We could just wear the Maitreya Feet Auto-Select V5 script by itself // but the idea here is to not wear scripts unnecessarily for longer than // we need too and not have to press HUD buttons to change our feet // name of our maitreya body. Change to whichever string MAITREYA_BODY = "Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.3"; default { attach(key id) { if (id) { // initialise // set timer off, if it isn't already llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // then request permission for subsequent action and auto-detach llRequestPermissions(id, PERMISSION_ATTACH); } } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if(perm & PERMISSION_ATTACH) { // start the timer to (poll) find if the Maitreya Body is attached // poll every 10 seconds. In most instances companion script will have already done its job // within 10 seconds llResetTime(); llSetTimerEvent(10.0); } } timer() { // when Maitreya Body found, give companion script Maitreya Feet Auto-Select V5.1 // plenty of time to do its job, and then detach ourself list attachments = llGetAttachedList(llGetPermissionsKey()); integer index = -llGetListLength(attachments); while(index++) { if (llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(attachments, index), [OBJECT_NAME]), 0) == MAITREYA_BODY) { // maitreya body is attached // sleep for 1 minute more to give companion script plenty of time to do its job if it hasn't already // 1 minute more also gives us time to add to Outfit and Save/SaveAs before it detaches llSetTimerEvent(0.0); llSleep(60.0); // then detach self if(llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_ATTACH) { llDetachFromAvatar(); } return; // break } } // when body is not yet found then we look again on next timer // after a minute (6 polls) we assume that the body is not attached and detach ourself if (llGetTime() >= 60.0) { if(llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_ATTACH) { llDetachFromAvatar(); } } } }
  8. i was thinking about the issue of a cut strip pathway being withdrawn from the Roads Board. There is now a blockage in the roading network. People on the other side now isolated (no longer a contiguous pathway for however long that might be) the Roads Board would have an Experience. At the start/ends of the blocked path there is a gate (portal). Walk into or Touch the gate and in the Experience then woosh! auto-teleported to the path on the other side, where there is a gate going the other way. If not in the Experience then get given a Landmark to the other side and person can travel that way extrapolating this roading network design. Could build a virtual town spread all over the grid. Gates (portals) at each end of the contiguous pathways, taking you to the next area of the virtual town
  9. i didn't mean it to sound like anyone is going to be banned the parcel owner wanting to add an adjoining parcel to the town, doesn't have to cut a strip for an easement. Nothing will happen to them if they don't. The path (the town limits) stops at the edge of their parcel. The sign stays where it is. They live on the outskirts of town. They can come and go to town any time they like. They can join and support the Museum Trust or any other community based activity in the town. Nobody is going to discourage them from doing this, or tell them that they can't but if they want the sign moved so they can say they live in town then the Roads Board is not going to move the sign unless the parcel owner makes some commitment to the roading network in a practical way. A way which won't cost the parcel owner anything more than is costing them now and if on being shown by the Roads Board how they can also contribute their little overage tier to the Roads Board without costing them anymore either and they choose to do this then great! And if they don't then thats fine also. They might want to contribute their little tier overage to the Museum Trust. Which is great! also. Or not which is also fine as they might want to give their overage to some Wilderness Park somewhere else completely about asking that 1024m new person to cut the strip for the easement, which they will still own as is set to the Roads Board, not deeded. As a Roads Board I would just want to know how serious they are when they turn up and start gushing about wanting to live in town. If it ends up they don't want to do anything then it doesn't matter. As a Roads Board it doesn't cost me anything if they don't. That they live on the outskirts of town is no different from people living on a different continent and coming to town with the person with the grand designs. Then prudence and caution. Don't over commit. The grand design person can start with a new town. Is fine for towns to be side by side. Adds variety as well. Maybe one day the towns might combine into a city, the towns becoming boroughs of the city. But is no hurry to do that edit add by don't over commit I mean don't over commit your town name to a neighbouring grand design project that doesn't follow your town's Roads Board best practices. We don't want to end up with a Durdanne. People buying property in good faith thinking that the property was within town limits, when there was no plan for how to ensure that road taxes (tier) were paid on a ongoing basis. Other than hope that people would volunteer to do this
  10. i think about how to do this sometimes. There is a few ways to do it. Having seen lots of different ways it can be done with varying degrees of success/fail then my thoughts return to the following way. Which may or not succeed but I think is the best chance if we did want to have town easements then the maintenance of these should not vested in a Town Council or Community Trust or however we might organise the community activities as a whole the easements are the responsibility of the Roads Board, which only has one function: To secure the tier for the easements and build/maintain them. This is all the Roads Board does, nothing more. Is only ever about the tier for the Roads Board. This is the same as a Roads Board in real life. They just look after the roads. What the town that grows up beside the roads does, is the domain affair of its residents organised between themselves on their own land. Town Hall Committee, Museum Trust, Art Gallery Trust. Community Park Trust, etc the Roads Board (same as in reals) is prudent about how far to extend the easements like at the end of the path there is a sign which says "Haere Ra! You are leaving our town. Safe travels" On the other side it says "Haere mai! Welcome to our town. Enjoy your visit" new person comes and buys a 1024 parcel at the end of the path, and says hi! can I join your town please? Roads Board goes: Sure can! Cut a 4 meter wide strip from your parcel, and set it to the Roads Board group to which you just been invited. Do that and we will extend the easement across the strip and move the town sign to the new end of the path. New person goes: Cool! thanks! Roads Board goes: You welcome and welcome! Roads Board then says: If you want to make tier contribution to the town now, then deed your own parcel (not including the strip) to your own group. And the little bit of tier you will have spare, you can contribute to the Roads Board. New person thinks I can do that. And they do result is the easement cost is fully covered, and the Roads Board gets a tiny bit of tier which they can apply elsewhere. For sure should that person then leave then the easement on their parcel can be lost and blockages can appear in the easement network. When so the Roads Board works with the remaining neighbouring parcel owners to reroute around the blockage. The Chilbo experience is that these parcel owners often say sure. Which sometimes is as simple as laying down path prims on their parcel, without changing land ownership in any way a prudent Roads Board. Another new person with grand designs comes and buys half a region at the end of the path. And says: hi! can I become part of your town please! This is fabulous. I so want to help grow the town. I want to make easements on my land, deed them to the Roads Board and defo will contribute the tier. My idea is to cut out parcels for sale and rent. Like a new subdivision for the town. Will be great for the town, lots more people coming in to be part of this wonderful community! Roads Board goes: No cut your easements and we will help join your connecting easement up to ours. And on the opposite side of the path to our sign, you can put up your sign which says "Haere Mai! Welcome to Your Town". Grand designs person goes: Thats a bit off ! I am not going to do it now! Roads Board goes: Sorry to hear that. Is there anything else we can not help you with
  11. Oracul have lots of these kinds of animations. Oracul shop can be found on Kuso region. Can either get a whole AO from them. Or can just buy the animations you want for 10 or 20 L$ each and stick in your AO. They have pose stands to try the animations
  12. the map tile issue was mentioned at the recent SUG meeting. Seems Linden are working on it Inara Pey's cover of the SUG is here: https://modemworld.me/2021/11/02/2021-sug-meeting-week-44-summary/
  13. i find it quite interesting hearing others relate their experiences as you have done here so I do the same from my personal experience, and how my own experience shapes my view i had a parcel in Chilbo as well back in the day. I think your analogy is right that Chilbo is/was more like a township than a tight-knit community united around a narrow vision. The vision was quite broad as is the case with towns i remember when it first started from the roadside in Chilbo region, spread quite quickly south into Madhupak and then east and west into the neighbouring regions along the highway. At its zenith expansion point the pathways had spread north up to Nabi region and got within about half region distance of the Welcome Area to the north (Hanja). I used to like watching the growth expansion on the World Map. And wandering my avatar up and down the pathways taking in the sights then it all came to a head at the time you are mentioning. A post appeared over the street from a person who said that community land tier contributions were way down and they were pretty much having to cover it all themself and they couldn't do this anymore. A few people stepped up, taking on what they could afford. Consolidation began and the Chilbo township over the following year or two fell back pretty much to Chilbo and Madhupak when look round the town today, there has been a lot of consolidation in parcel ownership on Chilbo and Madhupak over the years since. Probably only a quarter the number, if that, of different parcel owners from its heyday my view on parcel sizing comes from my time living there. I purchased a 512m parcel next to a easement pathway. The tier I could contribute toward the cost of the easement was 46. Thru putting my parcel into my group ownership and contributing the overage to the group that owned the easement. Which didn't fully cover the full cost of the 64 meter easement had my parcel been a 484m then I could have contributed tier to cover the whole cost of the existing easement and 10% more. I did ask my neighbours if they would take a 64m strip if I cut it off my parcel. They all said thanks but No, as it would put them up into the next tier bracket. And I was never going to sell the strip on the open market because adfarmers in those times i could have offered the strip to the community group but even with 64m more tier to contribute, it still wouldn't cover the full cost of the strip and the existing easement. So I was kinda stuck. These kinds of situations gnaw at me. In the same way I don't go to clubs when I can't make a donation/tip. So I eventually ended up selling the whole parcel to my immediate neighbour who got a whole 512m expansion for their jump in tier level here is a link to the 2009 Chilbo census: Slide 4: I was one of the Red bar people. Less than 5% of the then population contributing tier to the town for land which they weren't themselves using directly. And even then as I mentioned, I never contributed the full cost of the easement by my parcel, because parcel size and budget which informs my view and raises the question: How do you grow the Red Bar contributions other than thru largesse ? Only other way I can see is thru tier-level friendly parcel sizing
  14. this makes sense, I am a bit influenced by how other languages handle event cancellations
  15. try restarting your router then try logging in to a different region. Try Pooley region which is the go to region for many people when they have this problem
  16. i just put here, as a general FYI, for how a pre event could work if Linden ever did it for us a on_menu event with cancel callback on_menu(key id, string menucaption, integer cancel) { if (menucaption == "Pay") { if (id == renter) llSetPayPrice(.. for renter or samegroup ..); else llSetPayPrice(.. for everyone else..); } } on_menu(key id, string menucaption, integer cancel) { if (menucaption == "Sit") { if (id != allowedsitter) { llSay(0, "Sorry person, you can't sit here"); cancel = TRUE; // nothing happens when cancel is set to TRUE // the agent doesn't sit, no change event is fired } } } on_menu(key id, string menucaption, integer cancel) { if (menucaption == "Touch") { if (id != allowedtoucher) { llSay(0, "Sorry person, you can't touch me"); cancel = TRUE; // nothing happens when cancel is set to TRUE // no touch events are fired // on_menu event also fires when agent touches the object ordinarily } } }
  17. in the Linden viewer uncheck the setting: Preferences \ Move & View \ Mouse \ Show me in Mouselook
  18. is all relative our preferences my main point was that I think it would great if Linden bought Lumiya, assuming that the owner does want to sell it. Which I dunno about
  19. this is fair comment. I sometimes think Windows 10 is a turd. I want my Windows 8 back
  20. you do know that Skype was originally developed in Borland Delphi Pascal 3.0 back in the days. It wasn't light. And when the devs and the product were bought by AOL, it didn't get any lighter
  21. next leveling up on the 4 meter easement to wider community spaces 4 meters on one side only is pretty skinny for a public access right-of-way easement. But it does provide the skeleton bones of the community network, which can be more easily afforded by those on a budget, due to parcel sizing so how does the community get larger public access spaces ? This is what Chilbo got right. Larger public spaces come from largesse. A person has a parcel. They put a part of their parcel (or all of it) to a public community purpose. A public purpose which they pay for, and over which they retain parcel ownership. A public space given to the community which the parcel owner pays for themselves thru their largesse and should this largesse be rescinded or the parcel sold off then the community easement bone running alongside that parcel remains
  22. what has happened recently with Campbell Coast has happened before with other mainland communities. Chilbo just to name one. The community begins to attract people and grows quickly. The community elders keep acquiring community tiered land to extend the easements and pathways network in the beginning enthusiastic community members contribute tier for the easements. After a time as the parcels change hands, less and less numbers of new parcel owners contribute toward the cost of the easement running alongside their parcel. Eventually as time goes by, only one or few of the original enthusiastic people carry the easement tier load. Right up until they can't the question is: What is the main obstacle for the new parcel owners joining the community ? the main obstacle for the new parcel owners is that they don't have the tier to contribute even tho they would like too, to maintain the easement in front of their property the community elders didn't allow for this when they cut the parcels. They cut the parcels at 512, 1024, 2048. The size of which is such that the parcel owner can't contribute tier, even tho they want too, when they are on a budget. A budget is what most people who join communities have so the elders should cut the parcels at 448, 896, 1792. This leaves the owner 64, 128, 256 tier spare to contribute toward the 4 meter wide easement in front of their property. Which community members will do because they can while able to stay within their budget will this work for every new parcel owner ? No. But it will for all those who want to make a contribution and are enabled to do so (thru tier-friendly parcel sizing) by the community elders
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