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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. a way is to have the default llSetPayPrice set for donations when the renter goes to pay their rent - have them Touch the rent box first and hold down the mouse for X seconds. Trap the hold time with touch_start and touch_end. We know the hold is from the renter (we have their key already as the renter) OnRenterHoldTimeMet llSetPayPrice for rent amount in money event llSetPayPrice back to default for donations
  2. these trusses can be built with inworld prims using what we call prim torture (cut path) going left to right, top to bottom of the drawing 1) 3 prims (3 triangles) for 1.5 LI linked 2) 4 prims (4 triangles) for 2 LI linked 3) 2 prims (1 triangle and 1 strut) for 1 LI linked 4) 4 prims (3 triangles and 1 strut) for 2 LI linked 5) 4 prims (3 triangles and 1 strut) for 2 LI linked 6) 5 prims (4 triangles and 1 strut) for 2.5 LI linked a advantage of buildng these with prims is that the LI cost is the same up to a span of 64 meters. And the prims will hold their visual shapes experienced mesh makers tho can significantly reduce the LI for the overall structure by making multiple trusses as a single mesh object we can use any viewer for this kind of inworld prim building. I would suggest tho using a TPV viewer that can export the prim trusses to a .dae file (the standard Linden viewer doesn't do this). Then you can load the file into Blender/Maya and play with combining/cleaning them up to be a lower LI mesh model that can then be uploaded to SL quite a few people have learned Blender/May this way. The loaded .dae is visually the same as the inworld prim model
  3. i like to think that today Linden Lab is to virtual world users as Microsoft is to business users. Meaning that they both have a steady incremental approach to improving their bread and butter offerings to their users Microsoft on occasion will buy a 3rd-party product that adds a significant immediate benefit for their business users a example of this was Skype what they did was buy Skype, put Microsoft in front of the name, and launched the product as wrote, to their users as a Microsoft product. That Microsoft name alone increased the number of Skype users 100-fold pretty much overnight. Microsoft business users thought "Microsoft" and started using it, whereas before many business users were reluctant to use Skype because "Not Microsoft" Microsoft knew that they would incrementally improve the Skype product over time (internally in the Microsoft dev way), while also knowing that they had a out-of-the-box offering for its business users to begin using immediately users who didn't have to wait for Microsoft to bluesky develop a whole new mechanic from scratch, with all the pauses, stops, turnbacks and fails that bluesky development can (often can) result in yes Linden could start again on a whole new bluesky mobile path, and again, and again. But why would the new company owners do this ? They are not Philip or Cory Linden who were into building their vision of The Metaverse. From what I can see our new owners are way more into building the happy customer base to grow The Business. And if I Owner can buy customer happiness then I will because that's business and as The Owner, my development team can have all the technical debates between themselves that they like, but in the meantime I Owner am progressing My Business
  4. could do this with a Mac keyboard macro. I don't have a Mac so can't say what the details of the how-to are, other than googling for it the viewer visual endpoint of the turn might not always be perfect looking, due to lag. But I think it could be got close enough in most circumstances
  5. Grumpity Linden said that they Linden are going in a new direction for mobile, which Grumpity said they were quite excited about never know but the direction could be that Linden have bought (or in discussions to buy) Lumiya, and bringing the Lumiya person/people into the Lab to advance the product dunno if this is true but I hope so. Would be nice, as would be a further validation that residents can make significant contributions to Second Life, which the Lab recognises with cash money
  6. both Bitwise and Logical methods examples in the OP are correct in this case so there is something else happening after the evaluation which is giving an erroneous result it could be the incorrect mapping of detectedlinknumber to the correct index of listx. In a linkset, the index (detectedlinknumber) is 1-based. A list index is 0-based. We need to deduct 1 from detectedlinknumber to get the corresponding list index if is not this then is something else following the evaluation both methods are correct in this case, as the two conditions both result in the 1-bit (boolean) values of either TRUE or FALSE showing by example: default { state_entry() { integer detectedlinknumber = 2; // llDetectedLinkNumber(0); list listx = ["One", "Two", "Three"]; integer listlength = llGetListLength(listx); // listlength == 3 if (detectedlinknumber != 1 & detectedlinknumber <= listlength) llOwnerSay("BITWISE: when detectedlinknumber is not 1 AND detectedlinknumber is less than or equal to 3 then this is TRUE"); else llOwnerSay("BITWISE: when detectedlinknumber is 1 OR detectedlinknumber is greater than 3 then this is FALSE"); if (detectedlinknumber != 1 && detectedlinknumber <= listlength) llOwnerSay("LOGICAL: when detectedlinknumber is not 1 AND detectedlinknumber is less than or equal to 3 then this is TRUE"); else llOwnerSay("LOGICAL: when detectedlinknumber is 1 OR detectedlinknumber is greater than 3 then this is FALSE"); } } this said, using parentheses is always a good thing for readability, even when by order of precedence the parentheses are not necessary when the conditions evaluate to boolean TRUE or FALSE then use the bitwise operator &. As is a tiny bit more efficient than the logical operator && info on order of precedence is here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Operators ps add: given the condition: detectedlinknumber != 1 & detectedlinknumber <= listlength then the evaluation by order of precedence is: resultA = detectedlinknumber <= listlength resultB = detectedlinknumber != 1 finalresult = resultB & resultA
  7. if I do what the romans did, then will take me quite a few centuries to organise my inventory 😺
  8. definitely this would be the ideal solution. Hint! hint! again Product Linden
  9. i would not disagree with this. Just say that as product users what we have is what there is, and we do what we can to work round the shortcomings as best suits our needs/wants
  10. some feedback on this idea back when the viewer was first open sourced and OpenSim servers were being thought about and experimented with, one of things that some of us played with was a seamless contiguous world walk in any direction in a straight line and will eventually end up back where you started. Even when regions were notionally positioned alone (surrounded by void space) on the grid. If public access to the region was allowed then it would be included in the users journey path. If not then skip to the next public access region. Same with regions on the diagonals within the user draw distance what the experiments found was this was made easier when there was a local server instance connected to the remote world server, the local server acting as the user's client. The viewer connecting to its own local server instance. This being seamless. Log in to the viewer, which starts the local server, which acts as the user client program as far as the remote world server is concerned. The rule being that it was a one-to-one relationship: each viewer instance having its own instance of a local server dedicated to it. The local server being pass-through this one-to-one relationship satisfying the remote world server's need requirement for robust user credentials identification/validation. Can't have more than one account passing their user credentials thru the same local server the benefit was that the local server could have a very large draw distance, able to download assets from far far away and cache them locally, and the client viewer draw distance able to be set to less depending on user hardware i never myself went much further with this beyond the concept experiment stage. 14 years ago I never had the programming chops or time to do it myself, and I don't have the time now either to learn the chops needed to bring it to a commercial-grade level. I still like the idea of it tho ps add for anyone reading and wanting to have a go at this (and how it was gone about back in the day) then use a mod of the opensource bot client software as the local server. we don't need a installation of a full on OpenSim like server instance just for caching far away assets. Having lots of far away assets cached by an independent process, can make what animats is mentioning about far distance billboard impostering a whole lot simpler to implement without overburdening the viewer itself. That independent process can also as a background task work thru the cache creating optimised copies of the assets, for presentation to the viewer pps add i don't mean for my posts to ever mean that I am raining on your efforts animats. I appreciate what you do. You are tenacious and attentive to what you do. You don't quit easy. I admire this in people. Same with TPV developers. They don't know how to quit easy either. And without that attentiveness and tenacity then the world would be a whole lot less than what it is. I have the attentiveness of a butterfly. When something takes me longer than an hour to do, then I pretty much leave it and flit to the next shiny
  11. was ages ago when Jack Linden was boss of the mainland. He came on the forums and asked if there was one thing that mainlanders wanted that could be done simply then what would it be ? most people said they wanted to be able to turn off the neighbours banlines, which were bright red tape at the time. So we got Do/don't show banlines, and Linden changed the tape color to yellow and changed the distance to be shorter (by how much I can't remember) some people asked for the show banlines to be made as a visibility distance slider. Set to 0 (don't show) upto the user's draw distance. Had the slider been done then we would have what we are discussing here, vehicle people able to see banlines from a long way away, and neighbours able to not see them at all. It never got done then, as not simple. But I still think it would good if it was, and I think would solve the mini-map issue
  12. i remember when you did the mini-map, I was like wooo! I love you! It made trying to win the Starchild Rally a whole easier. Could see where the public right-of-ways were really easy. Up til then we had to use prim HUD maps which were really slow hint! hint! That Linden who worked on making vehicle crossings much better! Level us up more please! ps. I thought it was something to do with the banlines not showing up til later on, just because of how the banlines visibility worked. Thanks for the confirmation
  13. am not sure of the distance (but I think is only a few metres). The faster we are moving the quicker we cross the distance, so the time to bonk is a lot less than we we are walking, going slower
  14. @KathrynLisbeth thank you for the very helpful info i came up with something that works for me and have put the helper script here for anyone who might find it useful
  15. this a little helper attachment script for changing our Maitreya feet so we don't have to press HUD buttons to do this when we change our outfits, and our shoes are not scripted to do it for us // Automagic Feet Changer for Maitreya Body // // public domain // // follow the instructions in the Maitreya Mesh Body - Feet Auto-Select V5 kit // to put script: Maitreya Feet Auto-Select V5 // and notecard: Maitreya Feet Auto-Select V5 Confiq (with appropriate feet setting) // into a prim, along with this script // // name the prim similar to the feet setting. Like for example // Automagic Maitreya Flat Feet // Automagic Maitreya High Feet // // make one prim attachment for each feet style // // attach the prim to yourself // // the intent of this is to be able to include this prim as an attachment // in a outfit saved in My Outfits. So that when we change our outfit // our feet change automagically to the feet style wanted // // Note: We could just wear the Maitreya Feet Auto-Select V5 script by itself // but the idea here is to not wear scripts unnecessarily for longer than // we need too, and also not have to press HUD buttons to change our feet // name of our maitreya body. Change to whichever string MAITREYA_BODY = "Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.3"; integer ticks; // timer tick counter default { attach(key id) { if (id) { // initialise // set timer off, if it isn't already. Reset timer ticks to 0 llSetTimerEvent(0.0); ticks = 0; // then request permission for subsequent action and finally auto-detach llRequestPermissions(id, PERMISSION_ATTACH); } } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if(perm & PERMISSION_ATTACH) { // start the timer to (poll) find if the Maitreya Body is attached // poll every 1 second llSetTimerEvent(1.0); } } timer() { // when Maitreya Body found, give companion script Maitreya Feet Auto-Select V5.1 // plenty of time to do its job, and then detach ourself list attachments = llGetAttachedList(llGetPermissionsKey()); integer index = -llGetListLength(attachments); while(index++) { if (llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(attachments, index), [OBJECT_NAME]), 0) == MAITREYA_BODY) { // maitreya body is attached // sleep for 1 minute to give companion script plenty of time to do its job llSetTimerEvent(0.0); llSleep(60.0); // then detach self if(llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_ATTACH) { llDetachFromAvatar(); } return; // break } } // when body is not yet found then we look again on next timer // after a minute (60 searches) we assume that the body is not attached and detach ourself if (++ticks == 60) { if(llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_ATTACH) { llDetachFromAvatar(); } } } }
  16. a suggestion. Think about putting some samples of your work on the marketplace, so that prospective customers can try them on. Might help to bring you to the attention of a wider buying audience than you will get on here the forums
  17. does any one know if is possible to communicate with the Maitreya 5.3 Body in the same way as the Maitreya 5.3 Save Stick does ? in My Outfits I have different feet type depending on outfit. Some flat, some high i can save this info in a Save Stick. Include the Save Stick as an attachment with My Outfit. Change to My Outfit, the Save Stick attaches to my HUD. Touch the Save Stick, press Load All and my feet are flat/high as wanted or I can just use the Maitreya HUD to change my feet style both of these processes require me to press buttons, when I change outfits what I would like is when I attach a Maitreya Save Stick or MyOwn Save Stick, it communicates this info OnAttach. So my feet style change automagically when I change My Outfit (setting aside the scripting/polling issues of this for the moment) basically what I really want to know is does anyone know the channel and message format for the Maitreya Body, so I can make my own automagic OnAttach Change-My-Feet save stick
  18. i am not a TPV developer so I don't know the deep details of all this, I can really only go off what I can see this the Catznip R12.3 viewer, is a really nice viewer btw and when I go thru vehicle traveler phases is my preferred viewer. For me it has the look and feel of a Linden Viewer Plus. Most everything UX wise is were I expect it to be (with the addition of Plus attributes). The standard Linden Viewer is my usual everyday viewer. So switching between the two is mostly quite seamless for me here is two pics of me flying my avatar. I fly along and the mini-map parcel changes to red at the same time as the yellow tape shows in the view. Which I will most times bonk into while flying. And pretty much always bonk into the banline when on a vehicle going 2, 3,4 times faster the next pic shows me having turned round and going in the opposite direction and bonk again notice that the first parcel now behind me is no longer colored red. I have to bonk into it again for it to go red as I say I am not a viewer developer, but as a vehicle enthusiast I would love to have the minimap show all the banline parcels on those 6 regions in my draw distance and have that persist on the mini-map same as the yellow for sale information am sure that people would like other information to be able to show as well also. For example some people would like to be able to see Abandoned Land owned by Governor Linden
  19. i just add what some seasoned aviators have as way to help ameliorate the issue of the OP on their aviator HUD is a little square region reference pad, like a touchpad. Double touch on the pad and it translates to a X Y region coordinate at the same Z height as the vehicle. OnDoubleTouch coordinates sent to the vehicle OnReceiptOfMessage vehicle llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); llSetRegionPos(<coordinates>); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); and can carry on from there
  20. the issue is the banline information only gets sent to the viewer when we are near the parcel. The same distance away as yellow tape visibility. If the information could be picked up like other parcel properties then the Catznipp mini-map can color in the parcel a whole lot sooner same as the other parcel properties
  21. i do feel for you, that you have been caught up in a struggle with your neighbours i just say that when we are helicopter pilot we think they are great fun. And they are. And they are noisy but when we in our own home chilling and relaxing, minding our business then helicopters are the pits. Same in the realworld. We have a police helicopter in reals that does this. Choop! choop! choop! loud as, travelling slowly above building height. Some times I just want to shoot it out of the sky when it comes along. Even tho they have a good reason for doing this, they are not out for a fun spin, they are spotting burglars and others running from the police on the ground. But I still I want to shoot them down sometimes, the noisey beggars so am not surprised that you been shot down by some of SL neighbours, unfortunate as this is for you
  22. i can't see it either being a LSL scripting error on part of the Maitreya team and yes I have had experiences of ghost attachments myself. Only person can see it is us. Everybody else thinks we a rudee walking round with no pants on, and they too polite to mention it because mesh. eep !
  23. is true about the vast majority of cases. It is the edge cases tho that raise people's eyebrows. Specially the eyebrows of parcel owners already living/owning on the region. Which is the case with Enchtris. They were wanting to obtain the parcel and include it in their property if it was just about the tier revenues for Linden, then now that they have cleaned up most of the micro-parcels they could go back to automatically setting parcels for sale on abandonment, with parcels less than 512m exempted from this. Have to still file a ticket for them
  24. if we have been explicitly banned from the parcel by the parcel owner then is no way Linden are ever going to allow us to enter that parcel no matter how ghosted we are
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