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Drakonadrgora Darkfold

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Everything posted by Drakonadrgora Darkfold

  1. oh a little interesting fact, one that was not known at the time of my post is that the place in the picture is ran by a furry and has a club where they allow furries. It was their attempt at being a joke. Which not everyone would get if they had not actually been to place to know this. That is why not all jokes are jokes to everyone else. If you dont know it was meant to be a joke it may be seen as a rude or obnoxious prank instead. Or as being anti furry.. human elitist..
  2. there is an option in many viewers to refresh attachments, this will often help when dealing with ghosted items.
  3. *snickers*.. twin flame.. soul partner..soul mate.. the greatest lies of the universe.. and yet so many fools continue to believe in them.
  4. Nope. I have no goals in sl. I have no goals in rl truth be told. I just flow with winds like a leaf until I smack into a tree or rock or building or something else in my way for a short time. then i eventually slip and slide around it and continue on.
  5. its not a joke it was a prank. just because you wish to see it as a joke does not mean everyone else will or has to. and yes if I thought it was totally stupid and pointless I have revealed the punchline to save the others having having to hear it and sometimes i was even thanked for keeping them from being the butt end of someones else joke/prank/game that they too thought was stupid when they heard it. Not everything is funny to everyone. No one has to be the butt end of someones joke/prank just so they can get a laugh out of it for how the person reacted to it. No one has that right or entitlement or privilege to feed off someone else for their own emotional validation by playing pranks or jokes on them without them knowing. people who do that are not funny, they are just rude and obnoxious. just because you see it a joke or funny does not mean everyone else will or has too or has to keep quiet about it. and you getting mad about it is childish and immature. tough if you dont like what I did. I dont have to care if you like it or me for doing it. You dont get to decide what I say or do or why or why not. You have no power or control or right to tell me what I can say or not. so if I feel it was stupid I will reveal it and then others can decide for themselves if they think its funny or not. so I ruined their first time experience of it. I dont have care. it doesn't mean if they see it as funny that it lessened it at all. those who think it does are just immature. further more the stupid security orb kicks you for being too small. that I was under 1.5 I stand at 2.5 so I was above the size requirement so that was just plain stupid as well. there was no humor in it at all. it was not funny at all.
  6. nah its called being anti-furry because they are furry phobes. there are a lot of people who cannot stand having furrys around them. it has nothing to do with realism or immersion for in the real world there are furries.. and they have clubs and go to events and do things like any normal real person. Its the social stigma against furries why a lot of places are furry exclusionary. its because they dont want to be associated with furries and what is believed in how all furries act. that furries are in to having sex with animals or that they are morally or ethically corrupt, that furries only want to yiff everything they see.
  7. oh oh oh.. learned a new trick! when in doubt poke whirly about something. she might know!
  8. that is you. I dont have to be or do like you just because you think so. so others might be the victim of an obnoxious or rude or crude joke or prank. you do you, while I will do me. dont like it.. i dont care and I dont have to care or just let it slip by. I dont have to just go with it, or flow with it, or allow it, or tolerate it, or ignore it, or just deal with it because you or anyone else thinks I should so you or they can get their/your jollies off at someone else's expense. if I can stop someone from being the victim of a stupid prank by revealing it I will. guess you never seen my other threads like my rlv myths thread..
  9. the real question is.. is it still there or did you ever delete it by mistake at some point. or did the creator leave and their items were removed from the grid for some reason. ive done the former before and wanted to kick myself because I couldn't remember the store where I got it to request a redeliver if it was not bought off the mp.
  10. i dont care for pranks so yes I will reveal them if I find them. I dont have to care if it ruins it for anyone else. I dont find pranks or jokes like that in the least bit funny. Nor do i have to keep quiet about them so others will be the possible victim of them. if they still want to go there they can.
  11. this topic is fairly hard to really answer without a poll of every user in world and from the forums minus alts. which will never happen. so its pretty much a moot point to ask.
  12. As expected you would say something similar to this. The hopeful optimistic way of thinking. Which is very unrealistic and dangerous. There is no free, it is just a myth.
  13. your house, your right to decorate the inside how you want. if they dont like it then they should not have been spying on the inside of it. tough if they think its their right to do so or think they have any right or power to tell you how you have to have your house. this is not some housing association bs. its not like your house having hot pink walls would bring down the property value of their house if they ever wanted to sell it.. if I ever get a house in sl again I should make it neon colors with every room mismatched with the coloring of what is inside it..just because of idiots like that one..
  14. or maybe you misunderstood what they said. maybe they did say it and mean it that way. they never said they chose to leave the group.. just that the left the group because of what was said. aka was made to feel they had too aka was possibly intimidated by what was said.
  15. than you will never rest for it will never come. for as long as anyone has anything more than someone else, there will be dissatisfaction and anger towards that person and will be based upon their color or ethnic or religion or political or economical status. until all are equal in everything across the board it will never end.
  16. You may wish to believe that but it does not make it true ever. For people have far less power than they think they do. You cannot change the mind of someone who does not want to change no matter what you try or say or do.
  17. I was not complaining. I was simply ruining the joke because I didn't think it was funny. That way no one else would be the victim of it. Not everyone see pranks or jokes like that as funny or cute or acceptable. there is a fine line between something being funny or just being crude or obnoxious and annoying. but those who pull the joke dont ever seem to understand because all they care about is if they get the laugh at the person they did it to. aka being disrespectful of anthers emotions or feelings.
  18. time to be controversial again. no matter how woke someone claims to be or how much you try and wake people to this it wont ever really end. Most of this thread is about something that can never be a Utopian world. We are closer to being a dystopian world then a Utopian. all the attempted education against it will not ever stop it. "you can lead a horse to water.. but you cant make them drink"
  19. hmm. I dont have a thing or limit.. I buy what ever works at that time. what ever i am intersted in.. be it an avatar a hud or clothing or furniture i have spent over 5000l$ on a hud and addons for it before. I recently bought a maitreya lara body and lekulta head and some hair and and a couple of outfits and a set of md cuffs and collar.. then a few days later bought a ns drone controller and battery just because I wanted too. all within the same week.. and I barely use them at all now.
  20. sorry but not at the moment. there are a few for android phones.
  21. yep which is why you never blindly trust anyone ever with that level of control over your emotions or feelings.
  22. im not pleasant and I dont have to be.. and those that cant handle it.. not my problem.. its their own. I dont change just because some random person thinks I should. you can point at the rules.. but does not mean they have the right to tell anyone they should leave the group because of what they did. like the op said happened. only the mods/admins have that say. and does not mean what they said was the rules for that group but their own person wish about how they wanted the offending person in their mind to behave or act or do. so no its not their right at that point. guess you didnt read that part of what the op first said..
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