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Drakonadrgora Darkfold

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Everything posted by Drakonadrgora Darkfold

  1. which means its perfectly ok by them and nothing anyone else thinks here on the forums makes any difference at all if it should be allowed or not.
  2. Even with completely streamed data there are still ways to copy images and other things. your video card would still be used to render out the data that is being streamed to it. there are ways to strip that data and then could be re-composited by other programs back into the items. it would require a very basic viewer with no cache of any kind what so ever being stored on the players computer. or a completely separate device that people would have to buy or rent to use to be on sl. removing sl from pc play at all. basically just a webviewer watching a video that they could interact with. that sort of thing is far from possible in sl with how its designed as it is right now. almost a total rewrite of the viewers and the servers would be needed. basically it would mean sl would have to become just an interactive movie of sorts. it would drastically limit would could be done and exponentially increase lag and time to do anything. Everyone would basically need a T1 connection to play sl at that point to reduce the lag. and sl would become noting more than a point and click experience which is not what it is or was meant to be. Plus I can envision it would cause sl to be a pay to play service at that point for everyone for all the upkeep of all the hardware needed to do this. Which would be way beyond what is currently needed.
  3. peeve.. people bragging about sex headaches. yanking your chain because well why not!
  4. not if your an upper class person who does not want to have to parent their own child but is too cheap to get a babysitter or does not want a stranger in their house. ya know covid-19 related reasons. so for some it might be completely rational to spend that much money on a virtual camp.
  5. peeve... people who think they have the right to tell others not to reply to a post just because someone else might have already done so in a similar manner.
  6. that would still not stop it for the viewer would have to download certain aspects of what was rendered to be shown. and that could be stripped from the graphic memory of the os being used. it it can be seen it can be copied/ripped/stripped/hacked. or they would find sever side exploits to allow them to copy. nothing is safe to those who really want to copy/steal/use without permission and never was or will be or ever can be. short of beaming it directly into your head there is no way to stop it.
  7. Just had to because of the title of the thread.
  8. I can agree with this one. see lots of things in the mp that did not say one or the other, then get the item and find out it was missing a permission I may have wanted in the past.
  9. You are completely correct about this, it is not nearly as hard as people like to think nor can it really be stopped or prevented by ll at all. All the security and safety measures in the world cannot stop it in reality. A edited/hacked viewer and you can copy pretty much anything that is shown on your screen and there is really nothing LL can do about it but take down marketplaces that try and sell it once it has been reported. Even bom cannot stop copybotting like some want to think it can. if your viewer can show it there is away to copy it. because that is what the viewer does. it copies and renders the information from the servers. some of the older fs viewers had an export feature where you could export items from the viewer and then use them in other programs like blender. and yes it could export mesh it its complete form, not just the prims. you dont need darkstorm to copybot with.
  10. bias tests and personality tests are all meaningless. you can get any score you want from them by just changing your reactions and its not that hard to do really. I took a few of them and then retook them and got almost the complete opposite score the second time.
  11. Its been moved to october where I reside because of the virus. 10-10-2020 kind of funny with the numbers..
  12. hey its my right to have a bell on my collar and have it ringing all the time I move.
  13. peeve.. entitlement minded children. "I paid x dollars way back when, You owe me!!!"
  14. i love the bit about the plane name. that is just awesome and cute in its own way.
  15. Where are all my fellow flying purple people eating dragons at?!!! I know your out there somewhere!! Now show yourselves!!! I cant be the only one in existence!!!!
  16. umm.. you used a wiki as a definition shame on you.. everyone knows that wiki's are not creditable sources of information. similar to these forums at times.
  17. basically i posted it for those who want a way to share more information about themselves that the picks section or bio may not provide the space for. and yes its basically just a collection of links to other places all kept in one simple easy to change and update place.
  18. peeve.. locking yourself in a cage for 6 weeks for some peaceful isolation to have your owner come by and unlock it saying you deserve to be treated better.. he doesn't like when I self isolate or self punish.. he is such a softy at times..but well..thats what makes him such a good Dom too.
  19. what you need to do is create a profile with a real sounding name, then create a fb page for your store, they are basically two different things. as long as the profile name sounds realistic it normally wont get hit by the purge. i have a fb, but I dont use my real name on it at all, nor have I filled out any of the bio on it. its blank except for those that I follow.
  20. my favorite responses since im a dragonness in sl is /me sets you on fire then eats you for you are tasty with ketchup. I have a spanker I wear but it has an access list, anyone not on it cant use it.
  21. I see this is maybe a test phase for LL to bring back something like the old teen grid but for special purposes. privately run grids that allow only special registered individuals to use. virtual events like this and other things are going to become a much bigger thing in the future because of the convenience and safety of them. And LL does not need to care if anyone thinks a bad idea, for at the end of the day its LL choice and no one elses. Plus it may draw in new accounts as the children age and become old enough to use the regular sl outside of the camp setting.
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