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Drakonadrgora Darkfold

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Everything posted by Drakonadrgora Darkfold

  1. OMG the panic about not being able to log in to sl is just ridiculous. Its not the end of the world.. grow up everyone...
  2. The reason the code is so much in so many collars is because of all the features it allows. It is doing multiple things in one device. You can reduce the script count by taking out all but the core needed scripts to make the collar work. Using an OC or VD or any collar for wardrobe management alone is not very wise to begin with, its not really meant to be used in that way. OC and VD collars are more meant for bdsm couples and less for single user use. They are not meant for wardrobe only management. If that is the only thing your wanting from them then yes it will use more script memory and time then you might like. I would suggest finding something else for your wardrobe management needs then a collar. I have used both collar systems for several years..they are more designed for the M/s and D/s dynamics then single use as a WMS. Its not bloatware at all.. it is there for a reason. just because you dont like the extra features being added does not make it bloatware. bdsm collars are not meant for use as WMS alone and never was or ever will be. they will never just be made for use as a WMS either. If your wanting a wardrobe management system aka WMS...you might look at these instead of a collar. If your hellbent on using something for your wardrobe management other then the built in features of the viewer you might also take a look at Whim. its a transformation system used in objectification play that can work as a WMS.
  3. *hands a map over and points to a spot on it* you start here.. then you go that way.. *points a direction on the map* where you end up is unknown and sometimes the fun part of the journey.
  4. peeve.. letting my emotions get the better of me and ruining what was a good day.. we dragons are not meant to have emotions...we dont understand this human thing called feelings that well.. they can ruin what was an otherwise good or fun day.. where is the emotional off switch again....
  5. As an escort you fit the needs of your clients this is understandable. But there are limits on how far that goes. Just because someone is a client doesn't mean they get to dictate all of your looks. Some people here in sl.. like to think it does.. My few outfits or looks are more for my Master to decide what he thinks is right for the situation or place. Only he really gets to decide that for me. If he wants me clothed a certain way or without clothes at all for that time being or if he decides to let me choose. Most of the time that means very little to no clothes on at all.
  6. not really there is a debug setting that prevents the newer updated viewers from just adding the things to inventory by default. it was mentioned by whirly in another thread but I cant remember which one at the moment.
  7. the person is being cute and adorable while they shoot you dead.
  8. those characters in that picture would also be considered chibi.
  9. where to start? simple really at point A then you move to point B and then maybe to C and pass by D while getting around back to A again.
  10. maybe they just had breedables that looked like yours and wasnt really yours. they could been trying to give you a hint that they dont like breedables in the sim because of how it can cause lag if too many are rezzed at one time.
  11. not all asmr reactions will be pleasant for everyone. asmr does not necessarily mean its enjoyable all the time. but strangely enough the sometimes unenjoyable is actually enjoyable to some. they like that cringe feeling. like in the lion king when the hyena kept laughing and cringing every time someone said mufassa's name. she even taunted the other hyenas to say it again because if gave her chills.
  12. yes a dinkie or tiny could be considered kawaii to some people because it fits in the category as being chibi. often chibi and kawaii are interchanged by some people because they have similar meanings. 'awww such a kawaii chibi you are!!!' aka.. your super cute and small i want to devour/cuddle/hold/spoil/etc.. you. yeah that could be leading part of the trend. being seen as uber cute can be a real turn on to some people and for others seeing them. on the opposite side of the spectrum is the mega or hyper characters, with over accentuated body parts.
  13. if your using firestorm there is a debug setting somewhere that can help prevent all those extra things being sent to your inventory. I just dont remember what it is. that might help stop all that. @Whirly Fizzle your help might be needed here.
  14. well a neko could be considered kawaii to some people yes. 'she is such a kawaii neko isn't she!' if you read down several of the definitions it kind of explains the use of it by some other people.
  15. simple. it means Kawaii.. aka Japanese for cute. uwu its for anything anime'ish that is cute or small or chibi'ish.
  16. I have a few decent outfits being a dragon. its more just hoomans have the most clothes.. because as furries not all of us think we need to wear clothes all the time. only when we need to be around prudish hoomans that get offended seeing the beauty of the naked body.
  17. peeve... every time i see the Role Play sub category for some reason I want to think it says Rope Play...
  18. Often they have been around that person long enough or enough times to know their basic speech patterns and how they talk and what they will say when they start certain sentences; that they always finish them off the same way each time.
  19. That is usually because they are trying to farm phone numbers to text message spam them, or sell them to other companies who would then do so.
  20. peeve... cranberry juice.. why does it have to taste good at first then have that god awful after taste... yuck...
  21. who says I didnt hide it in one of the flutes.. or maybe the door nob to the closet.. maybe I stuck it in a christmas decoration. i'll never tell. maybe I lied and its right in front of you in plain sight.. yeah that little thing setting over there.. you never guessed did you.
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