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Drakonadrgora Darkfold

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Everything posted by Drakonadrgora Darkfold

  1. Its right there behind you.. in that thing over there..no not that thing, the other thing right next to it.
  2. there are some systems that do allow that; such as Sin-T. With that system if you have the beacon on or the search hud on and anyone else has it on. they can tp you without the need of being the owner on a collar. Its often been used for that before in the past. Or there is this system. If you have Immersivity from ~silenced~ and they have an open relay on in their collar you can grab them and tp them to other sims as long as that sim allows rezzing. It makes the victim sit on an object. The object follows you as you tp around. You then just release them until you want to drag them off somewhere else again. No need to be trusted or the owner on their collar. With a public collar you can leash them and drag them anywhere around on the same sim.
  3. Not all goreans are jerks.. just 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of them are.
  4. its automatically added, so if your premium you are at your max limit already. there is no way to go beyond that limit at this moment in time.
  5. population numbers are never really accurate. often a lot of places have or use bots or alts to drive up their numbers to make them seem more popular than what they were. some adult places even go around and kidnap players with ope/auto relays in their collar and drag them back to the sim to boost their population. hoping the person is afk and wont notice what was done until their being there is long enough to count. so a high visitor count or high population count doesn't mean they are actually popular or filled with living people that are there at that moment in time.
  6. You make a valid point. People do like to do this both here and in rl and inworld. Its actually simple why they do. They are rejudging you the same way because of something you said or did some other time. They dont take each interaction as its own and wait and try and understand before judging you the same again. If you were snarky before, you are being snarky again... people seldom change from whom they were. so how you are now is what you were then in their eyes. Even if it wasn't true even then. once a trouble maker always a trouble maker in their eyes. Its very hard for anyone to really apologize and take responsibility or be accountable for their actions or words, it is much easier to pass the blame around to someone else or back to the original person they may have offended or hurt. they need to pass the blame they cant handle taking it all. they either dont have the courage or self worth or dignity to do so or they may actually believe it is not all their fault (and sometimes its not). i could elaborate further... but... I doubt most would care or read it. If something is more than a few sentences long.. or a few paragraphs.. its not worth their time to read it all...
  7. no you cant sort them in to groups or change the order of them. and i think the only way to get more beyond the normal limit is to become premium but it probably still wont be enough for you.
  8. sorry, for not being sorry; but I dont really have the time to be sorry. I have too much more snarkiness to release.
  9. sometimes its good to let your snarkiness out and let it play.. keeping it caged just makes it meaner. a mean snarky is harder to control. they will do and say things you might later regret.
  10. sorry, that you are being so peeved over this.. had to yank your chain ya know.
  11. my first rez in world.. what the hell is this place and why do so many people look so weird.. oh there is a dragon.. oh.. i have to pay to be a dragon..that sucks..oh wait i found a cheap dragon avatar.. it sucks too.. my first rez day afterwards.. was not even online that day. so didn't really care. it was just another day passing by.
  12. two of the healing and protective colors of the universe...
  13. At the end of the day you have to decide if is worth it to you. What others think of the price does not really matter. I have spend that much or more on simple outfits before and only worn them a few times or very seldom.
  14. peeve... my snarkiness level has gone down a few notch's... must find the snarkiness control and turn it back up.. none of this level 3 stuff allowed!!.. must raise it back to level 5 or higher like it was before!!!
  15. peeve.... having to put trust in others to help you get things done when you cant do it alone. im a dragon afterall why should I need the help of others at times...
  16. Yess.. yess burn the long hairs.. their so annoying when you go to eat a human and you get a mouth full of hair and have to cough up a hair ball.. Can you imagine what that is like for a dragon??? I mean seriously its not cool!!
  17. peeve.. people starting to agree with me!! im the villianness how dare you agree with me!! Its ruining my reputation as being the bad girl of the forums!!
  18. funny thing is radegast is not just a chat only viewer it does have 3-d support or did at one time. it even had/has rlv support at one time.
  19. yes most furries are respectful of others limits they are not just yiff crazy like some want to think because of the media evens in rl and online that people have seen and believe that all furries are sexual pervs with only one thought on their mind. oh by the way @Nick0678 wanna Yiff!!!! furries are some of the most tolerant and respectable people in sl and in rl. they dont judge each other nearly as harshly as hoomans do..
  20. Not everyone is a super horn dog ready to jump anything or anyone they see... yet that is how most furries are seen by most furry phobes. @Lyssa Greymoon wanna yiff.. come on you know you want too. they want to think they are superior by only letting hoomans in their club/sim. That anything non human is of a lower life form in their eyes and has no right to be around the superior hooman. but yet as others have said.. amazonian avatars or everyone looking like a runway model or supermodel is totally realistic and immersive.. total bs. If it was a specific themed rp sim such as a 50's themed based around gangstas and such, I can maybe see requesting others to be ic and look the part while they are rp'ing. but when out of character it should not matter how they look. Just create a rp section and a non rp section. anyone not in the rp going on at that moment stays in the non rp section. Have separate groups one for ic and one for ooc and moderate them appropriately. and make sure everyone understands and is told this when joining or entering.. but a lot of sim mods/owners are lazy and dont think they should have too.
  21. perhaps not the best choice of words at that time. prank would have been better.
  22. not moaning at all, I dont agree what was done and i dont have to keep quiet about it because you think i should. sorry if you cant accept that bit of reality. 'Whaaaaaaaa the big bad dragon ruined a joke!!!!! Whaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!" sounds like a big you problem there and not a me problem. Not embarrassed at all.. nice try.. so many like you here on the forums that like to play that trump card and yet loose. I dont get embarrassed by what I say here at all. im not that emotionally immature. Nothing wrong with disagreeing with others, no one has to agree with everyone else all the time or at all over anything at anytime. If you cant understand that, that is a you problem not a me problem. I reply because I chose to reply not because I had to reply for any reason you might want to think. lol.. you blocked me because I wouldn't agree with you plain and simple. that I wouldn't let you win like you think you were entitled too. simply pathetic.. little tip.. just because you block someone does not mean you wont ever see what they say anymore. if anyone ever quotes them you will still see it.. and they can still react to your posts and you will still see that as well.
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