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Drakonadrgora Darkfold

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Everything posted by Drakonadrgora Darkfold

  1. I used to go to nci as well.. but stopped because of the attitude of the few of its staff
  2. yep because its a kink/fetish and you cant shame anyone's kink or fetish.. your kink is not my kink but its ok..... the only real morals ll makes anyone follow is the morals of the legal justice system beyond that anything pretty much goes. because its rp.. its not real.. your not being hurt..because it was consensual and that makes it ok. you can just log out.. you can just not respond.. you can just tp away.. you can just block them.. so you cant be hurt.... absolute total bs...
  3. Oh I know about the pictures you post I have seen them enough. I was just yanking on your chain.
  4. it happens at welcome area's quite often, more often then most may think but its usually taken care of quickly if any of the staff of that area is on at that time. usually they get ejected and banned from the welcome area. so it does happen in sl. since its considered rp and is consensual between players ll doesn't do or care about it. since its not real and just fantasy. but yes it is racism, its just their way of getting around that naming of it. by calling it a kink/fetish... and since the idea of you cant shame anyone's kink, then all kinks even racism based is acceptable.. even if it leads to more problems of racism. fantasy racism is just as bad as real racism, it should not be tolerated or accepted or normalized even in kink/fetish communities. there are some kink/fetishes that should not be tolerated or accepted or normalized ever... this is because those kinds of people do not accept or believe in emotional or written or mental or psychological abuse they only believe in physical and since you are not being physically hurt you cannot be hurt. same as most of those in sl that try and say sl=/=rl to them. that its all just roleplay and you cant be hurt by it.
  5. your profile picture and avatar are nekos yes, but that image you used for waving wasnt.
  6. that is why i have it set to show both and have the name tags above people show both and why I have my friends list show both.. so if anyone does that I can still see who it is regardless. toward their picks, and bio. if I cant read it im not going to waste the time time trying either. so they basically are a nipc at that point to me.
  7. since I was told to never give money to strangers on the internet.. you will have to simply accept this.. 'well done'
  8. if you have access to the parcel settings, you can stream music from shoutcast/icecast which is free. or from any other streaming media source. there are lots of radios in sl as well that you can buy and then use the play music at your home.
  9. Welcome to the forums where you can upset anyone by simply posting anything that they will disagree with on principle. Dont take it personal or internalize it too much. A lot of people here and inworld do not like anyone pointing out their flaws or the problems of them doing certain things. they think it takes away their entitlement to be unique.
  10. simple fantasy av = furry to many people.. and many people have stigmas about being associated with furries. if its non human and anthro its a furry!!!!! burn it!!! kill it!!! Grosss!!!! if its a furry it must be into sex with animals!!!! EwwwwWWWWwwwWW!!!!!11111!!!
  11. blame it on mesh, before mesh, bodies where more the correct height. back when sl first started the average sl height was in the rl height range. you didnt see many amazonian women or men back then. in fact there are some rp sims that require you to use the old original correct body height for your avatar and even have height scales setup so you can measure yourself to be the right height. its more the fault of mesh content creators that caused the sizes to grow out of proportion. not something that sl or ll did itself.
  12. do you have enough in teh pay pal to pay for the charge? have you properly added a bank or credit card to your pay pal. you should be able to link your pay pal to your account in teh account section under either its billing or payment methods..
  13. or you could ask the owners of the parcel/sim/region to add in a landing point mover. it randomly pushes people out of the landing zone in random directions after they land so they cannot just stay there and pile up.
  14. peeve.. not being able to add more than one reaction to a post. sometimes a post needs more than one reaction to it.. you might like it but think its funny at the same time but have to choose one or the other..
  15. you can think that I am wrong but it does not make me wrong. you do not need any of that extra knowledge to not only survive but live happily and comfortably. all that backstory and history is meaningless unless you are interested in it. otherwise there is no reason to be forced to learn it. you do not need math to stretch your mind or to be able to think logically or rationally or accurately. you do not need any of the higher maths to live happily at all. not everyone is going to care how high some random building is. not everyone is going to be worried about meeting at exactly X time they are willing to wait if need be. Not everyone plans on traveling by boat or plane where they are in control so they dont need those extra maths. no you dont have to care what abc and xyz are saying about you behind your back unless you have self esteem issues or let what others say affect you. unless you intend to interacting with those other people you dont need to know their language at all. again all of what you listed are addons to life.. not requirements of life. not required to live a normal happy life at all. and should not be forced upon someone in school. and its more than just cavemen that knew this. even back in the industrial age not everyone needed to know as much as they could. and no not everyone cares or wants or needs to climb to greatness. some can be happy with the simple life. and that does not make them less important then anyone else. only the arrogant and delusional and narcissistic will think it does. honestly you sound like some advertisement for some college with all you have said and how important it is...that you must think people need to go to college in order to live will or happily in life.. simply not true.
  16. I have to disagree you can learn skills that can let you support yourself without any of the teaching gotten from basic schools. before there was schools people knew how to survive well enough and even lived well. Not all knowledge is useful. Unless your going to go into a job related to history, knowing world history or even the history of any nation or the state or city you live in is not really needed. needing to know more than one language is debatable as well. Its only important if you intend to ever travel abroad or work somewhere outside of your native language. and you really dont need to know a lot of math to survive in this world. just the basics. you dont need trigonometry or calculus or even algebra to survive in this world. geography is only needed if you intend to travel away from where you live, otherwise its not really needed either. no need to know anything about the universe in general either. its not needed to be known to live a happy life. basic communication skills, basic logic yes; but not even basic science is needed to live. you dont need to know the chemical components of water.. astrology.. unimportant.. unless you hope to one day leave the world.. human anatomy unimportant unless you want to be a doctor. the problem with schools is they dont teach practical skills and knowledge needed to live. they teach a lot of skills that many people will never need to live. basic money handling skills.. basic cooking skills, is what is needed to be taught at schools.. schools dont prepare people for the real world good enough.. you shouldn't be forced to learn things you wont use in your life. schools should teach only what the individual wants and needs to live. everything else should be just icing on the cake, addons if that person wants to pursue those areas, not forced to learn. given as options not requirements. the real purpose of schools..is daycare so parents can work..until the child grows of age to join the workforce.. plus its just an institution of brainwashing to make you be a better robot for the workforce. teach you to limit yourself and do as your told in a timely manner.. aka be a robot.. what is really needed is a more thorough aptitude test be given at certain ages to see what the individuals skills are and what might be better suited for them then focus teaching based upon those things.
  17. for those like me it takes away the life and meaning and power of it. it makes it more dead and less alive. once you understand things too much there is less or little or no mystery about it. sometimes it is the mystery, the unknown factors that give it beauty to some people. like magic.. learn how the trick works, and its less enjoyable to watch because there is no mystery left. watch a tv show or read a book so many times you can relive it by memory alone it takes away the life of the show or the book. its no longer important if you focus on what is happening.. you already know it all.. this removes the joy in the experience for some. I cant even watch horror movies anymore, I find them dull boring and lifeless because I have learned to tear them apart so much that the whole meaning of the movie is no longer important. sometimes its the bigger picture that matters more than knowing all the details of it.
  18. you have a point.. for me its not about the why or the how, just if it can be done and how it feels. sometimes understanding something too clearly can actually ruin the experience of it. it becomes to clinical and lifeless and boring. somethings are not really meant to be understood at a very deep level. they are just meant to be experienced and enjoyed. i quit watching most tv because I did the same thing.. I tore ever episode of every tv show I watched apart until everything became to predictable and boring. no more excitement because I knew the ending before it happened.. the same can happen with asmr if you try to over analyze it and explain it. you become desensitized to the triggers and it happens less and less until it doesn't happen anymore at all.
  19. i hated school most of my life it kept me from the funner things.. like morning and afternoon cartoons.. sleeping when ever wanted..eating whenever wanted.. I found the majority of school and what was taught there boring and meaningless. just a lot of useless information I would never use in my life. and to this day, most of what was taught I still dont need or use. school didn't teach you how to live.. it taught you how to be a good little robot. how not to think for yourself. how to accept what ever dogma that someone wanted to shove down your throat as if it was the only truth of how things had to be.
  20. was i the only smart one.. you hide in the middle of the class room.. the teacher will invariably call on the front and back kids more than the middle kids.
  21. thing is this could be true about all asmr responses. they all could just be anticipated memories from certain past events. the event is just triggering a past memory response to be replayed. its not always about the how or why it happens, its sometimes just about it happening and how it makes you feel that is important. not the ins and outs of what caused it.
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