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Drakonadrgora Darkfold

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Everything posted by Drakonadrgora Darkfold

  1. wardrobe management system. used to make finding outfits/avatars/accessories easier to wear then having to search through maybe 20K+ objects to find the one thing or outfit wanted. it for those that do not like having to take the time to create hundreds or thousands of possible outfit combinations in the viewers outfit section. there are inventory management and storage systems that can be used too different then that one.
  2. its a good wms for those that choose to use it and learn how to use it correctly. its better than trying to rely on rlv or a bdsm collar for that purpose too.
  3. I know I am not a dragon in real life. I am fully aware of that. but as stated if I was there would be a few less people around and no it wouldn't bother me of that outcome either. I dont have to like anyone or forgive or forget or tolerate or excuse of validate any behavior from anyone here. as I stated above when the two types of people come together it often ends bad. because to one its all just a game and nothing more. that everyone here is just a npc or even an nipc to them and its all just about their own desires. when to the other, everything done here does matter, that its not a game or fake or fantasy or make believe, that they dont change who they are or how they react just because they are online. that they are just a real here as they would be if met in real life. those who see that is disdainful are actually the ones with the real issues, needing to escape from reality and not caring how their actions might affect others. they show themselves for the truth of what they really are deep inside. in rl if you pissed me off I would tell you without a hesitation. get me angry enough I would make you leave and not care even if you had driven hours or days or had to fly to see me. you would no longer be welcome at that point. I dont put up with that kind of bs I dont have too. but some people like to think its their right to act in that manner and the other person has to just accept it.. especially when its online.. total bs.
  4. to me there is no difference. I am here what I am in rl. I dont mask my emotions or feelings. I dont disassociate from reality just because its virtual. i may not look like a dragon in rl, but that is the only difference between me here in sl and me in rl. it has nothing to do with not being able to tell if something is fantasy, it has the everything to do with not everyone sees everything the same as others, and when those who do see it as just fantasy clash against those that dont, things will go wrong. some believe sl=/=rl.. but for some sl==rl but with just a different look and nothing else different.
  5. Sl is 'not' a fantasy to everyone the fact that some of you cannot understand this is just sad really. the fact that you think they have to act or behave or think or feel as you do about sl is equally crazy. oh I know full well how I speak and how it makes people react, and sometimes its those reactions that are desired it makes them show their true personality for others to see. call me anti-social if you wish it doesn't really bother me. not everyone is a socialite that cares what everyone else thinks all the time.
  6. I post in this manner because I have years of experience with other forums. dealing with people of the same kind of attitude and behavior at those places. I lurked on these forums for a while before ever deciding to post much. some topics I post more in, some I dont. ive been on the internet and around the internet for about as long as it has existed in hundreds of other places. ive seen all types of people and how they post or react or respond to certain things.
  7. like I said dont ever change. can always count on you for a laugh. thank you.
  8. I dont have an alt or use an alt to post on the forums you silly fool, the fact you think I do means you do not know me at all. talk about people making assumptions.. way to go. I am not the alt of anyone else posting on these forums. your logic is very lacking you know, you like to think you are superior when your not in any way shape or form to those you respond too. my opinion about you is not far from the truth at all, you might want to think you fool others in to thinking it is but its not. I have the right to judge or invalidate or shame anyone at any time about anything I disagree with what they do or why. I do not have to validate or accept or normalize their kinks or fetishes or anything about them ever. Nor do they have to of me and I dont care if they dont really. tough if you dont like it or cant accept that fact. I dont have to live or act or post or behave how you or any other other member of these forums wants. you do not decide how I act or why. the fact you think what you say really has any importance to me is down right funny. I do read what I quote.. and I understand it perfectly clear. you acted as if no one ever uses or used afk sims for abusive reasons. which is not the truth. I never said all I said most/majority of the people that use them are just incels and degenerates. again you are the one now trying to put words in my mouth.. good job at proving you dont read all of what you quote or respond too. who ever said this was a discussion or debate or anything like that at all. I never did.. its me sharing my opinion you can like it or leave it, it doesn't really bother me which you do. you assume too much about me. You have no clue about me at all or my reasons behind what I do or why, nor is it my responsibility to try and educate you on them either. Just because I post in a thread does not mean its part of a discussion, just because I quote someone does not mean its part of a discussion or debate. It can be just me sharing my personal view and opinion on the subject/topic/thread. It doesn't mean I am really trying to persuade anyone to my side either. I dont really care what most of the people on these forums think about me, if they like me or dont or agree with me or dont. I am not here for popularity reasons or anything similar. I am not here to make friends or be liked by everyone or agreed with. those who agree that is their choice, no one made them. it was their view and opinion and decision to do so. those that dont.. I dont really care. the fact you think I do or should or would is just ridiculous really.
  9. just because you have not had it done does not mean its not ever been done. It did happen at times. and would leave people coming back to read it to only wish they hadn't.. and another less know bit of experience.. not all the of the so called afk avatars were afk the entire time there.. some where there reading it as it happened.. so its not all just presumptions as you might want to think or try and claim. some even had owners that made them stay there and not emote back and then report back every little detail of what was said or done to them. as a way to train them to be more open and biddable and usable by others. and they could not just leave of they would be punished for it later. if they just wanted interactive porn there are better sources for that then using SL.
  10. typical response from the 100% consent belief squad. a big reason why those that go there is to use and abuse those that just leave themselves open to it. Even if you dont want to accept this truth. That they are degenerate people looking for those that they can use and abuse that wont fight back or refuse or disobey. That they are incels just looking for victims to take advantage of. You can try to defend it all you want but it doesn't change the facts of why the majority of the patrons go there. They want a doll to play with a piece of meat to use for their own pleasure. Someone who wont tell them no. Someone who wont judge them and make them feel inadequate because they are too emotionally and mentally immature and insecure to handle any possible criticism about their rp/slsex skill. They want a mindless helpless powerless bimbo. Sure the people putting themselves there often get off on it too, they are equally demented and like being used and toyed with and abused. Its a turn on to them to be used or abused or taken advantage of. they have no respect for themselves and dont care what anyone says or does. Because to them its all just a game and not real to begin with. they they never have know what happened, they only care about as long as they get paid for it in the end. They dont even have to read any responses the person may have said in local or im if they dont want too. So it never happened in their eyes or mind. So it doesnt matter to them what the person said or did or how they acted. Its just about the money to them. Anyone can shame anyone for anything they dont like. Anyone can say that they feel someone else reasons are invalid if they want at any time. Its not your place to try and tell them they cant. As you say I dont have the right to judge them. you do not have the right to judge me or say my reasons are invalid.. that game you tried to play works both ways. and you just failed miserably at it. To some people SL 'is' real life there is no difference between the two, its not just a game, its not just role play its not just fantasy, its not just fake. Yet you seem to not to be able to understand this. Typical of people like you. And yes people can be tricked or lured to go there then shamed to keep going there or blackmailed or coerced into staying or returning over and over again. If you cant understand this, then you really have very little understanding of the human mind and emotions and feelings and how some people can manipulate others into doing things they do not always like or agree or consent too.. even here. yet you will undoubtedly claim this cannot be done. There are even some fake arse abusive Doms that have their sub/slaves go there to prostitute them for money that if they leave they will be punished for doing so. Yet you will probably say that cant be done either. You really dont know as much as you think you do about it..
  11. flash will never die.. it will live forever!!! even if others dont want it too..
  12. Oh.. you didn't get the memo?? *looks in her bag* umm.. sorry this one was meant for you it seems.. Must have been that last mailman I ate.. sorry about that.. Though he was a spicy/feisty one. Trying to tell me he other places to be to get out of it. I guess he was telling the truth.. Oops.
  13. Might get back into watching Altered Carbon on Netflix again. Its a really interesting sci-fi series. Just discovered there is an anime version of it too..
  14. That or an upset stomach or having to run to the bathroom the moment you get out of bed! Im not 90 yet body!!!
  15. could be your browser just being slow and playing up and not showing the confirmation box. not seen that happen yet myself. but I do clean out my browser cache and cookies every few days to keep it running smoothly.
  16. rlv can be used for more than just bdsm. that is only one part of its possible use. It can be used in games to make them more realistic, it can be used for having someone follow you when you go to places and they might be afk at the moment. it can be used for wardrobe management, or to securely lock items on you so they cant be removed by bad teleports aka being ghosted. rlv is not just bdsm..
  17. I know right.. and they refuse to look at themselves or their own potato of a computer(monitor and keyboard and mouse and laptop/desktop) and networking(router and modem and cables) or their isp as part of the problem. that is has to be just SL and LL fault and not any of their own at all. same kind of complaints that all gamers use.. your client sucks.. your server sucks.. your code sucks.. fix it nowzzz!!!!11!!! make me happy!!!! or else!!!! I am the consumer!!!! Do as I say!!!!!! fix your bloatware!!! I should be able to run this on a 3mhz TI-99/4A home computer!!!!
  18. IKR... they would have never survived the earlier days of the internet where such things were a monthly or weekly occurrence with some places.. people nowadays just want instant gratification and what every little problem fixed NOWZ!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!111!!! or else they are going to cry how unfair it is...
  19. whaaa.. I dont like how the person responded so now I will try and insult them and look like im a better person doing so.. not being able to log in to sl for a couple hours is not the end of the world.. panicking over it is just stupid and immature. also when people do not even take into considering the time they post and how quick they think LL has to respond to their little whiny complaints about it. Totally unrealistic.. some of the people here are just entitlement minded spoiled narcissistic little children.
  20. panic panic panic.. wow.. people panic over things too easily.. its not the end of the world just because you could not log in to sl for a couple of hours.. omg people.. stop thinking with the brain below your belt.. just because you cant pixel bump right now is not a reason to panic...
  21. Me as my dragon self just standing around at my Masters house in one of my outfits.
  22. for those who cant log in try different locations, it may be that particular sim is not up again yet. it does take time to restart and reinitialize the sims when they crash or fail or have been updated. its not instant...
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