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Drakonadrgora Darkfold

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Everything posted by Drakonadrgora Darkfold

  1. hey! wait I have a humor.. I have it somewhere..*looks in closet* no.. thats not it.. that was my sex toy location..*looks under the bed* no.. thats not it.. thats where i hide all the bodies.. oh wait yeah.. I gave it away a few years ago..
  2. hey whats going on!! people are agreeing with me some of the time!!! that is not allowed!!!! im the evil one of the forums!!
  3. whaaa.. they didn't like my humor so now I am going to ignore/block them. again.. childish.. anyone who thinks playing pranks like that is cute or funny is childish.
  4. that is not really humorous at all. its childish. same as trying to rickroll someone.
  5. dont go there its a scam. plus you will just get ejected by their security orb. it just a lot of toilets in a house with fumes coming out of them. no wind at all.
  6. well that probably can be done. you would need a weather system that was rezzed in world and then you set the variables to when the weather changes and maybe could try and synchronize it to the windlight. ive been to a few sims where it rained or snowed at times. but of course that was all controlled.
  7. being a dragon i have to say no. would be too frustrating getting it tangled in my claws or horns or around my tail or in my wings. like who would want to suddenly fall from the air because someone got their hair all tangled up in your wings and couldn't fly anymore.. shoulder length or a little longer is fine. down the the calves or feet.. nope. imagine getting it all tied up in your horns after you hugged and then your stuck together until you can untangle it.
  8. this is where you are wrong it is not for anyone else to uphold the rules or tell someone they have to stop or should leave the group. it is for the mods/admin of the group to decide what is allowed or not, no some random persons personal preference. that is expressly for what mods and admins of groups are for to enforce the rules. the person who didnt like it should have taken it up with a mod/admin of the group instead of thinking it was their right to act like one. and attempt to bully or intimidate the person in to acting or doing what they wanted. just because someone posted something that someone else does not like does not automatically make it spam for everyone else.. now lets watch as the sockpuppets come out of the wood work here...
  9. just be careful and maybe ask any of the group admins/mods before doing it again, but you dont have to leave the group just because some random said so.
  10. someone was pulling your leg. unless their name as different colored or bolded or italic what ever you set your viewer for group admin/mod and what ever color you set your chat to indicate its a linden dont believe what any other person says.
  11. right you can use it on any other form as long as you have atosh. the human version of the atos system.
  12. well for the most part you need a weather effect, and really you can only adjust the wind light for most people. to really have control over the weather you need a weather station that is scripted for specific use such as with some sort of health, combat system. like i mentioned above. with the ns system a drone or human can get to hot or cold and loose health, you can even make them loose health for being in a low oxygen area that was set.
  13. the nanite drone system uses weather stations to affect how quickly a drone may overheat or become to cold. but you can only find it at their inworld store on eisa. you would need something like dax3 plus a battery metabolic plus have atose installed. or you could use atosh which is for humans and then use the weather station from the store to cause various health effects. but in general no matter what the weather is set on any parcel/sim it wont directly affect any avatar that is not wearing a scripted object for that affect.
  14. not entirely true. when I got my recent computer which is a win 10 it didn't have Japanese or any other langue installed; by default it only had English. so anything written in Japanese or any other language I could not see the characters. it wasn't a corrupt or poorly updated library that was causing the issue. so to claim it comes standard with all installs of win 10 is not true. so some people will not be able to see things because they dont have the language or font pack installed. not everyone on all systems has the exact same fonts as everyone else installed on them.
  15. yours may have come with some preinstalled when you got it. That is not uncommon. but not all retail sellers do this.
  16. everyone saying if your language packs were up to date you could see it are only partially correct.. if you have a windows 10 computer it does not install additional language packs but the langue you chose when you set it up. You have to add those in manually by going into settings and adding them as an extra feature. so most people by default will not be able to see them unless they went through the process of adding in the additional languages...
  17. its all about the second screen experience. so you dont tab out of the viewer if your logged in world. so you dont ruin your immersion to the game. its a new trend with some video games.
  18. I know and understand those kinds of pains very well. I suffered similar pains before to the point it put me in the mental hospital for months because of what was did and how screwed up in the head it had me from all the mind/head games they played with me and didn't care what it would do to me. they could have cut off my arm and i probably would have recovered from that easier.. some people think its ok to play head/mind games on anyone.. they think because there is no physical harm being done that can be seen then its perfectly acceptable for them do what they do...and no one should ever say otherwise. they even like to gaslight and lovebomb their victims into not ever saying anything about for as long as they can... total bs...
  19. it does happen in the community, but not that often only in niche groups and sims, most of the time is consensual rp but then again is it really.. for one may have been blackmailed, or bullied or tricked or fooled or deceived or manipulated into giving consent without really knowing what they were doing. And then if they cry foul the abusers gaslight and claims its their own fault, they gave consent, they wanted it, they desired it, they deserved it... Most people in sl do not even realize that in M/s or even 24/7 or TPE relationships there are still safewords and limits for both parties involved.. they like to think because of the title/rank/label it means there is no such thing or it can be ignored or punished for if used.. or that the M can push or touch or break hard or even soft limits with impunity which goes against normal rl bdsm. No one on any side of the / has the right to push or touch or break anyone's limits ever regardless if is M/s or D/s or whatever they call their dynamic. not even in TPE.. not even in 24/7 not even in CNC.. but there are many here that claim they can and misinform others of such bs. but I digress and have gotten of the original topic yet again it seems.. but there was a reason too... yes people can be harmed in bdsm even online..even physically harmed.. I know this on a personal level...
  20. I can understand and accept your views, for there is a lot of people here who think the same. but I dont agree with them but that is not really important. the point is harm and abuse can happen here and does, even if some dont accept that truth of reality.
  21. then you get attacked by all the kinksters and fetishists for doing so. because in their eyes your not allowed to shame any kink or fetish ever for any reason no matter how much you disagree with it. if you dont like or accept it then turn the other cheek and walk away...
  22. That is a them problem and not a you problem if they cant handle you wont use their display name.. that is totally on them.
  23. some people can be really harmed here in sl, abuse and harm is not just limited to the physical, there is emotional abuse, verbal abuse, mental abuse and psychological abuse and all can happen here and does happen here at times. and those forms of abuse and harm can lead to rl physical issues such as anxiety and depression and suicidal thoughts or feelings.
  24. not true, not everyone rp's here in sl, some do take it very serious and personal. and again not true, just because you see sl=/=rl to you does not mean everyone else does. for some people sl=rl.. it doesnt matter what other countries legal systems are.. it only really matters what the us legal system is for ll is based in the us so it has to follow us laws. so even if some other country said xyz was ok does not mean it would be in sl if it was not ok by us laws.
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