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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. If in the "listener" of the object to be affected, instead of listening only for the owner, you set it to "" or NULL_KEY, it will receive and process any recognized message on the same channel, regardless of who sent it. It might look like: llListen(0, "", llGetOwner(), ""); Changing llGetOwner() to a pair of empty quotation marks ("") will make it listen for anyone on the same channel instead of just the owner. You can have a single hud owned by one user, and quick-change textures on an entire group of avatars (a dance troupe, for example) if you want. Sometimes people specify owner-only listening when they set the listener up (as shown above). Sometimes people specify filtering for the owner only in the section of the script that processes listeners (the "listen event"). If neither of these specifies owner-only, you should be fine.
  2. If I have money, I tip. If not, I say something about how if I had money, I would tip, and everyone tells me not to feel guilty for it. Working hard for small rewards is a bad habit many people get into. If you're going to work hard, make sure it pays what you want, or is fun enough that you simply enjoy it. Then anything you earn is a bonus. I charge the U.S. dollar equivalent of 4 bucks for a mesh model I created. I almost felt guilty for pricing it that high. Then I remembered how much of my time I put into it, and the fact that I'll tip a DJ and host just as much sometimes, just for playing music I like, and cheering for me every time I get back from the bathroom. It's all relative. I see nothing wrong with tipping someone a couple of bucks for showing up at an event and helping the DJ, even if it's just moral support. I do that myself for free, but then I'm just having fun and not being responsible for anything.
  3. I still wonder sometimes if that would have worked in The Secret Garden, too. EDIT: Yes, I am old. For anyone who doesn't get the references: A: Little House on the Prairie, the quoted gif - Laura pushed Nellie into the river, and Nellie jumped and stood up, thus exposing her fraud (pretending to have broken legs). B: The Secret Garden, the boy's family is keeping him bedridden by treating him like an invalid. If the protagonist had hurled him into a pond, he might have recovered faster. Both are probably relevant on some deeper level, but still sort of off-topic. I know, I know, we all try to do better than that. Sorry. /nerding
  4. If you show up on the beach and claim to be a refugee from New Zealand, I hear they grant instant citizenship, and will even help you get a job. Oh wait, that's Australia. Sorry.
  5. Maybe trying to read the text on the HUD was supposed to be part of the challenge. "Find all the hidden words on the HUD to continue~!"
  6. I think one problem is that if a person puts, say, "not scripted" in their keyword spam thingy for a product, it includes the word "scripted", and will turn up in search. ...nevermind the fact that I can type in "shoes" and get results for lingerie, tattoos, and vajayjays. It may be an assist to search using the specific category Home & Garden, so as to (hopefully) exclude Building Components turning up, and then look to the left and click the link for Furniture so as to filter closer. I can't guarantee anything though, because again, who knows what people put in their keywords, or how they categorize their products.
  7. I drive a lot, and it still means very little. I'll drive right across the continent, and roads be darned, if there aren't any roads going my way. I LOVE all that abandoned land.
  8. If, using the UV map, you place images so that they overlap the edges properly, they meet up on the other side. It's tricky, but once you get it lined up right, the hardest part is over. It's like making a seamless, or tiling, texture for a web page background, except you don't have mathematical offsets to use for it. Angling a pasted layer of the image along one seam, you can cut it and paste the cut layer into a new layer, then rotate that one around and scoot it over to the other seam. The rest is just scooting one or the other up or down along the seam until they match up on the model. If I recall correctly, the base avatar that everything derives from was originally a Poser model. I have no idea where I got that from, but it stuck in my head when I heard it, and if I'm wrong then I'll try to repair my neural pathway to correct it. Anyway, way back then, everything was so low-poly that it kinda didn't matter. Now it kinda matters, and we do our best to work around the limitations. I'm especially impressed by people who can get the tops of over-the-knee stockings to line up correctly, myself.
  9. This thread should never be allowed to leave the first page. Just sayin'. Delight of the Day: Accidentally eavesdropping on a conversation while everyone thinks I'm asleep, and hearing someone say that everything has been better since I've been around, and hearing everyone else agree. I'll pretend I never heard it, but I think I'll make cookies today, too. Everyone likes it when I make cookies.
  10. It gives me people to talk to outside of the grid that actually know what SL is. At least some of them do.
  11. That's one way of dealing with it, I guess. I just throw them in the harbor.
  12. With Vincent Price, yeah. The Return of The Fly.
  13. Life has a way Of keeping you warm and safe Just stay inside And dont dare dream outside the lines Ever, ever, ever ever Never, never, never, never And yet this place That keeps me warm and safe Can seem a cage Where dreams go to fade away A challenge suddenly appears And I turn away in fear Afraid that I won't make it through it Though I know I really want to do it My emancipation starts right here I can fly as high as thе wind blows Just how high? That much, well I just won't know Until I decide to finally lеt go Thats when I will fly As high as the wind blows And how far it takes me Heaven knows If its true what they say If there's nothing ventured Then there's nothing gained And if fortune favors the brave Then its high time That I broke away One last turn to glance behind And now im running to the best part of my life Another obstacle appears But now you laugh And you say "Well, Iv'e been here" Now you won't really think much of it Because you know you can soar above it Just gotta find the wings to getcha there I can fly as high as the wind blows Just how high? That much, well I just won't know Until I decide to finally let go Thats when I will fly As high as the wind blows And how far it takes me Heaven knows Thats when I will fly As high as the wind blows And how far it takes me Heaven knows
  14. I've had no issues of this sort, but then I also tend to wait a long time after a new release before updating, because of things like this. I'd backup my settings and try a fresh install, in case it helps, but yeah, should definitely let the FS people know about it.
  15. I can't get voice to work, but I showed up anyway. I do that kinda thing tho. I'm just glad someone passed me a snap with better settings. *props the laptop up on pencils, so it ventilates better* XD
  16. Someone with nicer settings on donated a snap for me to post, also. Thanks Ori~!
  17. Snapshot doesn't do it justice, because I'm afraid I'll crash the laptop, but w00t, yayee for the pile of people hanging out for the live read for Lovecraft's birthday at Innsmouth~! I wish I could display everyone properly, but we get some really fancy folks, and my laptop is an Elder Thing. I'm just glad the stars are aligned enough to take a snap.
  18. I was playing in the sandbox at a playground (because, being new at the time, I assumed playgrounds in SL were supposed to be playgrounds), and other kids were actually starting to talk and try to play, instead of standing around mute, and I was having a nice chat with the girl playing next to me, and a combat squad showed up. They called everyone names, shoved people with battering rams, and the horror clown riding the flying wingwang sat on the teddy bear where a child was sitting. I decided to stop playing in the sandbox and have a talk with him. I took the other kid's place and sat in his lap in the lap of the giant teddy bear, and explained the psychology behind what he was doing, and I'm pretty sure I made him cry. I told him everything would be okay, and they left, and everyone went back to playing. Everything since that day has been: someone acts like a jerk, I throw toilets at them until they leave. I don't have the patience and intellectually adventurous spirit I used to, so I just pelt them with potties until they've had enough.
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