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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Yeah, if I had 12 pages there would never be any new posts to look at. My list tops out at like, 4 (persons, not pages, lol), and I keep unignoring them just in case they change how they act. They usually don't, but whatever. Everyone deserves a few second chances now and then. I know I've been given plenty.
  2. Just cos it's SL doesn't automatically mean she's a dude. Just sayin. XD
  3. I had a disappearing objects issue yesterday. Found out I had accidentally toggled "disable textures" in my Rendering section of the developer menu in Firestorm, and so sculpts weren't showing up. I know it's probably unrelated to anyone else's object disappearances, but I'm logging it here for future reference, in case it helps anyone. Interestingly, though, toggling Wireframe mode actually fixed it in part, just left glaring chunks of missing roadway, and some off-sim decor poofed.
  4. Major Gratitude, worthy of bumping the thread IMO: I've been approved to create clothing and accessories for my favorite mesh avi, and have been granted a devkit for it. It's like xmas came early, and it's not even annoying~! \o/
  5. The best motorcycle I've ever bought is a modified, sidecarless Ural M-72, I paid 200L$ for it, and, for me at least, it outperforms things I've paid over 500L$ for. It's even a better ride than some really expensive things I've won on Midnight Mania boards. So at least I know they can't really be judged based on price, you have to ride them and find out how they do for you. That said, the best-running and best-handling vehicle I own is a little scooter I made from scratch to fit myself, with 5 speeds ranging from turtle-speed to OMG-I-just-crossed-a-whole-sim-in-a-split-second-speed. Depending on the terrain, obstacles, etc., I just toggle gears really quickly with my pinky finger, because of how my keyboard is set up. There are fantastic creators out there, and there are prolific creators, too. Sometimes they're one and the same, sometimes not. But the only way for a really picky person to get exactly what they want is probably to make it themselves. So far that's been my experience, and so far that's been my take-away from this thread. If you're limited to what you can buy, you'll be settling for what someone else made and decided was good enough to sell to you. If, like IRL, you get under the hood yourself and learn what makes it go, a lot of the mystique blows away and you can learn to make your vehicle do what you want it to, the way you want it to.
  6. I'm on Linux, so... no. Doesn't work. And it's never going to.
  7. I'm used to having at least something somewhere doing that, but then I live in a region with a gazillion different things rezzed all over the place, and probably too many scripts to count. It's usually not so bad, but when I can't even get an item to show up in the editor to make it rezz, then I know something's actually amiss. I have no idea what could be causing the missing geometry thing. I do wish it would go away though, it feels really stupid to start replacing a missing building, only to have the original reappear later, right back where it was supposed to be.
  8. I finally worked up the courage to list the first house I ever built, and someone already bought one. The listing hasn't even been up two whole days. I have so much self-doubt about the things I make, it's really validating when someone who's been in SL longer than I have thinks my stuff is worth owning. Glad I only waited a couple-few years to list it, cos they really made my day today. So yeah, that and officially welcoming some international guests without having them run away screaming were my two big delights today, aside from all the piles of food.
  9. Helping with a build for the big Christmas thingy, this is all you're getting so as not to spoil anything too much.
  10. I'm starting to think that instead of better blocking tools we all just need better attitudes toward one another. *offers everyone some pie*
  11. Bonus Gratitude: They woke me up to make the gravy. I'm not grateful for being woken up from the nicest dream I've had in forever, but I certainly am grateful it was to make the gravy. I'm the only person in the house who makes gravy that isn't technically salt and flour pudding, and I'm pretty sure the whole house was grateful they woke me up to make it. XD
  12. I would quote Animats, but it's a long post, and I tend to break quotes when I edit them... ^-^; Yeah, a lot of people don't even realize the viewer is dealing with more than one kind of network traffic, let alone anything about ports. Second Life isn't like Facebutt or even most MMO's, it's a whole other animal, and it can be a lot to learn about if a person wants to get into what I think of as the "full control comfort zone" of relaxing and researching instead of getting frustrated and wanting to give up when something goes wrong. Even just getting a firewall to whitelist something can be a hassle for the uninitiated. I'm one of those people who finds this part of what attracts me to SL, if something is going stupid, I can get under the hood and find out what's going on, and I can change and fix a lot of it on my own. It's just a lot for most people to have to take in, and it can make problem solving look like a brick wall sometimes. Thanks for the post, that was some really good stuff, and I'll have to remember where it is now, for future reference. ^-^
  13. They seriously need to put an "Awwwwww~!" emote in the little Likes widget, already.
  14. As is probably rather appropriate for today, at least for anyone who was raised to believe it to be a celebratory holiday in honor of sharing, gratitude, thanks-giving, and intercultural diplomacy, I'm very thankful today for the chance to be sharing in a diplomatic way with people inworld, and their gratitude is heartwarming. It's one of the perks of being multilingual, if not all that fluent. Thankfully (oh wow, I didn't see that one coming, I swear), they spoke my second language, and not the third or fourth or worse. That could have resulted in a massive diplomatic failure. XD I'm also grateful that someone bought a huge unit of poultry, and I won't even post a Peeve about having to cook the darn thing. That's how thankful I am. *basks in it a moment*
  15. If any new users would like a mentor in tankery, we've got you covered now. I call dibs on teaching T-34s 101. More on topic, I really think it would be awesome to see more people sharing collected Landmarks so that new people could explore and find more cool things, like wearable tanks. There's so much on the MP, I forget just how many people only have stores inworld, and how many of them have awesome stuff that doesn't cost anything. When I was new, almost half of my time inworld was spent finding places like the store I got this thing at. Some of my best exploration happened when I fell off the stores' platforms and ended up in whatever residential or natural areas were on the ground level, too. XD Seriously though, it's hard to get bored when there are so many things you can do and places you can go that aren't just clubs and learner's waystations. The hard part is finding them all.
  16. I've used Firestorm for over 6 years now and have never gotten voice to work. If you get it fixed, please let us know here, so I can decide if it's worth it to try it all over again for the umpteenth time, lol.
  17. I was having horrific problems, like I hadn't experienced since I was new, and with all of my diagnostic and forensic experience (which is a lot, trust me) I couldn't sort it out. I did research and found that even LL had no answers when people experienced the problems I was having, and could only offer some helpful hints to enable one to even see an avatar and move around. The only answer that turned out to have actual knowledge behind it was one Rolig gave someone several years ago, and it was absolutely correct. My entire problem was that someone hadn't paid the internet bill, and our ISP was throttling the kind of traffic that makes Second Life and my roomates' ability to stream themselves while gaming possible, rather than simply cutting us off. We pay extra for a massive connection, so they did us that "courtesy" rather than shutting it down entirely, and rather than saying anything like "hey, you guys forgot to pay us." The result of all of this was that I had working internet but broken SL. Naturally, I assumed, like anyone else would, that it was SL that was broken. At least my SL was broken, or I thought so, anyway. While trying to find answers to my problems, I read through a lot of screaming rants at LL. And the entire problem was between user and router or user and ISP. There are some things they can fix and some things they can't, and in my experience they really do try their best to fix things when they actually screw up. The only way to really give everyone a more satisfactory experience would be to completely rebuild everything from scratch, but then everything in the whole grid would probably have to be replaced. And it's all the Resident's own creations. I think more people would complain about that than they do currently about SL being a butt. Sure, SL is a butt, but it's our butt.
  18. My other human avatar, enjoying the lovely weather. It's like a springtime afternoon in Siberia. ^-^ You can almost smell the frozen flowers wishing they could bloom.
  19. Victoria, all of your pics remind me of the swanky superexpensive catalogs my mom used to get. Are you a fashion model? If you're not a fashion model you should be one, because you look like one. If anyone asks me about a model for their clothing, I'm going to make them come and look, just giving you fair warning.
  20. I made a lot of different things before settling on my little black scooter, and they all just used the same free vehicle script I found on the forums or wiki somewhere. I had to meddle with it some to get the 5 speeds I wanted to scale right, but whatever. I did notice a tendency for vehicles to hang up on objects, but I fixed that pretty easily by adding an invisible ramp/bubble to the underside of the vehicle, and making sure the root prim was wide enough to make a proper "sled". I don't think scripters set out to make big piles of stuff for people to have to deal with, I think it grows organically as they get deeper into a project and add more stuff for their own use/enjoyment. The only problem is that it's like inventing your own language, and anyone who wants to deal with the resulting mass of (probably really useful and fun once you get to know it) scripts has to learn the same language. A creator gets familiar with it all while they're creating it, but everyone else is kind of in the dark and needs tutorials, etc., etc., and it all ends up seeming like more work than fun. I'd always just rather keep it simple, but I get why simple stuff becomes bloaty-complicated. I think if it's all done in a modular fashion it's probably best, because at least it's more organized than the piles of spaghetti even I've been guilty of making out of simple ideas.
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