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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. I actually kind of like it when this happens to me, I look like a chubby H. P. Lovecraft, if he had lived to 60 years of age. It freaks the norms and that's never a bad thing. At least if you live on a horror-themed sim.
  2. The only thing that would make it more realistic would be for the sky to be too orange at night to see the stars. Oh wait, that's pre-Katrina. never mind.
  3. I have nothing as nice to share as other people have posted, just a memory that makes me wistful, and makes me wish I had at least gotten the person's name, so I could tell them how much I liked the little place they had made. I was looking at random places in the Search thingy, I was about 3 months old in SL, and I found a parcel that was probably no more than 16 by 16 meters, deeply wooded, with a creek running through it. It was someone's tiny little pocket of forest they had reproduced from memory from a place they had once found in Ireland and used to visit because it was peaceful and beautiful, but which had disappeared due to the ravages of time and land development. All I'm left with is the smell of irony and the same feeling they probably had when their little parcel's IRL counterpart got swallowed up and disappeared. I never even learned the name of the place, I'd just hit the "Quiet Spot" button in my Favorites and go there when I needed to. My loss. If I remembered who they were or knew how to find them I'd try to find a way for them to have that place again.
  4. Thank you so much for posting this, I'd always assumed it was just for exporting a shape to use in Blender or similar, and I had never put 2 and 2 together that you could export a shape and let someone else import it as their own. *facepalms* Learn something new every day~!
  5. Hair is one of the hardest things to shop for, especially when you want something specific. Thank you guys for sharing, this is relevant to my interests.
  6. Almost every merchant I've ever met or spoken to has almost cried for joy when I told them I actually liked something they made. I've had expensive items dumped on me as gifts just for telling someone I liked their stuff and wanted to buy more when I had the L$ to spare. I've dumped half of my own shop on people before just because they liked my stuff and it made me happy to hear someone say it that day. There are greedy, money-grubbing scammers, and then there's the rest of the people who make things and sell them or otherwise share them, and in my experience, most merchants are just like me; introverted IRL, hard on themselves and their creative output, and blown away when someone actually likes their stuff despite how unworthy they consider it themselves. Trust me, the creator of an item probably sees more flaws than the customers do, and just hopes it's good enough to please someone, somewhere. If you make them aware of a hangup or even just something you don't like about a product, and you're nice about it, and they ignore you or say "poo that, I owe you no professional courtesy", then maybe it's wrong to name them on the forums, but nothing stops a person from letting others know what their experiences are with a vendor while conversing elsewhere. You can just say you don't like them as much as another vendor, and it's enough to sway most people who are looking for advice on where to shop. Ethical vendors tend to be very aware of this fact, and will at least try to make the customer happy. Iunno about anyone else, but if someone really just couldn't stand something they got from me, I'd just tell them to throw it away and either give them a refund of my cut of the sale or ask them if they'd like something else from my shop instead. If the main focus of selling something isn't to deliver what you're advertising to the best of your ability and make your customers happy, then don't expect to make much money as a merchant. At least not once the word gets around. And we all know that in reality, NOTHING can stop the word getting around.
  7. Pet Delight 1: Someone else cooked dinner. Pet Delight 2: It was edible.
  8. Just tell people you joined while you were in kindergarten, then you come off as young and super-cool at the same time. Everyone likes a rebel who's made it to the top.
  9. If you do it right, sometimes they even thank you for the feedback and make the changes that you suggest. A lot of vendors really don't even know what would please people, they're just winging it and seeing what works. Consumer mindset and vendor mindset are completely different (otherwise there would be a lot less to complain about in the first place), and figuring out how to make the customer happy usually comes down to getting customer feedback. Of course, leaving feedback while upset and frustrated over the vendor's lack of skill in pleasing the customer can sometimes get the feedback rejected or ignored simply because nobody wants to validate someone talking about what a crap store they have, how much they suck as a vendor, etc. It's a vicious cycle, and the only way to change it for the better is to improve communication between the customer and the vendor. Of course there will always be crappy or shady vendors, but they're a lot easier to tell from the honest and worthwhile ones if you can communicate with them before making a major purchase, or when dissatisfied with a listing to the point of not buying. If they respond well to polite feedback, they're probably a good vendor and worth giving a chance, at least. They might even make the changes necessary to please customers who have higher standards, and thereby improve their business overall.
  10. One more, cos why not? Rhetorical question, don't answer, lol.
  11. The learning curve and the complexity of putting together a unique avatar out of next to nothing when I was new was one of the things that kept me interested in SL long enough to get hooked. It was created by nerds, for nerds, and the rest of the world just sort of found it and pimped it out to the masses. Remember, everything in SL is made by Residents, even down to the little flowers out there in the grass; learning how to build ourselves in our own little world is what SL was about from the start. Ease of use, in my unpopular opinion, is a two-edged bisecting tool. On the one hand, you get a lot more people, and they spend a lot more money, if you make everything push-button easy, but on the other, you lose the spirit of the whole thing. If it's all just handed to you from the start in perfect, prepackaged spoonfuls, it might as well just be an MMO based on IMVU and Facebutt. The freedom to make yourself into literally anything you want, and be completely unique, well, that comes with the responsibility of learning how. And there's a lot you can learn how to do in SL. If it was easier, all those new users would probably get bored anyway, and complain about more of the social BS than about the difficulty in learning tech stuff. Learning how to put it all together is only as difficult as it is because so many people put out "easier" alternatives to learning, like selling full avatar systems, HUDs that do things only n00bs would think to do, replacement heads, basically everything a person would want or think they needed if they didn't want to learn how to make it all themselves. The result is what we have today: a mass of confusing stuff that people have to sort out before they can even make themselves a "toon". I made my first "toon" in my first ten minutes inworld. Then I spent the next seven years or so making it better. It's kinda part of why I like SL. There's always more to learn, so I never get bored with it. But hey, as long as people want to just buy (or get for free) an entire experience as if it's passive entertainment, people will try to sell it to them. Good for the economy, I guess. Don't even get me started on how everyone joining these days disregards the fact that SL has its own culture, and that they'll have to learn how to integrate into it somehow if they want a fun and happy SL.
  12. That does it, I'm making a 10-meter-tall toddler avi and I'm going to stalk A-rated sims just far enough away from the brothel furniture to avoid being permabanned, and see how they like it. Nah, I'm too lazy right now.
  13. Chillin' like a villain, which is only natural, I suppose.
  14. I love when a conversation isn't just an envelope for an agenda, I get enough of bs "conversations" as lead-ins to people trying to get things (money, my take-out dinner, sex, etc.) from me IRL. Pet Delight~!: Watching a "happily taken" fellow and his prostitute of the evening fail for several minutes to bypass the security unit I gave someone for their home before realizing I'm now hovering there watching them. Watching their avatar visibly jerk like a spastic puppet and then disappear is intensely gratifying, especially after watching them try to break in somewhere. It's also fun adding them to my list of people whose partners would rip them to shreds if I ever gave them the video of it.
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