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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. If one of them is that clown riding a flying dingdong who came with all the storm troopers that time to attack everyone at the playground I was playing at, just remind him of the time I held him while he cried in the lap of the big teddy bear, and he will probably stop.
  2. I've come very recently to realize (or maybe just remember) what it is. It comes from a good place, regardless of how we tend to manifest it. The spirit that drives all creative endeavors, drives the whole development of everything, is a deep-seated dissatisfaction with things as they are. Without this artistic drive to make things into something else, we'd all be contentedly wagging our tails in the primordial mud, I think. Second Life is, in my opinion, anyway, the best thing going for a person like me. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. It gives me the control I seek over my creative space, at least more than I've ever found anywhere else. I will never voluntarily leave this platform, as it's the only one I even bother with anymore. This is it~! \o/ And yet, even I complain about the things I would change, because as enjoyable as it all is, it could still be BETTER~! And I can't make it that way myself. And the people who might be able to make the changes I would make if it was all mine, well, they do it all their way, cos it's theirs. I just get to play with it. I realize now why so many people kvetch about LL. It's because the people who make the servers happen and coded it all and keep it running are also the final layer between Residents and the true creative virtual godhood we seek. They are as necessary as anyone else in all of this, and being that layer between us and godly powers is a necessary thing too, to a great extent, for the sake of the whole grid. Some of the most genius people here are also some of the loudest complainers. I think as long as we all realize where it really comes from, it's not such a toxic thing after all. If clamoring at the gates doesn't accomplish anything, well, it still beats sitting around frustrated. There IS a lot of room for improvement. It DOES take longer than people wished it did. It's not LL's fault. It's not Sid's fault, or anyone else's. It's simply the combined voice of a multitude of tortured artists, striving to manifest perfection. And maybe even change the whole "game" in the process, and do what nobody could before. Like make a universe where geeks rule, and can be successful and happy. Such beautiful music, it calls to me, too. Edit: And yeah, dont expect to join SL and suddenly have money and quit your day job. But people have done it before, and other people really want to, also. So yeah, things that get in the way of manifesting a magical livelihood out of pixel land, I'd prolly miss and poan too. It's normal. And there's real people's real money involved.
  3. Church closure over vicar's secret stash of T*TS <-- Clergy involved in scandal, who'da thunk it? If I caught a t*t, I would pet*t because they are so cute.
  4. You can also list it for 0L$ and do it that way. Let people know it's a free gift, and anyone who wants it will snatch it up. And yes, "FREEBIE" and "GIFT" do resonate differently with people (a gift can feel far more valuable than a freebie, as it's a gift and not charity or unworthy of sale), even if the scientific reality might be the same, in that it is simply a thing they get without paying for it. Also wow yay, MeshPromo posted~! *waves hi* You made my favorite tank top! And it was a gift! Oh, another option is to have an inworld group for your customers. You can send out announcements with attachments, like gifts. Letting people know that's an important part of why you made the group will get you a lot of members, also. Gifts aren't just nice, they're good for business, too.
  5. I can see loyalists still purchasing them for their other accounts, or new ones, because it's what they're familiar with. Brand loyalty can be a powerful thing, even if sometimes it's just force of habit. I can also see people continuing to promote them to newer users, especially if the Catwa lover hasn't changed because newer stuff is more complex in some ways to learn. 4k is nothing for some people, compared to having to relearn something. I wouldn't judge that either way; everyone is different, and has a right to their favorite mesh head, so yeah. I almost said something about why don't more people simply take the SL basemesh and use it to craft their own heads, because uploading a mesh and a texture is way cheaper than buying anything, but then I did kinda have to pay a lot more for Avastar than I did for the last mesh head I had to buy. I forget that, sometimes. ^-^; Catwa's future? Who can say, really? People have been announcing the death of SL itself for almost as long as SL has existed, and it's still here. I'm sure Catwa's legacy will live on, even if they decide to rebrand, come up with something else instead, or drop out and go inactive. If they close up shop someday, well, maybe they'll at least be kind enough to donate it all to Freebie Galaxy or something. That would be sweet of them. But then, for all we know, they could end up developing the next big thing again. I met someone who was hit by lightning twice, so I know it can happen.
  6. Thanks for letting us know you're leaving SL forever, nobody else ever has the courtesy to do so. Sucks land prices dropped again, too. And now people can get Homesteads without owning land already? This place just gets worse and worse, doesn't it? People can't even pay their rent without having real jobs anymore. How dare they do this to everyone? Don't they realize that everyone in here is counting on Second Life to provide enough income for them to live? This account is a little over 7 years old. In the past 2 months I've earned more than I did in the entire time previous. My SL not only pays for itself, it supports my Marketplace addiction, plus I can afford to tip people decently, so they can have nice things, too. Believe it or not, just because people can make money in Second Life, doesn't mean it's some "economy" that anyone should be counting on to support them in RL. An ex of mine bought an expensive car with money she made as an escort. It was nice to ride around in, but at the end of the day, she still had a day job because that's the reality of being alive. Being successful in online entreprenuership to the point of not having to do anything else is kinda the exception rather than the rule. Content creation is artistry. Most artists starve if they do no other work. Anyone who's doing this stuff full time and paying their bills with it, just know that you're exceptional. It's always going to be the harder path too, though, so expect things like fee increases and such to squeeze on you, and do the best you can just like anyone else. I had a performing career that lasted nearly 20 years. I got to pick my own hours, worked when I felt like it, always made cash money, and I got better at it as I went, earning more as I went along. It mirrored my experience so far with money in SL, in that it took time to produce anything worthwhile, and then there'd be sudden complications that kept threatening the whole endeavour. In the end, my entire way of life was stamped out because of a virus. I had to retool my entire life because of it, because I'd depended on the infrastructure for so long that I assumed it'd never give out. I'd advise anyone out to make something for themselves to rely more on themselves than whatever platform(s) they inhabit. If it gets to be too much or too little, well, you can always shift focus to whatever other platforms/venues you've cultivated. I see people ditching out sometimes, saying stuff like, "well, its been so fantastically great, but I'm leaving forever because this collaborative sandbox that encourages everyone to make their own stuff just doesn't have enough people buying my stuff instead of making their own", and I wonder if they even realize what they're saying. Yeah, SL is what we make of it, but not everyone should be expecting to make a living out of it. It wasn't created to provide RL incomes for Residents. That's just a bonus, if you can manage to pull it off.
  7. I see this same behavior all over the forums here, as well. People whose only way of "touching" someone is to react to their posts will react to every post you make, if they think it annoys you. Fortunately, I lied about hating it when people who despise me add to my reputation. Suckers. XD Finding out, or rather, being reminded, that Firestorm has the option of turning off everyone's objects but one's own, this little bit of golden goodness made the whole thread worth reading, IMO. You can put your stuff out, set up for your photo shoot, wait until the neighbor starts his little song and dance of robotically rezzing things to make you upset, then turn all his stuff off, laugh at him, and enjoy your time inworld. ^-^ Oh, and on the subject of derendering/blacklisting objects, not exactly totally on topic, but I'll say it anyway. NUDISTS: if you get tired of people kicking you out of everywhere for being naked, and you just want that natural Second Lifestyle at all times, even at clubs, etc., consider the following. You can derender your own attachments, others will still see them, and you will not. No need to go to "nudist" sims full of skeezy people who don't get it and treat them like pickup spots, no ban for walking on a public beach naked, and nobody would ever even know but you.
  8. It's the Arkham build, we're doing all of it upstairs over Innsmouth and Dunwich. Soon we'll have at least an approximation of 3 of the 4 original Miskatonic River Valley sims in the same region again... Also, I've heard, but don't quote me on this, that we'll soon have Kingsport as a neighbor, making the original quadrifecta symbolically complete once again. The we just have to wait for the stars to align, and the Old Ones can return. Until then, you can safely explore the construction zone without fear of anything but me. Hope it's okay to post a link, if not, people can always just look us up in Destinations. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/229/189/3504 Arik's working on the Asylum, with his faithful companion, Fuzzbutt, the kitteh.
  9. I just get tired of the same handful of people asking me over and over if I can hear them, so I've started asking friends to politely tell them that I'm deaf and they should let it go. I don't own a headset or microphone, and don't feel like wearing such things just for the privilege of hearing a bunch of loud barking noises and people breathing and farting, like last time. If I wanted that, I'd just sit around on the phone all day.
  10. Getting there, slowly but surely... And no, nothing's broken, it's just my crappy LOD settings I forgot to fix before taking a snap... <-<; It's all filling out well, anyway.
  11. Oh well, best advice is to just give up, then. If people don't even talk about shopping unless it's something bad that happened to them, there's nothing anyone can do about it all. I guess the only recourse is to complain about how much merchants hate customers and want them to have a horrible SL while gobbling up their money, and how bad SL sucks in general, and how awful everything is, because that's what everyone else has been doing for years and that's totally made everything better. Why even talk about problems if there's no possibility of solving them? Just stop shopping and make your own stuff if it all sucks that bad.
  12. "An ancient English ballad", to quote the performer, lol.
  13. You're right, let them sort their own problems out. Hey guys, disregard anything I said, I might not be using the same viewer as you and all of your friends.
  14. Just another boring night out in front of the Arkham Cemetery... Nothing ever happens in there. *YAWN* I'm sure that twig snapping was just a nocturnal squirrel, some of them have really heavy feet. Or an armadillo or something. Probably.
  15. I'm not going so far as to change my display name to test it, but I have the little wrench icon, and when I click it, I get the form for changing my display name. No idea why it would be missing for you and your friends, Chic, but for what it's worth, I'll ask around and see if anyone I know is missing the thingy or has had their display name do anything funny (like disappear) lately. I like a good mystery as much as the next person, but this sounds like a sucky one. I hate sucky mysteries, so if I can find anything out about it, I'll report back in case it helps. The OP's post sounds more like the old week-long waiting period thing, but if it's actually something broken, then yeah, we need to make people aware of it so it can get fixed. Hopefully.
  16. So THAT'S why we have lag! Hey everybody, pizza7 hosts the grid! This explains everything! On a more serious note, define "expensive". I haven't paid for anything in SL with real money for nearly 2 years. And I only spent real money before because I had it to spare and felt like it. Nobody HAS to spend anything on SL. On my old account, my avatar cost me nothing but 1L$ for her hair. Sim owners often offered to let me set my Home spot on their sims, people who made cool stuff gave me things because I said how cool their stuff was, and I never had to pay a penny for anything. That said, I'm grateful so many people DO pay for things like premium accounts and land, because if SL poofed because nobody thought it was worth supporting, I'd not have a world to go play in and a place to build cities and ride my bike. I've seen people blow gigantic amounts of money on utter wastes of time and throw it all down the toilet without ever complaining at all, they buy the most expensive processed food they can find and then throw half of it away, and would rather see it rot than let someone else eat it. Then they complain about how expensive things are that they can get for free. It makes no sense to me. These guys give us a whole world to come and play in, and offer perks to get people to pitch in and support it, and all anyone does is complain about not being treated enough like royalty in exchange for amounts of money they would throw in someone's face if they expected that kind of treatment in exchange for it. It's as disturbing to see as people complaining about imperfections in something someone spent 8 hours making and that they paid the equivalent of 80 cents for. While drinking Starbucks. And having a 3-dollar biscotti that they're going to discard half of.
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