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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. The stars are falling from the sky, it's always so beautiful But when it's right on the ground, it hurts the dinosaurs I was coming back from school, then it dawned on me What happens if you don't listen? What happens if you try? After all, the difficulty lies only in That you can't give yourself an answer To the question you're asking Why do you need the same thing every day? Think about why you live I am a dinosaur, and I decided not to act like everyone else — not to die The meteorite fell, burying everyone under it And I climbed straight up, I watched this movie \o/
  2. Still diggin' this hair. Best thing I've bought to put on my head in forever. I bought one of their other styles too, for when I want to feel like an evil princess. ^-^
  3. Exactly this. This is why I make my own stuff. The only way to copy me then is to buy my stuff.
  4. Right about now, my SL is looking like it might be a minute before the Asylum gets finished, cos we got (WOO-HOO!) a Sci-Fi Con build to poop out real fast. S'okay, once Sci-Fi is over this'll all snap together like a handful of Legos, I've seen it happen plenty of times. I have faith. Not my build, by the way, I just hover around and pester while it's being built. My build is out of frame at the moment, because I'm sick of looking at it. Right now I'm busy making Triassic flora, like giant ferns, myself. I finally get to build a Yithian landscape~! \o/ Yayee~!
  5. Two things stand out. 1. You're good enough to get paid for your art. Like, not just inworld. Picture 2 would make a stunning framed print; I've seen lesser work sell for hundreds of dollars. 2. Wow, those are some awesome bricks. I want to buy from that builder. *drools*
  6. Reminds me of my time as a street performer. Living in the same city year-round, struggling through the off-season, and finally a big weekend hits with lots of people in town and all of the locals' performance spots have been gobbled up by people from out of town who then camp the pitches (ignoring pitch rotation rules respected by all actual professional buskers) throughout the event, and vanish on Monday. Just show up, crash the festival, push the locals out of their spots, take the money, and leave. Then they can tell all their friends back home they're a "traveling performer". *barfs* Just, like, my opinion, dude, and all, but I really don't think anyone who doesn't at least have some little shop inworld or a MP page should be accepted as vendors for an event. You can make some really nice-seeming stuff (at least in the picture) that's absolute garbage, and take a bunch of people's money, and then log out your alt and look for the next event to exploit, and if enough people realize you're a flake and a con, just rebrand for the next time. I guess maybe just buy from vendors you already know and trust. Or just avoid sales events entirely. An old gambler's adage might hold true for this situation: "If you look around the room, and you can't spot the sucker, it's you."
  7. I can go and check for you. My fees are very reasonable. I can Google things for people too, if they need it. Just tell me what to search for and which keywords to use.
  8. Pretty sure they stop billing you if you abandon the land. There's a button at the bottom of the General tab of the Land tools. Don't take my word for it though, you might need to contact someone and actually have them cancel your billing, too. I'm sure you'll get more answers, and better than mine, but yeah. Hope it helps a little.
  9. I'd do something silly like trying to sense if anything named "post" was within a phantom prim inside the ring, but then I'm probably thinking like a n00b. If it was that simple, it would have been solved already, probably. I'd test it inworld, but that would involve doing more than hovering and staring at the build. And I'd probably just feel foolish, anyway. Ah yes, now it dawns on me: can't make one prim phantom and the other physical. It would have to be a flexi, and it would be a nightmare trying to keep it from flopping around. This thread is fascinating, though. I really enjoy getting to see other people's problem solving skills unfold in front of me. It proves that people think, and that utterly thrills me. Yeah, I'm pretty easy to please. XD Edit: I'm stubborn so I tried it anyway. A flexi disc (cylinder at 0.01 thick on z) linked to a physical ring stayed phantom despite the ring being solid, as I suspected was going to happen because I can stick flapping bits on moving objects. The ring, once over the post however, quivers, shimmies, and then hops like a frog off of the pole. Maybe it's because I used a torus, or something. Oh well, at least I satisfied my curiosity. I'll be watching this one for an answer, this is exciting.
  10. Or, alternately, one can wear Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's face as a tattoo. Just saying, we have many options. Me, I have alphas for everything. If I don't have one for something, I make one. Heck, some of my longer dresses, I just alpha out my whole lower body. Anything to annoy the upskirters and denuders of the unwary. ^-^ Hope they enjoy their view of the girl with the invisible bits. I do like a lot of the BoM underclothing out there, though. A lot more designers these days know how to work with the SL UV map and its idiosyncrasies, and not have their seams mismatch and their spaghetti straps go all crookedy. If at a glance it doesn't look like a free system layer from 2009, it's passable, IMO.
  11. My nightly swim, sometimes I even moonbathe. Psychiatrist tells me it's good for my pores. Swimming and cycling are two of my favorite sports for health. So far it's quiet out. Sometimes late at night, you can hear the fish talking. They have plans for us all. I'm not kidding.
  12. Once we get proper, fully-working mirrors as a native feature, the answer to everything will be so simple... walls of mirrors on their side and transparency on yours. Then they can see themselves. And how dumb they look.
  13. I heard they needed a magic user for their party, so I figured I'd apply. I hope there's cake and ice cream.
  14. PROTIP: When they say that, it's laced with bulldooky, too, cos even on a private estate, we had about a dozen bots a day, and that was just the ones we noticed when we were home. And those were just bots checking to see if the place was for sale, or whatever. Banlines suck, but so far they're all anyone has for combating this. And that's ca-ca, because I know it could be fixed in a better way, if we had the option.
  15. Adding a feature to restrict access by scripted agents is a great idea, because yeah, having your immersion shattered by someone showing up and just hovering there, and then vanishing, well, it's kind of annoying, especially when you rent a private Homestead just to get away from all the gadfly-type activity on more public sims. Trying to say hello, and then finding out later it's just a bunch of bots that come to your private home and check on things can be rage fuel. Of course, adding a feature that almost everyone on the grid will immediately implement leaves only those few sims that don't have the checkbox ticked for all of the bots to go to, which will eventually cause any place that allows scraper bots to have the highest traffic in Search, lol.
  16. Yeah, I think a lot of mesh lingerie is meant to be worn without anything over it, anyway. System layers or BoM if you wanna wear stuff under form-fitting clothes. Or just go commando, and avoid all G-rated sims. It'd be nice though if people who made mesh lingerie made BoM versions to go with other clothing items. I mean within reason, of course. Some stuff wouldn't look right all flattened out.
  17. Making a bullet that can actually register collisions with a target less than half a meter cubed, and over 90 meters away. At 200 mps. Without tumbling. And finally being able to take out two targets, one behind the other, with the same shot. \o/
  18. When Megacolon becomes an option for a last name again, I'm totally going Premium Plus. Just saying.
  19. It would take a bit of work, but this, I believe, qualifies as an idea. Mind you, not all ideas are immediately useful. You can find people boating on the Blake Sea, and scoop up their boat with a big hovercraft, and carry them to see your build. Now, I know it's a lot of work, but we do have sky pirates, and some of them work for very reasonable fees. Just a thought.
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