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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. I could dwell with that chicken for a long time. That's no curse. Everything around where I live is deep fried. It gets old after a few decades.
  2. I take it by cursed you mean... not on purpose. *looks at her amulet, and tucks it away again* Nope, nothing, ever. Nothing cursed.
  3. I'll give you a HUNDRED Linden DOLLARS for it. Just think about it. No pressure.
  4. And as always, droppin' them classic hits as well.
  5. I couldn't help myself, sorry. Rowan probably answered their question, cos she's awesome like that. At least I can't type in Glagolitsa, because I'd be doing it all over the place and everyone would put me on ignore. ^-^;
  6. Word. Bakes on Mesh is the coolest thing to come along since rigged mesh uploads. If you layer everything in the right order, you can do amazing things with it, and it makes stuff like body mods look more realistic, too. I mean, I got freakin six-pack abs~!
  7. I attended the memorial service of a best friend's long-time friend in the SL Coast Guard, and it was astounding how many people showed up and how much they put into making it as real and immersive as possible for everyone involved. The Blue Angels did a flyover, and everything, just like they would IRL for anyone of such importance in their respective branch of the service. I was in awe. It was like attending an actual, real-world event. It's one of the things that makes SL so special to me, really. Seeing that many people in a virtual space being so completely... genuine for the sake of the people they love in that virtual space, it just blows me away when I encounter it.
  8. It's SL, you'll be okay. Don't get to see anything like this in RL~! If you do, I want some of whatever they prescribed you.
  9. Basic: It's Snowcrash full of people who have mostly never read Snowcrash. And without the Ashera Virus. Advanced: It's Snowcrash full of Tolkien, LeGuin, Lovecraft, Lucas, Rodenberry, etc. fans, and also some weird old guys who live in what's left of their mom's basements and have to close 32 tabs every time someone knocks on the door, and who have mostly never read Snowcrash.
  10. That's the part of the train-hopping experience where the hoboes all sleep. It's integral, just accept it is all anyone can do. Also, watch out for the bulls.
  11. I know it can seem like a lot at first, but after a while, you may have the more-common problem of how to stop constantly changing so that friends will recognize you from day to day! Once you get used to modding your shape and playing dress-up scientist and avatar engineer, it can become addictive. Like many here, I went through the entire array of possibilities available at the time, and finally settled on my current look. Now it's almost impossible to change enough to be unrecognizable, unless I put on a different avatar; I'm so darn unique, that I'm always me. You'll get there, too. One day someone will ask you for a style card, and it'll take you a week to hunt down the sources of all of your awesomeness, and even then they won't be able to really duplicate your style, because it'll be all yours. It's not all looks, either.
  12. Я не знаю что это. Эстонский язык?
  13. Without going into too much detail, cos privacy and respect, yeah, I've lost dear people, and found out later they had gone the way of all things IRL. It sucks, but it happens. My SL mom was the first. A longstanding contributor to my home sim's community (was there from the early days) dropped a while back, and we suspect she has passed on, as she's had no online activity on any platform in the past year, and one of my artist gods, and someone I wish I could have been better friends with, an admin of New Babbage, has been MIA for a long time now also, and is presumed lost to us. We keep his builds intact as an homage to his awesomeness, and I intend to build and name a park in his honor someday, as a permanent part of our sim. His work inspired my own, and if not for him I would never have thought to undertake a project as big as some of the ones I've worked on. Our cemeteries have memorials for many others, including people I never got to meet, and I make sure not to walk on their graves, because those are "real" memorials for real people who are loved by those still living. When giving tours I make sure to point out the memorials, and tell whatever I know about the people who are "buried" there, and ask people to bear in mind that these are something more than RP props. Even virtual spaces can have sacred locations, in my opinion. I'd share more personal beliefs on the subject, but people would probably just pooh-pooh whatever they don't believe in. Suffice it to say, I will be happy to see my friends again someday, because they are dearly missed.
  14. I guess openly stating anything about my secret crush on Dakota Linden would be out of place, then. That's fine I guess, nobody needs to know about that, anyway. Least of all Dakota Linden.
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