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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. If you're using the llTargetOmega thingy, it only appears to rotate the prim that the script is actually in, which is nice also. It's a client-side animation, so if people have that turned off in their viewer (for some weird unknown reason) it won't appear to rotate, but everyone else can see it move. It only appears to rotate, which is fine too, because even if someone is sitting on it, they'll rotate with it. If you need to use it to rotate a linked part of a build via interaction with a different part (like a switch of some sort) you can use the llMessageLinked function to make a script in one linked part talk to any or all other linked parts that might be listening for a command, like "ON". The script in the rotating part can then "hear" the message and turn on (or off) the rotation. It might seem complicated at first, but it's just a sequence of simple little things, in the right order, that makes it all go. Hope it helps you get a start~
  2. Setting environmental stuff via script is of great interest to me. I can't answer your question, but I'm seconding it, and am also interested in seeing what answers might come.
  3. Spread like a virus, and start showing up all over the grid, so nobody anywhere could escape seeing my perfect likeness everywhere they went? This is very tempting. My alt is already my identical twin. I'd have to draw the line at sharing my custom Hello Kitty bikini though, I'm not sure Fair Usage covers the sharing of delicates and other apparel with cat heads all over it, even in an educational or historical context.
  4. And a pretty, non-remixed, non-cover song. Are you scared?
  5. Begging is unseemly, and can lead to bad habits throughout one's SL. Hard to come back from waving that free cardboard sign I give out at welcome hubs. Shame on me for doing that to people, too. Realizing this, I now give out free guns, so people can simply take money instead of having to beg for it. If that doesn't work, I have some virtual drugs, you can give those to someone and their avatar will never know what hit them. Then it's a simple matter of convincing them to buy you everything on your wishlist. Way more socially acceptable than begging.
  6. That was nerve gas! I just had the particle emitter aimed the wrong way! Seriously though, if you like shooty stuff and explodey things, HMU inworld sometime. I'll give you one of everything. Empowering the youth of the virtual world to make their own choices is a big deal to me. And I have firecrackers.
  7. Half of the people in SL can't stand me. Doesn't stop me. Don't let it stop you either, this land was made for you and me.
  8. *shoots you* *blows you up* *accidentally farts for real and runs away, embarrassed*
  9. It's how I go incognito. When people think I'm off doing dark and dastardly deeds, I'm usually just boogie boarding with Hello Kitty. Don't tell anyone. They'll think I'm some kinda monster.
  10. There is this, true. It's easy to forget just how many people find their escape in SL and just can't, for one reason or another, spend real money on it. It saddens me to think of how many people are even treated differently because of it. LL might not be able to provide free land to every account (or even really want to, for various very obvious reasons), But it still kinda sucks that a person's options are limited to building in sandboxes and temp-rezzing skyboxes and stuff to feel like they have their own place for a little while. There's always cooperative living though, I mean, making friends with people who welcome you to live at their place is simple enough usually, and you know they can't possibly be home all the time, so one can even have a sense of privacy now and then, as far as that goes in SL. And then, there's ways to make enough to rent one's own little parcel, if you try. My best option has always been doing volunteer work, and being allowed to set my home spot wherever I was helping to build, and stuff. I'm allowed to have a little house and my own spot on my home sim I volunteer at, so sometimes I build myself one.
  11. Stars are fading, I'll have to creep into my crypt soon, and embrace the mould. At least I still have this lovely moon...
  12. Helping myself to the patients' cigarettes again... Glad the desk clerk is always busy goofing off somewhere else.
  13. I lived at a RL version of that for a while, it was called the Busker's Bunkhouse. Landlady was bat-poop crazy, and spent half her time naked in the yard, or across the street at the crackhouse. She'd bust into my room at 4 AM to tell me the SJWs were trying to take over Facebook and get her house taken away, and stuff. At least the shower worked. Just had to plug up all the peepholes she'd drilled in the walls to check up on you in there and make sure you weren't using too much soap, or washing yourself inappropriately.
  14. Me explaining what I'm doing outside the asylum grounds again...
  15. Delight of the Day: Someone gave me a 24-ish-" monitor, and it's actually making a huge difference in how well my viewer works. I'm averaging 10-20 extra FPS, even on nice-looking gfx settings, and I haven't even come close to overheating once. The bottom of the laptop is barely warm. I also have my viewer window opened up larger than usual, and my draw distance set to 256 meters instead of 96. \o/
  16. As a former virtual idol, I can tell you right now that in SL you'll be best off with a handful of real friends, some people you admire on speed dial, and being in a few semi-active groups. That whole social media thing is sort of an appendage that got grafted onto SL, after too many normal people found out about it and joined up to see what the rest of us weirdoes were doing.
  17. I'm too little. Sigh. It's a darn shame, too, because I make some of the finest guns and interactive explodables in SL. *toots own horn, and pedals away on her armored tricycle*
  18. There is that. There's also this whole thing though about even disturbing fantasies being a part of a healthy emotional life, and the other thing about all of this online stuff being of a "less real than real life" nature, and the thing of people being able to work through various aspects of their own personal development through the use of fantasy in virtual spaces and other online platforms in relative safety. Especially online, I think that reality comes down to a matter of consensus. If I am in a room with 12 other people, and they are all smoking pot, and I hate pot and am allergic to it, and it can kill me to even see pot, then if I go there and hang out with them and say how much I can't stand it, I am wrong. If I am in a room with 12 other people, and I light up a doobie, and try to pass it around, and am informed by all that they do not appreciate me smoking pot there, because they all think it's morally wrong, unhealthy, etc., then if I tell them where to stick it and keep doing what I'm doing, I am wrong. As much as I love being a little kid in SL, and as tempting as it is to go to some pretty playground full of other kids (who are mostly standing around silently doing whatever it is they do), past experience has taught me that if I go to those places, I will be not only disappointed, but often rather disgusted and offended by the time I leave. Every time I have ever complained, I have been told to fudge off. Everyone else liked the place that way, so I was wrong. And that's not even on Adult sims. The best thing a person can do when they see keywords in a search result that they do not like is to avoid visiting that sim or region, I think. It's what I do. Nobody could ever manage such a complex and huge beast as SL, and somehow prevent everyone everywhere from being offended. If someone's paying for a sim, and they want to play their "dirty" fantasies out there, they have the freedom to do so. And really, I'd rather they found consenting partners to play fantasy games with than sit out there in RL, playing the same games in their head, and having only the real world to play in, and the unconsenting to play with.
  19. Totally missed it because RL has had me, but the thought counts for a lot. Thanks for putting that out there!
  20. The teacher who was so dedicated to his job that even death couldn't keep him out of the classroom was sheer genius. "...because that's the kind of man I was!" They had so many unique and well-thought-out characters, it was epic. Anyway, hi hi, Shinigami-Sama! Just had to give that one a bump up. Carry on, all~! ^-^
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