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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Holy moly it's Shinigami-Sama~ Don't tell anyone I'm a Reaper, nobody here knows! >->; <-<; Soul Eater is one of my top 5 favorite manga/anime of all time. It has so much class you can't even see anything for miles if you get a glimpse up a skirt, that's how much class it's got. Also, Medusa. Just sayin'.
  2. People like that are made of plastic, and want you to be, also. Keep it real, and keep on doing you. No real person can live up to some magazine fantasy Photoshop "ideal", anyway. There's a reason they call that art. It's artificial.
  3. Leftover Delight From Last Night: Finding out why someone I have always considered cool and interesting was acting all weird to me the last time I saw them, and being glad that I didn't just impulsively block and erase them from my SL for it, because it jangled me that they were acting strangely. I used to experiment with a lot of psychedelics in my RL youth, and discovering that someone was coming down off of an all-day-all-nighter made it all click, and in light of this their behavior wasn't strange at all. I've been there myself before, and remember that the only people who tolerated me were those who understood what was happening inside me at the time. Anyway, I'm grateful to still have them on my friends list, and feel I know them better, and that is often very good. ^-^ I'm really glad I decided to just say "okay, that was weird" rather than deciding they weren't someone I'd want to hang out with anymore. That said, I'm going to practice this kind of unreactive patience more in the future, and try to avoid falling into the trap of freaking out and running from things that confuse me. Besides, it does take a certain amount of mental something-or-other to be around me for any amount of time, anyway, and hey, whatever works. I'm grateful for having the friends I have, and if I throw them away every time the wind blows funny, what does it say about me. I can't go back and unbreak things already broken, but I can stop myself in the future, by looking at what I do now. Anyway, I'm glad to still be their friend.
  4. U.S. resident here, so YMMV with what follows. If you buy L$, LL has to pay taxes on what you spent with them. After that, recirculating the virtual currency doesn't incur any taxation by the Fed, because taxes have already been paid on the real currency. To use your L$ balance to pay for things shouldn't incur any Fed taxation, as it's all inworld currency that the real funds have been taxed on already. Also, what I've not seen anyone talk about (doesn't mean they haven't, I realize) is whether one might claim their SL business as an investment of some sort, and weigh their investment to profit ratio and use those numbers to advantage. Especially if everything you put into your SL can be shown to be in some way related to managing your online business. I'd be willing to go out on a limb and say that if you put a certain amount in, and get paid out less than you've put in that year, you could probably use that in some way to give yourself a tax break, even if it's a small one. Theoretically, one could thoroughly enjoy a fun SL with a small inworld business on the side, and simply state that all of their inworld spendings and purchases with real money are for the sake of growing the business. Especially if they weren't really making any substantial profit off of it. Doing it all for fun, but claiming it as business expenses could be just the loophole for those who aren't made of money and could use a break.
  5. It wasn't for being on TV, it was for what got me on TV. Had to dye my hair and everything. Anyway, when I get my 15-minute event, I promise the freebies will be worth teleporting for, at least.
  6. An astute observation. People do see the L$ and have no concept of the reality behind the numbers. When I was new and poor as dirt even, 100L$ looked and felt like a lot of money. When I had 80k, 3,000L$ didn't seem like a big deal at all. Now, I look at the L$ balance and see the actual value. "Woah, I tipped that guy 12 bucks, no wonder he was surprised. All he did was play some music." Anyone unfamiliar with all of this would see a 500L$ item and think woah, five HUNDRED! I see it and I'm like hmm, two bucks. Do I want this or not?
  7. I will add to this and say: 21st century Luddites who have more money than I do, and so have piles of broken stuff that's nicer than anything I could ever afford, and they drop it and step on it and go oops, and buy another. While I use parts of an old bicycle to power a homemade fan so that my laptop doesn't melt while I play dress-up.
  8. Yeah, I was on TV, myself. I had to move across the country to get a job after that.
  9. A sure sign of decadence in any economy, like the Rococo movement in art. I wouldn't see it as a downhill slide into nothingness though, it's just that lull that comes before the next "new wave", just like in music. Something becomes popular, everyone gets one, everyone has one, so people start making them in different shades of blue to try and ride the wave all the way to the beach. In the meantime, something "newer" or different is gestating, and waiting for everyone to be sick enough of what's out there to welcome something fresh. If you look carefully at what's on offer and driving the market currently, you could conceivably get ahead of the coming wave and influence it by doing something that contrasts with the status quo. Then when others jump on and make it popular, everyone will forget you, but you'll have at least made a dent, and maybe even get paid something along the way.
  10. I'll let you in on a secret... Just make like, 1,500 alt accounts, named CekaCianci1, CekaCianci2, etc., and deploy them about the grid. Each one will garner you another 15 minutes of fame, and it adds up. Do the math, and be famous for life. You're welcome~!
  11. I was going to post an extreme close-up portrait in the Art forum, but I've been in the art community for years, and so I know they would never get it. So here. And yes, I know I am a genius, thank you.
  12. Batteries die when the power grid is down. And I can shoot down the drones. Oh wait, peeve thread, I forgot... Yeah, dangit, you're right, them dern AI's are gonna ruin everything! XD
  13. Don't forget to do an overring right after they leave, and keep track of how much to take out of the drawer when you count it down. What?
  14. Just installed the latest Firestorm viewer, I have antialiasing turned on, the water is all clear, and I'm still getting over 10FPS. Not bad, I guess.
  15. If the dooky hits the fan and it all falls apart, I will be worshipped for my abilities with a slingshot. No worries here. I know at least a dozen ways of cooking pigeons.
  16. My favorite bot ever actually looked like a robot, had a profile declaring it to be a robot, and was very polite. He got stranded on my homestead in the canal once, and I put a cute top hat on him and decorated all around him. Really, if they look like robots and admit what they are, it does kinda help the gut reaction.
  17. Delight of the Night: Leftover vindaloo on a hot dog. It's like a chili dog, but with curry instead.
  18. Everyone kicked them all off of their islands and homesteads, so I guess they had to go somewhere. I just block them and make them invisible if I can't send them home. They're still better than people who run up and shove newbies off of tall things just to be jerks.
  19. I made Wonder Woman Underoos, but I only wear them when nobody is looking. I have Supergirl and Batgirl on a back burner, too. They came out when I was a little kid, and my parents refused to get them for me. I even made them just like they did in the 70's, white on the back and everything (those cheapskates). I consider what I made to be art, inspired by my own RL. Fan art, I guess. Seeing how much very recognizably pirated stuff is being sold openly on the MP on any given day, I actually considered making my Underoos available to others. I decided not to, just because it would be my luck that Wonder Woman whould show up and have me arrested, and not even use the Lasso of Truth on me or anything, so she'd know that my motives were pure. That and it just felt wrong. I think as long as a person is only making homage items for personal use and personal nostalgia, there really shouldn't be anything wrong with it. Wanting the same things you once had IRL, or were never able to have because your parents were too uptight or stingy, and not being able to find them anywhere inworld sucks. I had considered calling them something else, even, like Wonder Lady Underwarez, but it just didn't feel right. My main concern, of course, isn't even with a comic book company. If Fruit of the Loom is holding out on doing Underoos on the MP, and I put my underwear up for sale, they'll send those guys in the fruit costumes to rough me up, and really, that apple guy scares me to death. So yeah, I'll make them and wear them, but I'd feel weird trying to sell anything like that. This whole issue does make it hard for RP groups too, because when you love a show, or a movie, or anything really, and love it so much you want to make it a part of your imaginative life and express that love with others, it can really put a damper on it when someone comes along and tells you that you can't even wear the dern logo on your shirt. If anything, maybe companies should have a policy that allows people to make and sell fan art, provided they register as doing so, and kick the company a little something if they make money off of it. It's not like there's mountains of paperwork that will result from it; computer-driven beaurocracies are the way of the future anyway.They could totally do it. And it wouldn't break the model, either. The more people see of a brand/concept, the more popular it gets, so yeah.
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