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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. I was going to post an extreme close-up portrait in the Art forum, but I've been in the art community for years, and so I know they would never get it. So here. And yes, I know I am a genius, thank you.
  2. Batteries die when the power grid is down. And I can shoot down the drones. Oh wait, peeve thread, I forgot... Yeah, dangit, you're right, them dern AI's are gonna ruin everything! XD
  3. Don't forget to do an overring right after they leave, and keep track of how much to take out of the drawer when you count it down. What?
  4. Just installed the latest Firestorm viewer, I have antialiasing turned on, the water is all clear, and I'm still getting over 10FPS. Not bad, I guess.
  5. If the dooky hits the fan and it all falls apart, I will be worshipped for my abilities with a slingshot. No worries here. I know at least a dozen ways of cooking pigeons.
  6. My favorite bot ever actually looked like a robot, had a profile declaring it to be a robot, and was very polite. He got stranded on my homestead in the canal once, and I put a cute top hat on him and decorated all around him. Really, if they look like robots and admit what they are, it does kinda help the gut reaction.
  7. Delight of the Night: Leftover vindaloo on a hot dog. It's like a chili dog, but with curry instead.
  8. Everyone kicked them all off of their islands and homesteads, so I guess they had to go somewhere. I just block them and make them invisible if I can't send them home. They're still better than people who run up and shove newbies off of tall things just to be jerks.
  9. I made Wonder Woman Underoos, but I only wear them when nobody is looking. I have Supergirl and Batgirl on a back burner, too. They came out when I was a little kid, and my parents refused to get them for me. I even made them just like they did in the 70's, white on the back and everything (those cheapskates). I consider what I made to be art, inspired by my own RL. Fan art, I guess. Seeing how much very recognizably pirated stuff is being sold openly on the MP on any given day, I actually considered making my Underoos available to others. I decided not to, just because it would be my luck that Wonder Woman whould show up and have me arrested, and not even use the Lasso of Truth on me or anything, so she'd know that my motives were pure. That and it just felt wrong. I think as long as a person is only making homage items for personal use and personal nostalgia, there really shouldn't be anything wrong with it. Wanting the same things you once had IRL, or were never able to have because your parents were too uptight or stingy, and not being able to find them anywhere inworld sucks. I had considered calling them something else, even, like Wonder Lady Underwarez, but it just didn't feel right. My main concern, of course, isn't even with a comic book company. If Fruit of the Loom is holding out on doing Underoos on the MP, and I put my underwear up for sale, they'll send those guys in the fruit costumes to rough me up, and really, that apple guy scares me to death. So yeah, I'll make them and wear them, but I'd feel weird trying to sell anything like that. This whole issue does make it hard for RP groups too, because when you love a show, or a movie, or anything really, and love it so much you want to make it a part of your imaginative life and express that love with others, it can really put a damper on it when someone comes along and tells you that you can't even wear the dern logo on your shirt. If anything, maybe companies should have a policy that allows people to make and sell fan art, provided they register as doing so, and kick the company a little something if they make money off of it. It's not like there's mountains of paperwork that will result from it; computer-driven beaurocracies are the way of the future anyway.They could totally do it. And it wouldn't break the model, either. The more people see of a brand/concept, the more popular it gets, so yeah.
  10. Bonus Peeve: Having to resist the urge to schytpost all over after being away. It's a sign. I should be inworld. It is the only way.
  11. Not putting words in your mouth, just the easiest way to place emphasis on the text of my own choice, in the part you posted, while still letting you know I felt your response was worthy of a ding in case you wanted to see I had replied. I can't let other people's regard or disregard for someone else's rules which are theirs to enforce or let slide affect my user experience anymore, and I wouldn't want to be seen as violating any sort of community standards for behavior on the forums like the general dislike that staff have for "backseat moderation". Whatever part of the ToS I agree or disagree with, I can never escape the fact that what others do, and what LL chooses to do about it, if anything, in all likelihood will ultimately have nothing to do with me. Only my own behavior is going to be under my own control in any way, and I can best control that by not letting things trigger me if I can help it. That sort of personal responsibility being on me, I choose not to let it bother me what others choose to adhere to or disregard when it comes to their own responsibilities, especially considering it's the internet. TL:DR; I'm not paid to enforce others' behavior. If I have a problem with something, I just report it and move on. If nothing happens, it obviously wasn't as important as I thought it was.
  12. Dark orange sunset on the background of cracked houses You wanted so much to tell him how hard it is You so wanted to show him a smoky balcony You have tears in your eyes, he has a whole horizon The light blue dawn puts you to bed again It makes no sense to go to bed anymore, it forces you to close Eyes, so as not to see everything that you managed to lose When you wake up, a dark orange sunset awaits you
  13. I don't normally point this out, but if you take my username, rearrange some of the letters, remove others and replace some but not all of them, you can make a word that is incredibly obscene in almost any human language. Sorry, just the kinda fun fact I couldn't let get away. I'd have forgotten to tell anyone if I hadn't said it just then when I thought of it. I honestly don't get offended by usernames anymore, because internet. The way I see it, if I can make it through the early 2000's and still enjoy using a computer, I can shrug off just about anything when it comes to the names people pick for their accounts. I remember in 2005, my IRC channel had no less than a dozen users whose usernames were variations on the n-word, names of missing children, or various forms of profanity. Some people just do whatever they can get away with that enrages others. I couldn't care less, anymore, lol. I do think though that in our OP's case, it was more an honesty-of-interests thing, rather than an attempt to outrage anyone.
  14. Besides those who have given me their RL info willingly, I have actually managed to sort out who 2 different people are IRL, just based on information freely available. I really don't think many people in my own city would approve of my ability to do this, never mind people I'll never meet IRL because they live a thousand miles away. I mean, seriously, I wasn't even trying and I found out who they are. Not that I'd ever tell, but still. EDIT: Three people. I always forget about the other one because that person's account doesn't exist anymore.
  15. The book (Roadside Picnic) was almost completely different from the movie, despite the fact that the original authors wrote the screenplay. I kinda wish people would just make movies of the stories in books, or stop trying to use a successful novel to get people to watch a movie, but as an art film, it's pretty okay if you don't mind that the movie is as totally unlike the original story as the first published version of it was (thanks to it being published, after an 8-year-long struggle, in the USSR, and undergoing multiple unwanted additions and government censor's redactions).
  16. Fine, I'll admit to a peeve, so as to avoid coming off as toxically positive just because I hate this kinda topic these days... Peeve Of My Life: Having a typist who can't afford to just let me live online all day every day like I used to. Sigh.
  17. Documentary about one of my "artist gods", Henry Darger. His tombstone says simply, "Artist" and "Protector of Children". Nobody understood him. Except maybe me.
  18. Totally wasn't expecting a music video made in SL when I started listening to this band, either.That was just sort of a bonus.
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