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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. Exactly. If they don't explicitly call it Furry .. it's not going to land with the "anthro" community at all.
  2. Yeah.. there are fish, but there needs to be a viable base population that we can just skim off the top. Of course fishermen can pull out the base population, but then what .. overfishing is well documented and studied. Oh no .. are there too many people? This has been a dangerous and deeply racist myth since the 19th century and repeatedly used to justify the very worst outcomes, forced sterilization, institutionalization, straight up genocide. Which populations do you think need to be reduced? because if you're looking for population responsible for our climate woes you need only find a mirror.
  3. Although if they call it the "Anthro community" page it will be the biggest swing and a miss ever.
  4. I don't think you appreciate the scale nor urgency of the problem nor do you have the correct framing for "inconvenient" actions. Your interests and the protesters are aligned, you both share the same planet and are subject to the same outcomes.
  5. All viewers that can upload mesh have jumped though some pretty serious hoops to get the required libraries from LL. We are prohibited from messing with it in any way at all. Your mesh will be identical regardless of viewer, although the upload dialog UI may be different. As for RLV vs RLVa .. we do not make RLVa to marines reference specification (which comprises the wiki and execution in her viewer) and you will find considerable and intentional differences in how certain commands affect the user experience. RLVa has been bums in seats for over a decade at this point. Test your code against the your end users environment. Anything less is akin to making a webpage for internet explorer and refusing to appreciate that chrome is the defacto standard, whatever the original W3C specifications might declare. This post is best read with Netscape navigator 3.0
  6. No one ever got anything by asking the vested in-group nicely.
  7. I think it's about the trade off in user experience .. is technically faster really better than slower but entertaining? A particle effect or some other action can hide a lot of sins, and while it's slower and working harder, the user isn't bored waiting.
  8. Speed when it comes to LSL is illusionary, everything that happens serverside is at the mercy of mono scheduling and the next update window when data can be sent to the client. I have some test code that renders random PETSCII to a mesh text wall, visually it always updates at the same rate, I can't tell a slow or fast run based on looking at the object .. however if I put timing code in the script, execution times varies wildly between 250 - 600 ms. I've spent hours trying to get this script as lean and fast and repeatable as possible, and while I have pushed the timing down .. in practical terms, I have made no progress at all. I can make it visually faster, but that actually uses a lot more scripts and uses significantly more mono execution time. At the end of the day, trying to treat LSL as though it's running locally is a dead end. It will do what it does as fast as it does it. If you need something to appear instantaneous, find some clever way to fake it, or failing that hold the users attention while the thing catches up.
  9. The memory allocation happens in 512 byte blocks, but not every new function (etc etc) demands a new 512 block.
  10. The key difference being lasers were a brand new technology and people got busy pointing them at everything to see what happened. Blockchains are just ledgers wrapped up in an insane amount of unnecessary computation. There are no uses that could not be done far more efficiently with a regular ledger .. or better yet, a database.
  11. .. can we not do body shaming in SL please. Especially, and I can't believe I have to point this out, we make our avatars for ourselves.
  12. What concerns me about these is how LOW the average resident numbers are.
  13. Finally found out which neighbor has been adopting lonely amazon packages, looting the laundry room and checking everyone's doors were locked. Such a great guy.
  14. If you remember NOTHING ELSE, remember this. This is 512 bytes bigger .... string AddSomething(string Farts) { return Farts + "Something"; } default { state_entry() { llSay(0, AddSomething("Hello, Avatar!")); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llSay(0, AddSomething("Hello, Avatar!")); } } .... than this .... default { state_entry() { llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!" + "Something"); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!" + "Something"); } } Script like a newbie, test like a pro, comment like future you is an idiot.
  15. Forget everything you leant about writing well formatted readable code broken down into dozens of neat little functions with as little code reuse as possible. In LSL, bytecode is king. The less you waste the more you can do. Functions are expensive. The script engine doesn't care how pretty your code is. Set up an external editor - VS Code is awesome, cross platform and free. The number of scripts your project requires. The fewer the better. Dare you to do it in one. Are you implementing a solution to a specific problem, or are you creating a "system" that happens to do something useful?
  16. Suggest renaming this thread to "Over-engineering for fun and profit" I'm working on a tip jar .. it's insane.
  17. Watch the person saying words are harmless report the thread.
  18. The only thing that patently clear right now is "metaverses" built around blockchains are not for regular people, they are for whale investors hoping to ride a rocket ship.
  19. Going from "lady dog bag" to an actual socially acceptable avatar is complicated and a major stumbling block for new (and importantly) non-invested users. I don't like to see LL promote specific brands, although this is likely just one last "win more" for Maitreya before the NUX. I think it unlikely this is going to do much to boost sales, we all know what we like, and even with this tutorial there is still the significant pay to play barrier for new users. I recently overhauled my RL partners avatar after a long absence (pre mesh). We burnt L$15K with most of that going on the basic Lara-Lel combo specifically for the wide spread 3rd party support.
  20. Always pay annually. You get a much better deal (like, wow, this really is MUCH better).
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