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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. Technically sure, yes ...🍑 it's not really viable for practical use beyond "flatten my land" one 4m section at a time. llModifyLand() has novelty value in that it can be fun to watch a prim zip about messing up the land as it goes, doing meaningful purposeful no mans sky style world gen .. lol. Mainland baked in terraforming limitations at really tight. A region to do it on is expensive .. and if you're going to that trouble, it's probably a better solution to write a bot that does all the magic and then uploads finished terrain heightmap, might as well use the bot to rez and decorate everything too. I've done procedurally placed content before and .. that part of the puzzle isn't that hard to do.
  2. There is no way to procedurally create mesh content in world on the fly. So no .. not going to happen. You could do it with prims .. but you would run out of prims long before you had anything anyone would want to look at. I wish we could do this.
  3. I was enjoying procrastinating .. so this isn't good for me.
  4. If they are renting mainland, they do not have parcel powers to put up ban lines. A security orb is the only option. Because you are entering with the assumption that you will be able to just pass though .. If you didn't have that assumption, you might not be so willing to fly over private land. Most people leave access restrictions off and it's blind dumb luck that became the norm.
  5. You know what's really selfish. Demanding that other people contribute to your SL.
  6. But that's just it .. it is something nobody is allowed to touch - without permission. The land access controls baked into the platform make it very easy to rescind that permission, and when those are not accessible (rented mainland) then security orbs have a role to bridge that gap. When you're on someone else's land they can freeze your avatar in place, eject you, send you home, and murderate you by enabling damage. The land owner has tremendous power all backed and provided by the platform owners. You enter someone else's land with permission, or not at all.
  7. LL aren't trying to win at mesh bodies, they just need to have something that makes the new user experience meaningful .. I mean, I don't know if anyone has rolled an alt in a while but the starting area is barren, over in 5 minutes and "dog bag lady" is dumped onto the destination guide, JOB DONE. They can't actually bring anyone up to speed on anything relevant. Just so long as we have blender dev kits, creators will just start making stuff for it, hell, I will make stuff for it.
  8. Then clearly, you're only seeing what you want to. There is a clear solution. In my example, I am in the wrong. I shouldn't have the expectation that myself (and friends) can just cut though your yard, nor should I be going to lengths to extract that incorrect entitlement. If you say "nope" or otherwise indicate that my actions are not acceptable on your land, that should be more than sufficient and you shouldn't need to justify that.
  9. I should cam and see if you're up to anything before I barge though .. how is this better?
  10. So what happens if we remove the vehicle from the argument. We live next door to each other and I routinely walk though your yard to get somewhere else, I could go round, or take another route, but no. I refuse. You put up a fence and I "politely" ask you to take it down and then just jump it and carry on doing my thing. You put up ban lines. I scream about it on the forums. You put out an orb. I scream about it on the forums. What if I put up something really annoying but still within the ToS .. like a giant skyscraper. What if it's not just me, what if there is an entire community of people walking though your yard. At what point does the ground being blue or green make any difference. Which one of us is the bad actor.
  11. It's not really specific products, just that those open source projects established the protocols now widely in use. ZHAO commands allow an AO to be toggled on/off by a worn attachment, typically this command would be issued by a collar .. perhaps even an open one.
  12. Now you're reminding me of these .. why do these things even exist. Peel the top of and have it explode everywhere? Nope, ram a straw in like it's a capri sun.
  13. We explicitly don't allow the derendering of attachments in Catznip. Specifically because it would enable this nonsense. So don't look at us !!
  14. I've been in SL since 06. I used to have a large store on mainland that would routinely end up with vehicles glitched inside because it was on a "flight path" near a region border. You know what routinely happened when someone managed to glitch a plane into the building? They would vent their frustration by trying to fly around inside and running over shoppers. I got threats, grif attempts, demands that I delete my store and/or myself. I've had water front land and because someone else decided to build a boat house on their patch of water (the nerve!) people would divert through my land, for every nice person who would ask me to change the usage of my land to better accommodate their sailing though it, there would be someone else getting aggressive ... usually after auto-return would send their abandoned boat back from my living room .. that only got there because they drove onto my land, did a 90 and then floored it into the house and walked away. It's been my genuine experience interacting with SL vehicle community that there is always the implicit threat .. and here we are, in a thread ranting on the forums to garner mob support for an entitled angry demand that water be navigable, just because it's there.
  15. Relog. If it still happens immediately after logging back in then something you are wearing is making it happen - perhaps a collar
  16. There was, but by the time I got an invite the study was closed
  17. I quite like they layout, there just needs to be a lot more of those pages ! and if people want to debate the word "race" and it's use in polite conversation, maybe they should start their own thread about it and see how long that lasts.
  18. No it really isn't patronizing. These discussions always come back to there being some kind of entitlement to access that just doesn't exist. If someone buys land and blocks your route, well that's their choice to make and they don't deserve to be bullied, harassed or cajoled into complying with your interests. The entire premise of this thread is the OP is frustrated that some people don't want others passing through, even going as far as to suggest spiteful retribution. If you can sail, that's a blessing. If you can't .. that's just too bad.
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