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Everything posted by Finite

  1. Hmm this wasn't about fraud selling gachas it was about how the money was obtained in buying said gacha. Hence the money was removed from the sellers because the buyer got the lindens they used to buy it fraudulently. It was an issue because the items were no copy and the sellers not only lost their lindens but the items they sold to the fraudster too.
  2. My friend quit SL from playing too much no-devil. Gacha didn't seem to be an issue but she did seem to act weird around them so I stopped letting her know when I found a good one to play since it would usually lead her to playing more no-devil.
  3. I wouldn't say its a new thing. I brought up a time a game designer explained why he wouldn't use swastika on the german planes he made for his WW2 game in a forum back in 1998 or 1999. I forget exactly when. But his name is Dale Adinct (something like that) and he created a WW2 game called Aces High which is still around apparently. I think people are just hearing "new" things to their ears since the internet is far more prevalent these days and unfortunately it's the only access they have to anything outside of their own life's bubble. COD they weren't removed. They never existed for multiplayer mode. They only ever existed in campaign mode. And black nazi's weren't "added" they were already there. https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2017/06/21/this-is-why-there-are-black-nazis-and-no-swastikas-in-call-of-duty-world-war-2-multiplayer/?sh=62ee3ef31338
  4. Or she could be just ignoring the toxicity. Me on the other hand.....
  5. I've noticed this too lately. Then they get upset when you ask them if its mod. "How dare thee want to mod my beautiful thing". Um if I didn't think i could texture it better than you did I wouldn't have asked. Besides most of us know you didn't make it and literally just applied a color multiply layer over the generic map you were provided with the premade.
  6. Don't think I said that here but okay read what you want. It's quite common. And likewise my dear.
  7. Nor am I I just remember a post a game designer made about the subject in the late 90s. He created a game that I think still exists called Aces High which is a WW2 online flight simulator where players can fight each other with planes or tanks from either side of WW2. I guess a few had requested some of the German planes have the swastika for historical accuracy but he explained why it would never happen from his perspective being Jewish. I don't think the subject of the iron cross came up in the discussion. PS in hindsight I could be wrong calling the black cross being used instead of the swastika the iron cross.
  8. Ya and I just walked away from those obvious ones.I would think most did the same. Similar to how I walk away from basic fatpacks for 2500L, I walk way from gacha with 50+ items in it. (actually my utmost limit was 25 but mostly played at 20 or less.)
  9. This in itself is an opinion. The same kind you (I guess?) have some issue with me over. Did you play the gachas to determine which ones were predatory? Did you inspect each and all of their scripts to form this assumption?
  10. Yes I can only base it off my feelings as this is a discussion board and facts are hard to find if not missing entirely on the forums. We can only discuss what our feelings and experiences are. Yes I pointed out my experience since I am not naive enough to think I speak for everybody or a majority. Yes this is my opinion on this discussion board topic. Nope. It's just an opinion. That's why I begin sentences with "i think".
  11. Most actual gacha players didn't play just for the rare. Gamblers played just for the rare for the purpose of selling them for a profit (which rarely if ever worked out in their favor per the odds you mentioned hence the salty feelings toward gachas). Gacha players like myself wanted the full set and more often than not spent less than what "normal" vendors charge for their basic fat packs. I just played a gacha the other day I got 4 rares before completing the set. I gave one set to my alt which I then split in two since it had versions of Jake and Gianni. My alt kept the jake stuff and I sent the gianni stuff back to finite. I can now either sell that to recoup some of what I had spent or give it away to a friend who uses gianni. Not that there weren't any predatory gacha vendors out there. There surely was and I've been lured in by them myself a couple times and it certainly left a bad taste. But that just made me not play their gachas again. It didnt affect how I felt about all gachas. And there's just as many predatory "normal" vendors out there who like to show the high price to give the perception of high or better quality in reality its the same quality (or even the same outfit) as the vendor selling it for a 3rd of the price. On side note I think people who play gacha for only the rare do not understand what gachas are or what even their market is. The rares are only valuable to someone trying to complete a set. More often than not that person already has the rare and is just looking for 1 off piece to complete the set. A rare by itself isn't even worth that much. A rare as part of a complete set is. So if you only played them for the rare then you already lost before even playing.
  12. I don't think this is true at all. I feel like many spent 100 to 500L on a gacha, didn't get the thing they wanted in 2 or 3 tries and it scarred them to the point of hating gacha and thinking everyone who does like them are some gambling addicted fiends. And I must say the posters on these forums or any forum are hardly representative of the "many or most". Just look at the concept of gambling for instance. It would seem a majority are against gambling from reading the forums but in reality 65% (69% of Americans) of people have no issue with it and roughly 3% have an actual gambling addiction.
  13. What's funny is vendors that do that pushed me towards trying gacha since some of their prices are comparable to what I normally spend playing a gacha. Fatpack outfit 2500L - 3000L 50 colors all solids (is solids the new black in SL or something?). VS 2500-3000 full gacha outfit with not just different colors or a 1-3 piece outfit but different textures and a full ensemble as well. There was also the social aspect of trading with other gacha players to complete sets or giving extras to friends. I just gave a friend a full set of an Uzu gacha yesterday. From my own personal experience, I got more bang for my SL buck playing gacha than buying plain solid fatpacks which I avoid like the plague now and will continue to do so even with the gacha ban.
  14. Daniel from SL is hilarious. I love his videos. It is unfortunate however that the video demonstrated is literally a majority of the videos on youtube that are secondlife related and this is the perception most people who have never played SL have of it.
  15. I assume he was wearing a swastika or something. Even popular WW2 online games replace it with the iron cross. COD for instance has them in campaign but not multiplayer modes. I wouldn't think its stupid to be offended by them. It's also against SL's community standards and SL's content guidelines to display one regardless of the context so I don't think the person was wrong for reporting it if it was offensive to them. It probably wasn't necessary to ask people to pile on the reports as generally one is sufficient.
  16. @MichelleSpringfield I think you would be better off just saving until you could afford something more sufficient. I can't imagine a laptop for 400 dollars being significantly better than what you might already have. You might find yourself in a similar situation a year or 2 from now. That being said, I haven't bought anything from anywhere other than newegg.com since like 2004. Here's what they have in your price range. https://www.newegg.com/p/pl?LeftPriceRange=0+400&N=100167732 edit: Just noticed you said you weren't at home and are borrowing one. If you have a Best Buy near you you can do one of their lease to own deals and return it within 30 days. I've done this before when my PC was getting repairs. Can pretty much get whatever and wouldn't be limited to your budget. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/financing-rewards/progressive-leasing/pcmcat1535574988808.c?id=pcmcat1535574988808
  17. I am not entirely sure it's to help minorities and not the folks in east Oregon who think they can secede and become part of Idaho (who doesn't want them btw).
  18. It would be funny if the actual thesis is about the habitual nitpicking of open world players particularly on the forums and the survey was just bait. I thought the survey was fine. It asked questions. I answered them. Also, SL is intended for 16 and up. 13-15 year olds can access certain specific regions. 16 and 17 year olds can access general rated sims. - SL Wiki.
  19. This happened to me but I knew it was in place at the sim I was on. Some auto thing would warn, then eject you for going afk or into edit shape mode. A couple times I used this when I didn't have a home set location for a quick way to a hub whenever I just felt like socializing and there wasn't really anything going on. On the 3rd time or so doing this it auto added me to the ban list... So I had to explain to the owner that I was trying to purposely get TPd to a random hub and didn't know it would also ban me.
  20. Last year I saw a cop car on a private RP sim that had a racist slogan on the warning lights in the back window. I reported it and within a week it was removed.
  21. It's amazing what people say to generate votes from the lowest of lows of society. I doubt he believed what he was saying. He just knew he wouldn't lose any votes for saying it and would actually gain votes. Even backtracking and saying he "misspoke" doesn't matter since he had already let out the dog whistle.
  22. So I decided to cut down on caffeine a couple weeks ago. I still have my occasional morning cup of coffee but throughout the rest of the day I wanted to eliminate it completely. A few of my Asian friends like Ito En. A green tea cold drink. I've had green tea before and know it has caffeine but I thought Ito En was a green tea "flavored" drink. I read the back and the label says a lot of good things like 0 fat, 0 sugars and less than 1g of carbs which is good for another "thing" I am trying, keto. But it doesn't say anything about caffeine so I think I am good. I really like the taste of it and it is super refreshing on a hot summer day especially when the drink is chilled. So I loaded up my fridge with them and have been drinking them throughout the day and evenings, every day for the past few days feeling very good about myself. The last three or so nights I found myself tossing and turning and struggling to fall asleep and when I did fall asleep I'd have a hard time staying asleep and end up having a series broken sleep all night. Well this morning upon waking up very early for my standards on an off day and being wide awake, mind racing after another night of broken sleep I looked at the label again and it still does not say it has caffeine. So I decided to sit at my computer and google it.. On its website Ito En says it has 60g of caffeine per 16.9 fl oz (essentially a half to 2/3rds a cup of coffee's worth of caffeine). I looked at the bottle again and sure enough, it's 16.9 oz. I looked up to see if it was required to list caffeine content in drinks and (at least in the US) it is not! I've been drinking these throughout the day, every day since the day I decided to quit caffeine!.. What actually happened is I ended up drinking MORE caffeine than I was before. I remember feeling this way back in college and banging out essays and homework and or researching due to some other "substance" known as the "study drug" that I shall not mention. .
  23. Well that would be obvious and applied even to gacha since it is fraud and is in the TOS. But otherwise there's not a whole lot listed restricting sellers or the manner of which they display or advertise what they're selling. There's nothing in the Selling Objects, the TOS nor the Community Standards. In fact the only thing remotely close to a rule is directed towards buyers not sellers. "Buyer Beware Linden Lab does not exercise editorial control over, and is not obligated to review, the content offered through the Service. We will investigate and respond to all properly filed intellectual property complaints pursuant to the Intellectual Property Infringement Notification Policy. Additionally, Linden Lab does not certify or endorse the operation of any games, vending machines, or retail locations offered on the Service. Any refunds must be requested from the owners of such objects directly."
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