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Everything posted by Finite

  1. This is how I feel whenever I see a fatpack with 50+ solid color options lazily done with no materials or anything for 2500L.
  2. I think I have a different perception of my linden balance than others do. I don't have a revenue source for lindens so I only look at lindens as money I had already spent on the game. Since lindens you buy have no value. Only net lindens earned does. It's kind of like buying tokens at an arcade. And for the 2nd part, probably because we are not playing with real money. Any lindens we spend in-game is money we had already lost. What we do with it and what we end up with doesn't really matter. None of it has real world value outside of maybe buying and selling virtual property. I don't see much difference between a GACHA and say trading cards. Trading cards you don't know what you are getting. However they at least list the odds which is something I had wished GACHA's would have done. It probably would have lessoned the animosity some have towards it likely after getting burned by some low odds machine which, at least in my experience, wasn't the norm. I can only think of 2 vendors off the top of my head that I wouldn't touch again of all the ones I've played. I found most to be reasonable. I have alts, I send doubles to them or I put them in the market place. Or I trade with friends who need stuff to finish sets. Sometimes I don't even post the extras on MP or I do when I come around to it. It can be a tedious and monotonous process to post them. I don't think I've ever profited from playing GACHA. It's nice to recoup some of what I spent but that's not why I played. I played because A. I liked the product or B. I liked the vendor and want them to make more things. If you were to look at my store it's mostly vendors I like to shop at. There's not too many random things in there from random stores. Gabriel, Val'more, Dura. These are some of my favorite places. Sometimes they do gacha sometimes they don't. Doesn't matter to me how I buy their things. And I don't typically go for the juggler since I am just looking to recoup and not expecting to make any profits. I think people who play a gacha for only the purpose of profiting or people who only want 1 item from it are the ones who have the most bitter feelings towards it.
  3. Idk I liked GACHA. It was a fun something to spend L's (or money I had already spent) on. A break from normal shopping. I got burnt a couple times and I can see why people would have salty feelings if something like that was their only experience. But that being said, I have no interest in breedables nor fishing. I genuinely don't think this would be an equally enjoyable shopping experience to GACHA.
  4. Here's the only thing I could find. It's not users but visits to SL.com which could be representative. I don't think anyone outside of SL knows for sure since it is a private company and isn't required to divulge that information.
  5. Do they require you to report the lindens you bought? Or just the net lindens you earned? This seems confusing to me. Like if I was a AU resident and I bought 100k lindens and they were just sitting in my account. I would have to report these lindens I bought as income? Doesn't seem accurate.
  6. I get what you mean about gambling addiction. My friend quit the game because of gambling addiction in SL, but it wasn't because of GACHA. It was because of no-devil. Which is allowed. I can see how someone with a gambling addiction can get hooked on gachas though. However I don't think they were the target of most vendors (admittedly there are probably some vendors who target gambling addicts).
  7. I think its automatic. Whatever is attached to original statement get deleted along with it. Otherwise the mod would have to go through and individually remove every quote. Then we'll have random statements with no context since they were replying to something that got deleted.
  8. The addiction is buying the lindens in the first place. What you do with said lindens is how you chose to enjoy the "game". Me playing a game or you buying a shirt or house or whatever is equally addictive.
  9. You can only sell (cash out) net gain Ls. L's you bought you cannot turn around and sell (cash out for real money). So this notion is incorrect.
  10. Just curious but since only net gain Ls have any value are we actually gambling if we aren't using anything of value to play? If I bought the lindens they have zero value.
  11. See that's a nice gacha even without the change. I'd be happy with any of those items. Not just the rares.
  12. I'm not sure how this applies to the comment you quoted me on. I was referring to the act of putting money into the game. It takes the same amount of "skill" regardless of what you end up doing with the L's you bought.
  13. It could be whatever you replied to. If you quoted something that got removed it will remove your post too.
  14. Some already have a point system. If you don't like the thing you can take the points. I bought a bunch recently just for the points item which was a nice suit. If I remember it was 25 points for the item. I liked the suit so I got it for one of my alts which is male. So I sent him all the commons and sold whatever rares I got and he got a nice suit from exchanging the commons for points. In the end I probably spent about the same as what one would have paid for a suit.
  15. Can say the same about anything you buy in SL since it's already money lost once you bought the Ls.
  16. no-devil isn't a skill game either yet it's allowed on skill gaming sims. In fact my friend quit the game over how much she was spending on no-devil. And there is skill in knowing which gachas to play and which not to touch however its more of a live and learn experience xD.
  17. Skill gaming sims already do that automatically. Yes I understand, I was just pointing out that it's something already in place and not something entirely impossible to implement elsewhere. And quite frankly if someone is upset they cannot access something due to some regulation they should be upset with their lawmakers about it. Not SL. (yes i see the irony in this statement... 😭).
  18. Don't they already do this with skill gaming sims?
  19. That hasn't happened yet. Not that it doesn't happen but those are the gacha vendors I and most avoid. Most aren't like that. I'm sorry that you put 50L into a gacha and didnt get the rare you wanted and now you are all upset about it.
  20. Me paying less for a superior product is somehow me being scammed? Enjoy paying 2500L for premade color changer fatpacks. And check your inventory, it's very likely you've bought the same outfit twice from different vendors. I'll sit back and laugh while unpacking all my old gachas xD. I love the notion that buying something outright in SL is somehow more frugal than playing a gacha. No matter how you do it, you put money into a video game. There's nothing frugal about it regardless of what you bought with it.
  21. ha IKR? I don't even usually wear stuff like this but they look amazing. I had to get them. Now I'm at my friends dancing in my new schoolgirl outfit.
  22. I honestly think creators will just revert back to basic sets instead of the extravagant ones you see in gachas. I got 3 sets today from an event, spent less than people typically do for fatpacks with a gazillion shades of solids. I feel like these will be few and far between now. Or basically there will be little motivation for creators to make stuff like this.
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