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Everything posted by Finite

  1. Happened to me a couple times in PM. Them: Did you report me? Me: No, you probably just said something stupid. Them: You were wrong and I was right because people liked my posts. Me: Seems logical...
  2. Hmm well rigged clothes don't require much hiding and the ones that do usually have autohiders that autoshow your stuff when they come off...
  3. Ha the best is the ones in crowded sims when the timer is up by the time they rezzed on your screen or had the time to look them over and you're just standing their naked. Also, aren't those disabled by sims that don't allow scripts to run? Meaning if someone had a plot with scripts disabled they literally just got a free outfit assuming the demo doesn't also have "demo" plastered all over it.
  4. From what I understand is that potential legislation could be coming down in CA where LL is located. They likely weighed their options and determined it was more frugal and logical to just outright ban gacha rather than attempt to have them fall under some other category. Or have sims specifically set up for them like they do with skill games.
  5. I think you as an individual are required to report when you've earned anything over that amount but businesses are required to report when they've paid someone 600.
  6. Sorry I didn't realize this was agreeing with me... It seemed out of context for what I was quoted about. Well... if that's the case, then LL should delete the make friends section. That's not how forums and humans work.
  7. Okay cool got it so you were just looking for *clappy hands*. There you go. I even liked your comment.
  8. So forums aren't a place for discussion? Sorry I don't get what you are countering me about here or in what context relative to what you quoted me on. Is this one of those literal counters?
  9. I am not entirely sure if LL uses the forums as a means of gauging how the overall community feels about certain policies considering just a small % of people actually use them and it's not even a decent sampling size. A Linden recently told me: "The forums are a place of discussion only."
  10. ya but a certain side keeps bringing it up to grandstand and soapbox on it so...
  11. I haven't really been very active recently but I never minded the notifications. They go to my phone app so I know when I have a new fave or follower ect.. I'm around 330 followers so it's not like I get a crazy amount of alerts anyways. But maybe someone with a lot of followers wouldn't like them as much.
  12. Ya I am not sure I've heard this before. I've gotten notices about photos being rejected by groups. Had one happen just a couple months ago. Still in my notices. An admin rejected your photo for (name removed). (name removed)·2mo ago
  13. Sometimes mesh jewelry can be a hassle to click depending on what else you are wearing. Try right clicking it from the inventory or the "wearing" tab and accessing the menu that way ("touch" would be highlighted"). Either that or it's possible you deleted the resize script? If thats the case just unpack a new one.
  14. When you initially download a viewer and open a map from a browser it will prompt you which program you want to use to open these. If you selected nothing or another viewer at that moment it will always open them in that viewer regardless of the one you are currently logged into.
  15. The object will say no mod if there is a no mod script in there even though the object itself is mod. Customers will be able to modify it. They just won't be able to view or modify the script.
  16. My dyslexic (butt) realized after I had already added it to my plot that it was the NW portion available and not the SW. Ah well. Gives me something to do....
  17. Ah this makes sense. I was wondering why I used to be able to do it on my old sim but not now. I assumed it was some sim level thing that had to be enabled. So it's because I don't rent that corner. Hmmm it is available though xD.
  18. You can also right click the object and "restore last position" which will place the object(s) exactly where their coordinates were when picked up. However this can be disabled at the sim owner level so not all sims have this ability.
  19. I don't expect it with all clothes but sometimes it's the deciding factor of whether I'll buy it or not. I already know of where to go to for mod clothes if I need it. Sometimes I like mod not just for texturing but if I want to match it to another outfit. If something pokes through and has it's own face I can just hide the face poking through using the transparency setting. Asteroidbox and Meva are two places that are normally mod. Asteroidbox in particular rigs really tight, sometimes inside the body a tad which makes their tops great if you have a jacket or coat you like but nothing to fit underneath it. Their mesh panties also fit under nearly any dress I've ever worn. Texture wise they are both outstanding at textures and materials and I rarely ever feel the need to change them other than to hide faces for outfit pairing.
  20. Yes I read an article 2 days ago about a German-made WW2 based game. I forget the name but it only has like 8000 players worldwide in it. Apparently Germany now allows it to be displayed in video game. I think as of 2019 or 2020. I forget. Was just something I dug up while trying research articles on this topic.
  21. Ha small world. I was playing that game in my late teens. I'm surprised it's still around. Maybe I'll go dust off my old MS Sidewinder and give it a whirl xD.
  22. There isn't any laws (yet) in the US regarding Gacha however it's possible some law is in the works in CA where SL is located.
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