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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. If you are wearing one of the bodies that came with one of the avatars you choose when you sign up: - Look in the folder in your inventory for that dress, and see if there is an item that has an icon that looks like a shirt with a white/light blue crosshatched pattern. It probably will have the word "alpha" in its name. Right click on that and "Add" it - that should make parts of your body covered by the dress invisible so that they won't poke through. - When you buy clothes, make sure that the vendor display indicates that the clothing item fits "standard" or "classic" bodies - when they do, then they almost always include an 'alpha' layer (if necessary).
  2. Quite nice after all the work to get last week's
  3. I have a few curtain sets that I use on some windows, but a lot of time I make my own curtain or shutters which are made so that I can always see out, but others can't see in (from a camera position outside the house - I know that people can always cam in to the interior). I create a prim, move it into the window frame area (but not 'into' the window glass). I stretch it to cover the window's height and width, and then I reduce it's depth so it's very skinny. I texture it first with a fabric texture or a window shutter texture*. Next, while still in edit mode, I choose 'Select Face' and select the side facing into the room (of the window covering I just created). I then switch to the texture tab, click on the texture box and then select from the inventory library, texture folder, the '*Default Transparent Texture'. After selecting the texture I change the Alpha mode dropdown value to "Alpha Masking" and set the mask-off at 75. * The current Linden Home regions each have an infohub for each of the LH Themes. The infohubs have a vendor for texture packs for their theme. These are free and provide a selection of building textures including window shutter textures (from the Tahoe theme pack).
  4. 1) To expand on the sitting on something so a griefer can't move you - if you suddenly realize that you need to quickly sit down and you are wearing mesh clothes or mesh hair or a mesh body - right click on whatever you're wearing that is mesh and choose 'sit down' from the menu. This results in a ground sit. (I don't know if this is viewer specific, but works with both FS and LL viewer). 2) Locking your house is a good suggestion, but sometimes a house has multiple parts not hard linked together. Whenever you rez anything from a rez box, after you have things positioned where you want them, and before you delete the rez box - go into edit mode on the rez box and copy the position and rotation values, and put them in a notecard in the inventory folder where you keep the rez box. If you should ever need to re-rez the item at the same location, you have the position and rotation values to re-rez exactly where it had been. 3) When I'm traveling on roads, I usually have the mini-map up in the corner of the screen, so that I can see when I'm close to a region crossing. The thing that I have found most helpful in region crossings is, once you start the crossing and you realize you're scooting off who knows where - take your hands off of the mouse or keyboard. The rubber-banding generally quickly corrects itself and leaves you back where you need to be.
  5. I was at Five Word Story before coming here, so I'm working very hard to keep those action adjectives in the pic above associated with a different picture in my mind
  6. From a comment in one of the other threads here in the forum about being able to change last names, it was discussed at the last town hall meeting, and sounds like the implementation estimate is now second quarter of 2019, based on the complexity of the changes needed. From what I've read my understanding is that one will need to be a premium member, and there will be a USD fee for initiating a name change. The choosing of a last name will be a similar method as in the past - choosing a name from a list of available last name choices.
  7. I'm having a hard time believing this is serious, but just on the off chance: No LL is not going to get involved with stopping her from either logging in to SL, or from talking with whomever she wishes to. How much serious discussion did the two of you have about what it meant for her to move to the other side of the world and to be your RL wife? And when are you planning the RL wedding? Was her making you breakfast part of the deal agreed upon? I'm just curious, first, as to whether you have been interacting with her inworld since she arrived, as it sounds like that's where she's the most comfortable right now, and second, how much effort have you put into introducing her to your country, your town, your RL, your friends, etc. Are there cultural differences that will need to be explained and discussed?
  8. You probably don't want to leave your email address in your post. I don't use that graphics card so I don't have anything specific to contribute. However, if you can paste your system info from within the viewer into this thread (In the Second Life viewer - > Help -> About Second Life -> Info tab or in the Firestorm viewer -> Help -> About Firestorm -> Info tab - and then copy to clipboard) that will help others here to help you troubleshoot your issue.
  9. There are a lot of different factors that can cause issues with logging in. Which viewer are you using and at what point in the login process are you experiencing issues? Are there any error messages displayed? Are you using wireless or a wired connection? Have you tried logging into a different region when that happens? You could also take a look at the troubleshooting items on https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/login_fail and/or http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ for things to work through and check.
  10. If an actual region name change has a cost associated with it, I would not expect the landlady to automatically pay to change it to something else after you left. Though it sounds like even if she does, that you will not be able to use the name again as a region name - but you can certainly use it as a parcel name (even for a region sized parcel).
  11. I was wondering the same thing. There is so much to SL these days - so many places to go - that I would not consider the type of griefing described as " it kind of comes with the territory to some extent." As long as you remain in areas where such actions are taking place, I would continue to file AR's. But I would also suggest that you expand your horizons and explore more of SL.
  12. What I don't understand is someone picking an avatar, downloading a viewer, but ignoring all the information on the dashboard like the items under "What Next?"
  13. Check with whomever you are renting the skybox from to see if they provide a security orb for just the skybox, or if they have orbs that they prefer to be used on their property, or if yours can be deeded to the property.
  14. If your items were returned as one group item (a coalesced item with a symbol that looks like multiple boxes), it is likely that your non-copy items are included in that group. When you rez that group item out, you will want to make sure that you do so in a large area, like a sandbox, to ensure that there is enough room and LI. Then you can pick up the items individually. To be fair, if the last communication she had from you was that you were going to be picking your items up, and then you failed to do so before the rent expired and without any further communication with her, I can easily understand her returning your items after the rental expiration. If the landowner uses a rental system where the rental system removes you from the rental group as soon as the rental expires, that in itself may have initiated the return of the items. Although different landowners have different policies on whether they provide a grace period on late rent, they are under no obligation to do so, especially if you have indicated that you weren't going to be continuing with the rental. This isn't RL so official notifications and notices aren't required, especially beyond the rental terms provided to you when the rental was initiated.
  15. I think that the settings are in the viewer, so when you install the viewer on the new PC, it will have the default settings - and it would not know about the settings you have in another installation of the viewer on a different PC.
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