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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. Yes - I like the bookcase and the lamp, and it wasn't really a lot of trouble after seeing the hints here about following the signs to the forest. The 2nd time with an alt was easy, because I knew where the safe zones were (they look like a trampoline to me) and I only had to get to the 2nd one (and then I used my camera skills). I ignored all crystals and didn't deviate from my path to collect any.
  2. Perhaps it's just a timing issue until they get synced up?
  3. I don't enjoy games like Linden Realms either, but based on some of the earlier clues people gave in this thread, I was able to follow the signs to the forest and found that I only needed to go to the 2nd safe zone where I could do some reconnaissance and locate the tree and then the box. I pretty much just stayed on the stone path to get to the safe zones. Prior to figuring out that plan, I had only 1 run-in with a rock monster when I was going cross-country by the tree - that is how I found the safe zone for that area - but my later, and my alt's - attempts (focusing on following the path to the safe zones) were both rock monster free. So it was not at all as bad as I had been imagining it would be.
  4. The HUD that puts an applier on a layer does not always have a button for removing it. You can "turn off" they layer in the body HUD to not display the applier, or you can install a different applier clothing item on the same layer which changes what that layer displays. Some body HUD's - on the layer area - may have a button for clearing all the layers, and sometimes an Omega relay HUD for your body type may have a button for clearing a layer.
  5. If you're able to, I would try connecting with wired ethernet connection (instead of wireless) just to see if that helps any. I know that I've had problems sometimes with some applications using wireless, where the application will basically become unresponsive because it's trying to reconnect.
  6. I don't know how long it's been there, but pretty sneaky just slipping things in like that...
  7. I notice that happening when I first arrive on a new sim, but after a minute or so the avatar names from the old sim disappear. Does that not happen for you? I really can't remember if this is something relatively new or not - I tend to thing that it's been like this for awhile. Have you asked about this in the Firestorm group inworld?
  8. Agree. Sounds like Dino's Pizza got what they deserved. Flatbread with chicken and BBQ sauce might be OK, but then that is not pizza, either.
  9. Hey! Not everyone who likes root beer ruins pizza. I love a good pizza from a pizza parlor - not any of these strange crust / weird veggies ideas mentioned above. Though root beer is the best thing to drink with a good combination pizza. (whoops! almost typed people instead of pizza)
  10. Such cute little puppies! it's hard to think about all that other stuff when they're so cute looking
  11. I do have a dinkie avi, maybe I'll give that a try If nothing else, it should make it seem more fun. It's hard to get frustrated as a dinkie. ETA: Made it in and out with the gift with only 1 run-in with a rock monster Also ended up with 1 red crystal and 1 orange crystal without trying to collect any of them.
  12. I don't like movies about evil possessed cars, but I have no problem with movies like "Love Bug" or "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang". It seems very natural to me that cars have personalities and aren't just some utilitarian tool to get you from one place to another and that what they look like doesn't matter at all. I suppose it's a good thing that my husband feels the same way about cars as I do.
  13. I am sorry that you had this as one of your first experiences here in SL. In regards to the his account and the house, as Cindy mentioned above you can abandon a Linden home when ever you want, and then select a new one if you want, right afterwards (and do that up to 5 times a day). I would hazard a guess that he didn't really close his account at all - just that he abandoned the home that you had been to. He may have several accounts that he alternates between for when he thinks he's been 'found out' by someone. Be really careful about who you give RL information out to (and how much RL info you give out) especially when someone is sharing the type of information that this "Bob" was, especially right off the bat on meeting you.
  14. That's been my experience also recently - no response after my "hello" back, but it does make me feel that I was trying to be social.
  15. I don't think I've heard the Beatles version of "Please Mister Postman". When I think of that song, I always hear it in my mind with female voices.
  16. I've had several "hi" random IM's recently. I look first to see if they're in the same region, check out their profile, and then generally just respond back in IM with "hello" unless I either see something really interesting in the profile to respond back more fully, or see something so disturbing in their profile that I just close the IM box without replying at all.
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