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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. Just curious as to why you have a FB account for your SL avatar name, if you don't want FB being part of your SL adventure.
  2. I just went to the destination guide while I had FB open in another tab in the browser, and the destination guide page did not automatically show connection to my FB login. Even clicking in the comments box did not show any connection to my FB login (although that does bring up a checkbox for posting on FB which is unchecked initially). I wonder whether it automatically shows FB login connection is dependent on FB security or privacy settings?
  3. While that is true - the possibility of their RL name appearing on the comment - that doesn't publicly link their RL name and their avatar name (for others viewing the comment). While that isn't optimal, it's not as bad as it could be. What might be more troublesome for some people, is that their comment could end up in their activity feed for their RL account on FB.
  4. I think it's been longer than that. I seem to remember the destination guide comments being linked to FB for as long as I've been around here (which has been about 4 1/2 years). Once I realized they went to FB and I just shrugged and decided not to comment on any of them. It's wasn't the first time that I've come across websites with comment links to back to FB item posts, so I didn't really think it was a big deal or anything to get in a fuss about. The FB "Like" button and the "FB Comments Plugin" text are kind of a give away:
  5. Which shut down without hardly any warning some months ago.
  6. Not sure why you picked my name out of all the people who had responded to the OP with suggestions, nor did I indicate that I was looking for land. You do need to edit your post and remove all the name and complaints about the named person from your post. Although you cannot delete your post, there is a 24 hour window during which you can edit it.
  7. And to add on to that, that are tiny towns in a rural landscape with very little municipal infrastructure (no dedicated paid dev or maintenance teams or many of the other background services that we expect here) and very little communication (if any) with other little towns (outside of tourists if they are hypergrid enabled).
  8. MoiraKathleen


    As Cindy stated above and in the other thread, if someone else has taken control of your account, you MUST work with LL Support to resolve that. There is nothing anyone on the forums here can do about that type of issue. The sooner you create a support ticket, the better. Try to be as clear as you can in just listing the facts of what happened on the support ticket. If you are still able to log in to the web dashboard, under "Account" on the left sidebar, if you expand that section there will be a link where you can change your password (as long as you know the current password - if you don't, then note that in the support ticket).
  9. It is common when you first arrive in a region to see others with their clothes seen as flying around them, possibly the mesh from their avatar body being in pieces as well - depending on your connection and much stuff there is for your viewer to process and render, the amount of time for everything to "snap into place" will vary. So this will vary depending on which region you are in, how much stuff there is to be rendered, the complexity of the items there, and how many other avatars are in viewing distance. I noticed in your "about" info, that at the time you captured that info, you had a 40% packet loss, which is very high. Even at only 1 or 2 percent you will notice that some things may not be displaying properly. You might want to check that again, and see if that was an anomaly to be so high, or if you consistently have packet loss. This is something that, optimally, you want to be at 0%. Are you on a wireless connection? If so, and if possible, it would be beneficial to change that to a wired ethernet connection which is generally more consistently stable. Very generally, "ping" is the amount of time (in microseconds, I think) that it takes for your computer to communicate with the end servers (in this case with LL's servers which I believe are in Arizona, USA). If you do ctrl + shift + 1 you should be able to display a Statistics window, which will shows your current ping time (as well as showing packet loss). Ping time varies for people - factors can include how far away you are located from the servers (especially if you are in a different part of the world), the type and speed of internet connection that you have and the path that your connection takes (connections make multiple 'hops' from your ISP through various servers that direct traffic through the internet to the end destination).
  10. Oddly, there is a box on the "Name Tags" color selection page in the Firestorm "Colors" preferences for "Mismatch". Mine was set to white, same as "Match" and "My Tag" color selections were. I've just set my "Mismatch" color to hot pink, so perhaps I'll see some name tags in the color before long and maybe figure out what it means.
  11. The avatar that is just showing up solid green is what's called a "jelly doll". At which point your viewer starts showing avatars as jelly dolls is a setting that you can control in your viewer preferences. The idea behind this is to let people reduce or choose not to fully render avatars above a particular complexity rating (and also to prevent issues with griefers using graphic crashers). To change the setting, bring up the Preferences window (either Me -> Preferences or ctrl-P) and then go to the "Graphics" tab. In the LL SL viewer, the setting is in the middle of the Graphics preferences, and is called "Avatar Maximum Complexity". The initial default setting for this varies based on overall graphic capabilities of your computer (and the "Quality and Speed" values. You can play around with adjusting this to find a setting that works best for you (displays the most avatars in areas you typically go to, but doesn't have negative affects on your performance). It's also recommended to not have it unlimited - to keep it lower than the max of 350,000. There are also settings for fully rendering a specific person in your view area, and for always fully rendering your friends - I can't remember just now how those settings are accessed. In regards to the two avatars in your picture that are only partially rendered - sometimes it takes a little bit of time for your viewer to show you all of the items in your view. Also, sometimes people might have accidently removed a clothing item (but leaving the alpha on or the alpha cuts still on, on a mesh body). Sometimes attachments get 'lost' in TP'ing and the missing piece might not show up on the individual's viewer, but does on other's. How long were you in that area without those two fully rendering? Does this part of the issues happen often? or just at this location? or did they just start occurring? If your viewer is experiencing "packet loss" that might also contribute to items that are not rendering. Without knowing your settings, it's hard to know if there are suggestions that could be made that might help. If you do the Help -> About Second Life and copy and paste that info here, we'll be able to see if there is a packet loss issue, if the ping time is long, or if some of your other graphics settings should be adjusted a bit.
  12. I don't know much about graphics issues, but here are a couple of questions that will provide some additional info for when someone more experienced with graphics issues notices your post: Which viewer are you using? Does the issue in the image you posted happen at all locations inworld or just at a specific location? Did this just start happening? In your viewer if you go to Help -> About <viewername> and copy the info there and then paste it here, that will provide additional info about your system and the settings you are using inworld, which will be helpful to others for helping you troubleshoot.
  13. The bigger picture is important. I don't think we will ever see region prices comparable to OpenSim and I don't think it's realistic for people to think that we could. There is a company of employees and contractors keeping up the broader infrastructure, so to speak. I'm also not sure if people would really like an on-demand model if it meant that often you had to wait for the region to be started up before your TP to it could finish. Kitley has a "waiting area" region that they send you to when necessary, while a region is started back up. I seem to remember that changes in support hours not too long ago upset some people. On demand real person support doesn't come without a cost either. I do think there will be some savings in moving to "the cloud" and not having LL owned data centers and servers with their associated costs, but that's not the only cost that LL has in keeping SL running at a level that we are used to.
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